Thursday, 10 November 2016

Andrew Bolt's Blog, 10/11/16; Andrew Bolt & Cory Bernardi will now be the Aussie cheersquad for America's new Labor Party; What are Trump policies?; The elite hecklers for Labor Bolt and Milo


On my shows -

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 News Corp


 " My guest: campaign guru Mark Textor on how the polls got it so wrong, and what our politicians must learn. Plus Rowan Dean, Bronwyn Bishop and Janet Albrechtsen."

 Mr over produced public intellectual as sold by Murdoch media  is: 

1) a lime light grabber stealing Steve Price's Show as if it's his own.

2)My guest: campaign guru Mark Textor on how the polls got it so wrong, and what our politicians must learn. Plus Rowan Dean, Bronwyn Bishop and Janet Albrechtsen. Declaring  No Foul No favor with this line up of guests on his show

3) Bolt is an advocate of fair debate how, When and where?

Trump was so repugnant because he violated our sense of identity politics.


  Donald Trump Got Elected President and This Is How It Happened (Multimedia) – Truthdig

Turnbull's worst speech yet: "awe and consternation" about Trump!

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 Nobody seemed to understand the language.

 Let's just get one thing straight most of Bolt's posts ant with opinion of substance weren't written by him. Only the inane ones have and he smearing Malcolm Turnbull the morning after such cataclysmic event just shows you don't need any qualifications of any sort to be a commentator for Murdoch Media. How pathetic is Bolt. The only commentary of any sort is a cut and paste by Bolt's troll Peter BH. Bolt's offerings wouldn't nourish a turnip

"Memo to Malcolm: Trump is a conservative, as you are meant to be. You should be smiling and drawing the useful moral for your cause. You should be cheering the believers, not consoling the ABC weepers." Bolt

Given the above quote that Trump  is a Conservative we can say that this post is  definitely owned by Andrew Bolt. Since when has the Republican Party fully endorsed Donald Trump as a Conservative and a true member of their party? The Bushes refused to vote for him. Since when has even Bolt called Trump a true Conservative in the past? He has even considered  Malcolm Turnbull more Conservative. Just now it seems Bolt is set on denying anything  he said in the past forthwith. It's what makes Bolt such a media  sleeze and scumbag who wants to be let off the leash to print even bigger and better lies.

 Firstly the majority of Republicans don't regard Donald Trump as a conservative the majority of the congress will be against him. How on earth does Bolt dream the Republicans free marketeer evangilists will support a 45% tariff on  their goods made in China or a 35% tarriff on their goods made in Mexico? That alone will ensure Trump is staring down a hostile congress.  Does Bolt for one moment believe Trump is going stop America's Military Industrial complex down. The cats are out of the bag Republicans have kept America on  a war economy for over 20 years and applauding globalization for 15 you don't turn these things off over night and that's what Clinton tried to to say baby steps were needed.

 Stop Welfare without creating jobs has been a universal problem  how do you solve that? Jailing the poor was a growing industry which is being unwound. But it shows  with even more people surviving on the streets. The Democrats faced a hostile Congress  and couldn't get things done quickly.Trump is not about to face a friendly one if he starts asksing for money either. There is not a move on the chessboard of American life that Trump won't have to turn to the Democrats for help if he has to face the problems that those who voted for him don't demand he fix and he won't be looking at a friendly Republican Congress or Senate. Nobody for a moment thinks the Republicans won the day. 

" You must say this sentence to everyone you meet today: “HILLARY CLINTON WON THE POPULAR VOTE!” The MAJORITY of our fellow Americans preferred Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump. Period. Fact. If you woke up this morning thinking you live in an effed-up country, you don’t. The majority of your fellow Americans wanted Hillary, not Trump. The only reason he’s president is because of an arcane, insane 18th-century idea called the Electoral College. Until we change that, we’ll continue to have presidents we didn’t elect and didn’t want. You live in a country where a majority of its citizens have said they believe there’s climate change, they believe women should be paid the same as men, they want a debt-free college education, they don’t want us invading countries, they want a raise in the minimum wage and they want a single-payer true universal health care system. None of that has changed. We live in a country where the majority agree with the “liberal” position. We just lack the liberal leadership to make that happen (see: #1 above). Let's try to get this all done by noon today. -- Michael Moore"

