Brandis should be toast

Wow I rarely agree with Andrew Bolt but in this instant he's nailed it. One of us is wrong and I know it's not me. Bolt's just swapped sides because Brandis deserted Abbott. The revenge of the monkey pod room is always the priority.
The problem isn't buffoon Trump | Andrew Bolt
Tony Abbott says Donald Trump’s policies are ‘reasonable enough’ and his voters are not deplorablesShould we be surprised that Bolt the apologist and Tony Abbott the ex- seminarian are defending the accused child rapist . Will George Pell also endorse Trump? After all they deny they and others are "deplorables." on Sky News Rupert Murdoch's equivalent of Fox News.Fox News Plays Defense For Trump By Ignoring Michelle Obama’s Powerful Speech
"Tony Abbott has defended Donald Trump and taken a swipe at Hillary Clinton, saying the Republican nominee's positions are "reasonable enough" and his supporters are "not deplorables" but voters simply seeking change in America."" Mr Abbott described the tapes as "absolutely disgusting" but condemned NSW MPs for wasting parliamentary time to pass a motion calling Mr Trump a "revolting slug"."" Mr Abbott's defence of Mr Trump will be interpreted by his colleagues as another attempt to reach out to far-right voters who abandoned the Liberal party at the last election following the installation of the moderate Malcolm Turnbull as prime minister, and a further sign he is jockeying to be returned to the leadership." The Age Hannity’s Trump Defense Is Dead. What Will He Do Now?
Wasn't this misogyny when Abbott did it?
No compared to Abbott supporting Trump despite the sex tapes indicates he's prepared to overlook misogyny. That in itself is a greater misogynist act than what Bolt alluding to here. Bolt who claims he's an individual just couldn't begin to understand Thelma and Louise even today. Two women actually begining to break out of their collective roles and beginning to understand their individualism. It's revolutionary it's liberating it's too scary for Bolt. Yet he fantasizes that he's Brad Pitt. The man is truly just another dick like Trump.More posts
Qatar gives $1 million for Bill Clinton's bir..

"Qatar, an Islamist state in the Persian gulf, gave former President Bill Clinton a check for $1 million for his birthday." No they gave the Clinton Foundation a cheque as they did many others not mentioned.Why is Andrew Bolt formulating a gift for the Clinton Foundation as a personal gift for Bill to use for Hilary's Presidential race? Why does Andrew take it upon himself to support Wikieaks in this? He supports them as he often does ISIS their word is the truth. It's much the same as Abbott calling Kathy Jackson Joan of Arc. These men Abbott and Bolt even support the alleged child molester over Hilary. There is a very unhealthy pattern in who it is they turn as the exemplary truth tellers in their narratives. It's not the world of honest men is it. When Bolt supports the word of ISIS over others isn't he then the media voice of terrorism?
" Qatar and Saudi Arabia, which are providing clandestine financial and logistic support to ISIL and other radical Sunni groups in the region,” Clinton wrote."
It's also an accepted fact that the USA, Israel ,Turkey and even Assad have provided clandestine support for ISIL. Doesn't anyone find it strange that the Israeli generals have stood up and declared who they prefer in Syria ISIS. There has been no conflict between them. How is it ISIS fights with brand new military hardware made in the USA they have fleets of brand new Toyotas and today they even have drone technology. So yes How is it the Saudis just did the biggest arms deal with the American Industrial Military complex passed unanimously by the Republican Congress and Senate.
Andrew Bolt makes out the Clinton Foundation is unique in American history when most ex Presidents have yes philanthropic foundations in their names.Fox Business Pushes Absurd Conspiracy Theory That Hacked Emails Prove Hillary Clinton Is “Bigoted”
The NY Post Lies About The Clinton Foundation And Haiti
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How Waleed Aly "nails it"
Bolt was the first of the green monsters he's not a journalist either but he sure is jealous of Waleed who has an IQ and doesn't need to be a journalist. Bolt hates real Journalists except when they too are jealous of Aly as well. How school boy is Bolt just look how much space he gives to this blog compared to the space he gives even supporting Abbott. The size is directly proportionate to his ego.
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Victorian Government to brainwash students on...
Another stuff-up. Who's running Turnbull's sh...
Mothers matter
" Here is the problem with having so many potential jihadists withing a large community of Muslims: the police must succeed 100 per cent of the time, but the jihadists just once. NSW police alone claim they've stopped 11 terrorist attacks already."
11 events in 3 years that's three a year. How many in the 11 events were charged, convicted and sentanced? Bolt doesn't say! Bolt couldn't find it harder to convince us there is a pandemic of terrorism among the 500,000 followers of Islam in this country. Having failed to blame it on Islam Bolt has somehow turned to blame it of the Lebanese Muslims. So is it because they are a different variety of Muslim? The Lebanese have been in Australia for a hundred plus years and in the main a fully integrated part of Multicultural Australia. Are the Lebanese terrorizing the country no, Melbourne no, so is Bolt over generalizing yes. Is he stereotyping a group of people or treating them how he expects to be treated as an individual. No He promotes "Collective Punishment". 500,000 people are suspicious not because they have businesses are professionals but simply because 0.000x% of their kids are delinquent. This minority within a minority justifies "Collective Punishment" You find Lebanese in the Comancheros you fond them in football clubs in AFL teams too. We are a Multicultural Nation and so people of Lebanese heritage just as the Dutch are in the ADF as well.
Just how many media people vilify the Lebanese for little more than being Lebanese like Andrew Bolt? It reminds me how Alan Jones incited the Cronulla riots they are a small minority with an amplifying resource the media. Go to any place in Australia and look who it is doing the worst jobs jobs 3-4th generation Australians don't want to do. Look at the lowest paid jobs in the country and you will find migrants. Look at the milk bars the fish an chip shops the basic delis and caffs and yes you will find the migrants the ones Bolt doesn't want here but over time has made us what we are a rainbow nation. However their voice has tarnished that rainbow that the world admired. They are the hawks that are happier taking the world to a colder place. Tony Abbott wanted us to go to war with Russia just imagine if he was back and he and Trump had access to the red button.
Bolt's evidence is $ millions plus plus work spent for yet to be proven results 11 events described as a success stopping 16 year old kids dreaming of being heroic. Hundreds of thousands of kids marched along side 60 year olds against the war in Vietnam and for the North Vietnamese. They weren't always peaceful demonstrators but they weren't demonized as a minuscule number of kids are today as terrorists trying to label half a million Australians and mark them for "Collective Punishment"
More police have been injured in the course of their duty by Australians not of Lebanese or Muslim origin. There are far greater crimes in real cost to Australia than committed by Bolt's alleged criminals and terrorists. Crimes that have resulted in the early deaths of the citizenry of Australia. If youth crime is increasing the reasons aren't in the main immigrant or terrorist they tend to be unsupervised youth is more driven by economic issues than the political ones that Bolt wants it seem to be. However maybe it's the thinkers that drive us to self examination if and when they can organize themselves. Any organized criticism seems a threat Bolt can't allow to happen. He's happier with organized crime simply because it accepts Capitalism and just the chase for wealth.

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