Thursday, 18 October 2018

Andrew Bolt,s Blog; Andrew Bolt abuses our fauna; Repeating Andrew Bolt's repeating his conviction under Section 18 C&D; Murder in Istanbul, Turnbull, Morrison and the LNP let's not mention Abbott;

Magpie on green grass

 If you love feeding magpies, your kindness could be killing them - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)


 On any given spring day around Australia you can spot cyclists and pedestrians ducking, weaving and running for cover to avoid swooping magpies.

 Andrew Bolt loves feeding his local Magpies despite this warning. It show the kind of Australian he really is.


Bolt's flipping again just recently he was in full agreement with Pauline Hanson playing the victim crying out it's alright to be white. Bolt cried in pain like the elephant man "I'm white I'm not an animal" and claiming center of the victim-hood stage. We looked and said "we know it's a white world. So WTF are you on about? "
Here he is flipping again and saying Native Americans have stolen his "victim-hood" and Elizabeth Warren wants some of it but doesn't deserve it. Is it the 1% or the 99% that defines Warrens  victim-hood is it her whiteness the 99%. Bolt can never make up his mind and be clear on it. He flips from one to the other form one moment to the next. Word games is his style but they lack meaning.
 Warren however knows who she is and who she identifies with, empathizes with and with whom she doesn't and it's not racist idiots like Andrew Bolt who'd she'd have for breakfast. in any reasoned debate.
Bolt's DNA of which I'm sure he's proud is I understand pure idiot why? Because Bolt actually believes in the DNA test.


Image result for Image of Elizabeth Warren


 Democrat Senator Elizabeth Warren, a hot contender for the race to become the next president of the United States, claimed to be a Native American and was feted for it. Then she took a DNA test. Uh oh. My column here.


Andrew Bolt the Dutchman was convicted for racial vilification under Section 18 C & D  of the Racial Discrimination Act by Judge Mordecai Bromberg who found Bolt guilty because he was loose with his facts, a liar, a vilifier and simply a sloppy journalist. Bolt distraught immediately declared himself a victim of the left and has tried to have his conviction overturned ever since. The Dutchman, however, has shown his true colours and repeating himself by turning his bile on Senator Elizebeth Warren suggesting she was elected because she claimed to be a Native American. Yesterday this man in suit and tie who preaches respect and manners above all else in debates called the Senator  Pocahontas today Microwatha in attempts to belittle and smear a woman he doesn't know and has had no dealings with and the American public support. Bolt simply became another heckler no different to those white hooded men in the US that also wore suits after slavery was made illegal. Bolt became what he alleges he's not a racial bigot,
Bolt once called a number of Indigenous Australians liars and charlatans because they too had pale skin and they used it for their benefit. Basically, Bolt is using the divide between the US and Australia to run the same argument which simply shows him to be a coward for one and two he's arguing a case for reverse racism benefiting from being a minority but falsely. 
However, Bolt even claims to be Indigenous but is unjustly not recognized for it He also claims to have been educated at Adelaide Uni none of which are true. The man surely has a very twisted mind that if Senator Warren was an Australian citizen and took Bolt back to court he just might be facing a contempt charge and you never know your luck in a just and fair country be made to serve time at the government's pleasure.
Racism isn't defined by biology despite the fact biology has been tried by racists to justify their superior positions. Racism is the structurally systemic pattern of behaviours supported by cultural beliefs that attempt to justify a hierarchy power and privilege and it's historical in nature and flows from the elite wealthy and powerful down in order to not lose any elements of their rights of status  Put simply opportunity is not shared with persons of colour. Racism never flows in the reverse. Hate prejudice and dislike might but that's not racism and Warren identifies with just that. Just as Andrew Bolt identifies by his words and actions with the KKK

Bolt was serious when he claimed to be an Indigenous Australian more so than Stan Grant, Cyril Rioli and Australian of the Year Adam Goodes. However, he's shown no historical evidence for his claim. Senator Warren actually has and it's not a DNA test that Bolt seems to think is central to her argument. It's the furore that Racists have raised in denying her claim that and the problem they face denying it. She has the support and recognition of Native Americans. Native Americans recognize Warren's claim while no Indigenous Australians recognize Bolt's and nor do any other Australians. Bolt seems to feel his argument has some power when it doesn't. It does however in the sense it magnifies him as the racist. It reminds us he was when convicted of vilification previously here in Australia for the same thing. It just makes him out to be the coward he is because he feels throwing the same abuse over the Pacific and feels safe doing it. He's simply an ugly citizen of this country who identifies with being Dutch a far more leftwing socialist nation than even we are. So with all his complaints, he's turned out to be a two-faced hypocrite as well.

