Wednesday, 9 November 2016

Andrew Bolt's Blog, 9/11/16; Bolt has lost the plot; American Labor Party is Republican; Bolt's no Satirist; Bolt is however a self interested unprincipled crusader; The ABC isn't a pulpit; Bolt conflates everything but the truth whe Triggs is involved; Balance


Trump smashes the elites

 Trump smashes the elites

What a brain Bolt is declaring the Left brought this on themselves when they moved to Trump. Hello it is the working class the blue collar unionists  and the angry middle class the labor force who voted for Trump. The haven't moved to the right they have taken their Labor politics and moved them away from the Clintons because they weren't Left enough. They were the political class conservatives who rubbed shoulders with Wall st another Conservative Party as far as they were concerned. These Trump voters are against the free market,globalization,and the TPP. They are against the technological advances that saw them lose their jobs. One could facetiously say Donald Trump who treated his workers  so abysmally is now the leader of a new Labor  movement, A new Labor Party if you like.  This point it seems is totally lost on Andrew  Bolt "Clinton herself in a disastrous moment fell for this self-congratulatory fantasy, indulging in exactly the kind of abuse that makes the Left so contemptible to so many voters now, in the US and here." Clinton's problem wasn't that she was Left, she wasn't Left enough. It's a pity  Bernie Sanders didn't get the opportunity to go head to head withTrump. Check out the promises Trump made and ask just how he will execute them. US election: What has Donald Trump promised to do as president? –



  • Withdraw from the Trans-Pacific Partnership
  • Renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement and "walk away" from it if the US does not get what it wants
  • Increase tariffs on Chinese imports to 45 per cent

Law and order


Economy and jobs

Defence and national security

  • Try and improve the relationship with Russia:
  • Submit a new budget to rebuild America's "depleted military"
  • Make countries that benefit from America's defence force cover some of the cost
  • Pursue "aggressive joint and coalition military operations to crush and destroy ISIS"
  • Work with other countries to cut off funding to ISIS
  • Initiate cyberwarfare to disrupt and disable ISIS propaganda and recruiting
  • Order an immediate review of all US cyber vulnerabilities

Nuclear weapons

  • Speak to North Korea to try and stop their nuclear programClimate change


  • Scrap the Common Core program, which dictates what students should learn in each grade. He says curriculum decisions and standards should be made at a local level


President Trump will do in the ABC's head

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Watch Bolt he will begin to ape Fox News even more than he has till now. Suddenly he will show that he has always been a Trump supporter and he's always been his dog in this race. How come Sky News didn't send Andrew Bolt to the US to Interview Trump?

Trump can win this thing

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What is amazing is and Bolt can't even get his head around the fact the The Republican Party is the new Labor Party. Who has voted Trump in the American Unions and this is a vote against Andrew Bolt's and the Coalitions pet love Free Trade. American working class want the clock turned back. The TPP that prized Conservative deal struck that Bolt applauded is about to vanish no doubt Bolt  will try to blame Malcolm some way or other. What would Bolt say if our Unions jumped the shark and joined him? If Trump wins he is the US equivalent of Clive Palmer. How will this populist deliver what he has promised?


First votes counted: as good as it will get for Trump

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Yes Bolt is such a clown. The wanna be satirist trying his luck. What is funny though is the Herald Sun banner offering 80% off. It's 100% off.


Albrechtsen to Turnbull: please lead

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"Malcolm Turnbull had two options with the debate on restoring free speech. He could be dragged to it kicking and screaming, or he could have led it, thus honoring a promise, defending a principle and showing strength."Bolt

1 To call it Free Speech is a distortion of fact and a lie. It demanding the right to lie and that definitely comes at a cost.

2 How is it Andrew Bolt didn't rail half as much when Tony Abbott lied and broke his promise on the issue. I guess  he was exercising what Bolt regards as Free Speech. He simply made a promis and lied and for Bolt anyway it was a cost.

3 Malcolm Turnbull doesn't see the urgency of turning Australia into America and handing Australia to the kind of media Murdoch represents at Fox News the antithesis of news and information that Bolt wants because again that comes at enormous costs.

4 Section 18C & D says clearly we don't want to put up with the sort of shit Andrew Bolt wants to throw at us the sort of crap Sean Hannity , Bill O'Rielly and the crew at Fox News delivered to the public. The lack of information spread by Breitbart and Powerline simply with one intent to deceive as best they could the American electorate and destroy Democracy. Now that's we can ill afford.

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  Margret Court no longer represents tennis alone she does represent her belies publicly. The ABC isn't just her pulpit alone and we have a right to hear her justify her beliefs. Does she find that so confronting? If so there seems to be a need for a mountain of self reflection on her part. Her book isn't just about tennis but then that's a distortion freely sells.  Hallelujah thank the lord for the ABC for shining a light. 

Enoch is wrong, which is why I cannot show you

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 Apparently Judge Mordecai Bromberg was asked to interpret the law.  Andrew Bolt wanted his day in court believing he was protected by Section 18D . Enoch etal had the right to sue and Andrew Bolt was found guilty of lying and being loose with the facts. Nobody for one moment is depriving him of anything other than lying had he been telling the truth Bromberg would decided for him. But then Bolt has been found guilty of lying on other occasions. He's a real drama queen and he's is demanding the right to be the media's Peter Foster no care and no responsibility. I'm sure Bolt whinges loudly among friends to the point of boredom. Is the bullshit so essential to you article Mr Bolt that it's worthless without it?

Gillian Triggs deceived and now defames

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Remember Magistrate Popovich she won $250K from Bolt he does have a track record

"Human Rights Commission boss Gillian Triggs - who has already admitted to misleading Parliament - also told a rank untruth about the Queensland students she helped to persecute. And she now faces legal action for defaming them as well, proving why the Racial Discrimination Act is such a menace."Bolt
Andrew Bolt just can't help himself or even begin to understand the HRC and Gillian Triggs aren't  the law. They are merely a conciliatory body and Bolt insists on conflating the RDA with the HRC for his purpose rather than any delivering any semblance of truth. Yes a tiger doesn't change it's stripes and what we have here is a liar in action trying to deflect attention away from what he's doing by flipping and accusing Gillian Triggs of being  the liar. What was the rank untruth told about the students? She didn't sue she didn't present evidence she had nothing to do with the court case which was independent of the HRC spending over a year trying to mediate between the parties. That process is private so no trashing occurred or was done by the HRC. Whatever there was was done by the media by Andrew Bolt etal when the courts or the parties concerned decided it was to be made public. When did the HRC make any announcements Andrew Bolt? 
 If  the posturing of the students is any indication that the conciliation process had failed they  too have recourse to the legal action they chose in the first instance. They seem however poorly advised to claim they have been defamed by the HRC and it too will come at their cost being used in this political charade cheered on in the media by the likes of Andrew Bolt.
Because there are plenty of spokes persons that have presented Andrew Bolt's opinions and Pauline Hansons whose mindsets aren't represenative of all Australians and for the sake of balance others are welcome to make there's. Unlike Bolt the ABC doesn't mind presenting the varied perspectives held in a multicultural country despite people like Andrew Bolt opposing it. When will Andrew Bolt have James Matheson back on his show. Now there was a young man far too bright for quick  for Bolt and he wasn't even a radical. Thank God for the ABC. Grievances and ideologies of all forms are welcome for us to judge.

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