 Trump’s win poses a challenge we must respond to....American Jews

Image for the news result
Donald Trump Is Elected President in Stunning Repudiation of the Establishment






Trump for the poor and against the warming cult

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 They were looking for Bernie

What's clearer than this post other than Andrew Bolt doesn't have an opinion! He has to turn to others for one instead.  "The Left increasingly represents the power elite, keeping the poor in  line and dependent with threats and handouts. Donald Trump's win confirms that the "Right" now tends more to represent the working poor. And the Left's latest attack on the poor - its global warming jihad - just hit a wall."

The Left according to Andrew Bolt are the power elite of the USA and they are keeping the poor in line with social welfare. Where have we heard that before? While the conservatives, privateers and corporations who moved their workforce to China, Mexico are the shakers and movers. Andrew take the wheels off the car it doesn't go anymore. Sorry the Corporate elite,  General Electric, General Motors, Ford, etc etc are the ones who closed  their plants down and walked away and they did it fast. They left the people behind destroying Flint,  Detroit, and Baltimore  and created deserted cities and an unemployed landscape. Bolt is suggesting the problem is welfare not the loss of jobs? The egg  apparently came first not the chicken? It's that sort of thinking that created  the misunderstood jobless and under employed  in America . The  40% plus and more. Those teetering on the edge  of who are living day to day on the poverty line.  Their dream train had left the station long ago. 

They haven't  become conservatives. elitists like Bolt . They haven't changed their politics. They didn't vote Republican as Bolt suggests and they voted against the new conservatives who promis change and don't deliver. Obama promised change but he faced a hostile Republican Congess and Senate that didn't allow that promise to be fulfilled that hasn't changed. Bernie was gone so they turned to the salesman and turned to Trump.  He didn't gain their trust  Trump was hated for his personality , lack of experience and history of incompetence but the major parties took their eyes off the ball and allowed the Barnum and Bailey Spruiker  and his PR company  Fox  to steal their thunder. Republicans and Democrats just ignored the depth of the 15 year pain and never ending drought.

The Democrats lost for being too slow but Republicans didn't win either far from it they hate Trump he's a salesman ready sell them down the drain by asking the rabble what it is you want?  That means he can't be trusted to serve their interests. Does Trump really believe he can convince the free marketeers  to turn the newly formed globalized labor force around? They were making money. Trumps retun to protectionist tarriffs  45%  on made in China and 35% made in Mexico won't bring factories back. That will do nothing unless wages stay at Chinese chain gang levels  Infrastructure the country is in debt as it is so how is that affordable?

The fact is the Left is well and truly alive in America and they marched and voted for  change, and when do they want it? They want it now! The Republicans don't want change and  the Democrats were lef flat footed. Bernie had gone who else but Trump the snake oil salesman was there to vote for? He is now the new leader of the of the Left movement whether he likes it or not. He will find he has and will need  more allies among Democrats in Congress than Republicans if he is going to tackle the economy and get anything done.  That's where the voters priorities lie. That's going to cost and cutting expenses just won't do it.

As for the Warming Cult  I told you Bolt's blog of 2 days ago laughing at One Nation was a blind that Bolt wasn't just a sceptic but a denier from another religion his banner proves it. Unfortunately that train has left the station long ago and won't bring manufacturing back to America. Tesla is pioneering the new corporate direction and is too far advanced for us to turn back just follow the money. We are well on the way to become residentially self energized and given our economy is more reliant on small business than on mining what on earth makes anyone think small business won't follow. Green energy prices going down will ensure the cost of dirty energy is recognized unless they think New Delhi is just a small local pollution problem. If they do they have their heads stuck firmly up cracks.


