Andrew bolt's Blog,4/10/16; Bolt and his word games: The wind blew the towers ove Terry SA didn't run out of energy; There is a level in society that's below workers an is growing;
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Here we go again Bolt's child like flipping of the argument turning it into rhetoric with no substance or relationship to reality just a nonsense game that goes around in circles.
" Your a bully Bolt"
"No your a bully for calling me a bully. There I've'won aren't I a clever public intellectual."
This is why Bolt is as welcome as a fart in a crowded elevator. It's why Bolt was such a waste of time in Recognition yes or no. That show could have been so much better without the limp dick.
Green Power,So here we go again around in circles calling Clemintine Ford a professional victim which is another word for hater who "thinks a string of insults about small penises makes a thinker?" It's Andrew Bolt who extracts the reality from the what occurred and puts it in a vacuum flask to let spin around in his verbal centrifuge challenging Ford to join him in the game.
In the ABC's Recognition yes or no Bolt was wimped into silence by the Fijian , Indian, Australian who happened to be a Consitutional lawyer and a woman when he attempted to say he too was an indigenous person. Bolt mumbled "well that's my definition" Right then and there Bolt turned into a nobody a loner not even an individual.
Bolt 's claim to being itellectual

How green power has killed South Australia

So Terry Mc Crann claims transmission towers the distributors of power falling over had nothing to do with the SA's problem. The problem was a short cord which wasn't long enough to reach Vic's dirty coal power. The problem that keeps Mc Crann in the dark and to which he is inviting us to join him is. SA had 2800 MW in storage but couldn't use it because 25 towers fell over. According to McCrann they weren't blown over by the breeze. If not what did blow them down Terry? Without those towers Vic's dirty power was of no use either. McCrann even extends not facing reality to another level to having us believe the meteorological bureau was in some sort of conspiracy in calling a zephyr unprecedented. Basically Mc Crann attacks the historic record kept by scientists. What the hell science and technology is getting a kicking these days by the likes of McCrann.
As far as Nick Cater is concerned, he too is singing from McCrann's song book .Neither bother to mention that SA had 2800 MW in storage because of storm damage done to the towers it couldn't have been distributed. Nor do either mention that blackouts that occurred here when our dirty power plants have broken down. Yes,they too break down guys. They also consume a lot more energy to produce the excess we require for use. Carry on singing your song guys nobody is listening because your so out of tune. However Turnbull it seems to be but your not praising him why? SA is Australia's leading Green state 40% of it's energy renewable Vic 14% and Qld 4%. You really do get paid for distorting what happened and kicking the socialist states.
The domestic violence our leaders would rathe...
There is a criminal culture and Bolt is a welfare recipient of it.

Bolt spent the past 2 days blaming foreigners for the travails Australia faces. Our crime rate our welfare the innate fear we face according to Bolt is down to the mass immigration we face of 0.8% pa. Huge it is just go into the heart of any of our cities and you will feel their presence. Another word for these aliens you feel surrounding you is tourists and international students who given Bolts headlines are more afraid of us than we are of them.
However don't let it be said Bolt only attacks foreigners he's does the same to indigenous Australians to. Earlier this year he told us just how much women were to blame for the increase of domestic violence throughout the country. Apparently it's not the phenomenon experienced across the country it peculiar to Indigenous Australians who as a Culture are more prone to it. Bolt's proof Warren Mundine said so.
Bolt is so predictable blaming other Cultures for the problems he sees in in Australia Poverty, Alcholism, sexism, domestic, violence, juvenile crime, etc aren't the provence of Bolt's Australia but the problem of alien cultures that haven't integrated to be like him and his Australia which always remains instated and undefined.
Yes these problems do exist and they are Australian problems problems not uncommon to all societies and not just a problem of indigenous peoples. They do happen to be common to countries where the wealth gap and the income gaps are the greatest. Where relative poverty is the greatest. These problems of housing, health, unemployment drugs, alcohol, crime and violence, aren't an indigenous problem alone they are neither a cultural one nor a volunteered one. They are however problems more visible among the poor and are called to be policed by everyone. However they also common to all areas of society where they handled differently and in many instances hidden.
Rupert Murdoch an Australian American saw it far more clearly than Bolt and far more intelligently than Bolt he saw it for what it was the systemic isolation of societies members wit a widening income and wealth gap that needs to be dealt with not just soon but immediately and it has nothing to do with culture, immigration, or calling people bludgers. The systemic downward spiral of people into poverty can't be handled by just the increased policing or social welfare measures put in place. It needs a total restructuring of opportunity income and wealth of society and not just the criminalization and or decriminalization of the poor. Poverty and it's visibility is not crime. Unless something is done Bolt will be living in a gated community behind razor wire. I'm sure given the panic of his wife when his son James was publicized for working for his fathers friends the IPA was an indication of the latent fear under which the Bolt's live. Bolt increases it by living and working from home. He has more welfare at a greater cost than any Indigenous person and his Culture is criminal for necessitating that
Pyne staffer in Malaysian undies scandal

One can be assured the under 30's
staffers of Ministers are frat brats and they have bred like rabbits since Abbott became PM. Dutton alone has close to 100 of these media staffers and spin doctors so one can only assume they run into the run into the thousands . All under 30 high energy pranksters living the life of Riley. They do more frat antics
around the ACT but obviously get paid enough to go to the Malaysian Grand Prix. The Herald Sun generally ignores their antics so why focus on this one?
Malcolm Fraser was caught with his pants down in the US,
Abbott was caught pretending he was the focus of attention in Atlanta a person of importance in fact. It just turned out to be photo shoot set up by Rupert Murdoch. Then there were the rumors floated and amplified around the ACT about "the affair" which Abbott or his office did nothing to deny. So what's Bolt's mindset here to raise the frat brat behaviour here? It's simply revenge it's certainly not his quality as a news man. is
revealed to us He simply hates
Pyne and sees him as a turncoat and not as a politicians. He now loves Bernardi who also has no time for Pyne. The truth then shows Bolt is little more than a frat brat spin doctor himself who really has no time for the real news. He has a message to sell and will employ the worst of media gossip to sell it. He's little more gossip monger in a suit.
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