It isn't a coincidence that the Saudis paid $100 million to their enablers the US just after Trump was heard stating that Khashoggi was killed by unknown rogue elements of the kingdom. Two weeks out from the 2nd term elections Prince Salam knows he's untouchable. He could quite openly turn and reveal the true extent of the US assistance in the slaughter and famine that is presently going on in Yemen.


South Park takes the Elizabeth Warren DNA test. You, too, can become a celebrity victim with just 1 per cent of some approved minority.


The beginning of the last century medical definitions were used to define race intelligence and justify slavery. Bolt has in his usual fashion flipped the argument to justify his name calling and smearing of Warren. Bolt with some pride tells us he identifies with being Dutch yet no DNA test will prove he is. He flaunts his Dutchness as a celebrity would and somehow lays claim that he is, therefore, more cultured and somehow less of a peasant than ordinary Australians are. He tells us he's been educated at Adelaide University yet he offers no proof and there is more evidence that he was not. He says he has the right to claim he's Indigenous but isn't recognized as one. He claims to be a member of the Australian elite yet he doesn't get much recognition there either. Has Andrew Bolt even been elected by others as part of their peer group? Senator Elizabeth Warren has and is recognized for her achievements DNA or no DNA Andrew Bolt is an example of been recognized for little more than his job at Murdoch media but not much more than that a loner maybe.

 One thing you can be certain of as black is black Bolt stole what he regards as humour from somebody else. Generally, he can be found cracking jokes about the South Sudanese and applauding racist ones about Indigenous Australians.
The longer Bolt's posts are the greater the desperation Bolt sounds like a cult figure on a street corner yelling but not being heard. No more like Jeff Goldblum at the end of the movie The Fly yelling desperate to be heard.

 Is this and Odd Spot or is Bolt suggesting something Islamophobic here? The US was very much into rendition kidnapping innocent people and flying them to various countries to be tortured by western trained inquisitors. Is Bolt suggesting Melbourne is a hub for torture training?

It's true but Bolt masks the historical reasons for doing so. Abbott became PM on the back of Labor's loss the instant he stepped into the position of PM he broke all his electoral promises and wanted the IPA's policies put forward as the government's real platform. The reaction to his first budget and his broken promises drove Abbott into his PM's office and he shut the door so much so his MPs lost all communication with him and they certainly let him know. They voted him out of the leadership and it wasn't by one vote or by accident.
Abbott didn't leave but the broken promises and the skulking behind closed doors continued in the form of sniping and revenge so much so that even his own Liberal members in Warringah took a 30% swipe at him. 
So what's pure and simple Abbott wants the ALP to have the keys at the next election in the hope of regaining the leadership of a party disgraced by the division he's maintained in the Party. Politics is not just a short-term game when the short term was a failure. The IPA  and News Corp aren't there for the short term either but for some inexplicable reason Tony Abbott remains their man but definitely not the public's as will be shown at Wentworth and was shown in Warringah.

 Turnbull isn't dead to the Liberals he was their only hope those dead are the Monkey Pod Room. Those that didn't have Bernardi's guts to leave and were always waiting in the shadows to mutineer. Wentworth will be indicative of the heartfelt reaction against the pathetic moderates who didn't stand up and allowed Turnbull to step down. Turnbull is certainly not dead the smell stench and odour of death is here and it's still ingrained in the very right of the Liberal Party.

Bolt wants  the ALP to be handed the keys now. The time couldn't be quicker for him to see Abbott have yet another go at destroying the Liberal Party. History tells an extremely clear picture of who Tony Abbott is and what he will be remembered for since he was 18 and that's a wrecker. Can anybody remember any singular moments when Abbott was ever regarded as an Australian hero, icon or treasure. He was never in the running for even really being considered a great human. What might be remembered is Murdoch's shonky efforts  to sell him as one and getting caught at the con.

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