A lesson the heckling Left will have to learn

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 Bolt does applaud bullies like Steve Price a professional grouch whose schtick  he stole from Sesame Street. and when it's pointed out that's what he's doing bullying. This gang of two's comeback is bullying even more and claiming at the same time to be victims.Strange isn't it Andrew Bolt turns to the The Project a gig he seems reluctant to be seen on these days a populist program with over a million viewers and he's knocking it. Isn't he doing what he's criticizing? An elitist heckling a woman, her background and  what's worse a TV screen how lonely is Bolt? By the way Donald Trump is not a Republican and Hilary Clinton is not a Leftie. The left of America the Blue collar Unionists and dissappointed Middle Class have moved to Trump because Bernie wasn't available. It could be said the Republicans are now the new Labour Party given their new base.
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 Trump smashes the elites

 Trump smashes the elites What a brain Bolt is declaring the Left brought this on themselves when they moved to Trump. Hello it is the working class the blue collar unionists  and the angry middle class the labor force who voted for Trump. The haven't moved to the right they have taken their Labor politics and moved them away from the Clintons because they weren't Left enough. They were the political class conservatives who rubbed shoulders with Wall st another Conservative Party as far as they were concerned. These Trump voters are against the free market,globalization,and the TPP. They are against the technological advances that saw them lose their jobs. One could facetiously say Donald Trump who treated his workers  so abysmally is now the leader of a new Labor  movement, A new Labor Party if you like.  This point it seems is totally lost on Andrew  Bolt "Clinton herself in a disastrous moment fell for this self-congratulatory fantasy, indulging in exactly the kind of abuse that makes the Left so contemptible to so many voters now, in the US and here." Clinton's problem wasn't that she was Left, she wasn't Left enough. It's a pity  Bernie Sanders didn't get the opportunity to go head to head withTrump. Check out the promises Trump made and ask just how he will execute them. US election: What has Donald Trump promised to do as president? –



  • Withdraw from the Trans-Pacific Partnership
  • Renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement and "walk away" from it if the US does not get what it wants
  • Increase tariffs on Chinese imports to 45 per cent

Law and order


Economy and jobs

Defence and national security

  • Try and improve the relationship with Russia:
  • Submit a new budget to rebuild America's "depleted military"
  • Make countries that benefit from America's defence force cover some of the cost
  • Pursue "aggressive joint and coalition military operations to crush and destroy ISIS"
  • Work with other countries to cut off funding to ISIS
  • Initiate cyberwarfare to disrupt and disable ISIS propaganda and recruiting
  • Order an immediate review of all US cyber vulnerabilities

Nuclear weapons

  • Speak to North Korea to try and stop their nuclear programClimate change


  • Scrap the Common Core program, which dictates what students should learn in each grade. He says curriculum decisions and standards should be made at a local level


Milo Yiannopoulos on the Trump Revolution

 Milo on Trump

Australia's public intellectual and elitist heckler Andrew Bolt turns to a clown and a performing midget a caricature bully for his first comments on the presidential election a world event. Can one expect anything better than that from Murdoch Media?  Yes Andrew Bolt is trying to say he too is Trump a populist when he's in fact the diametric opposite.  What's more he considers his blog  exemplary modern day journalism that needs to be taught in University  Journalism 101 classes . Here is a photo of Andrew  listening  intently to Milo the clown. 

Something that Bolt fails to address in the vote

You must say this sentence to everyone you meet today: “HILLARY CLINTON WON THE POPULAR VOTE!” The MAJORITY of our fellow Americans preferred Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump. Period. Fact. If you woke up this morning thinking you live in an effed-up country, you don’t. The majority of your fellow Americans wanted Hillary, not Trump. The only reason he’s president is because of an arcane, insane 18th-century idea called the Electoral College. Until we change that, we’ll continue to have presidents we didn’t elect and didn’t want. You live in a country where a majority of its citizens have said they believe there’s climate change, they believe women should be paid the same as men, they want a debt-free college education, they don’t want us invading countries, they want a raise in the minimum wage and they want a single-payer true universal health care system. None of that has changed. We live in a country where the majority agree with the “liberal” position. We just lack the liberal leadership to make that happen (see: #1 above). Let's try to get this all done by noon today. -- Michael Moore



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