Friday, 11 November 2016

Andrew Bolt's Blog, 11/11/16; IPSOS Poll What Australians Think; The vote was anti- establishmentarianism and a class issue; Ayn Rand said it all; Bolt ,no issues or analysys just smearing; Bolt's does the work of Captain Obvious; Real Violence ; The world needs to stop now that Trump is in and obey; Dutton has fucked up again;

Ipsos poll shows what Australians feel about President Donald Trump


 Now this is Funny and it's true Trumps tweet in 2012.

This is the fifth time in US history that the candidate who won the electoral college vote did not win the popular vote.
It happened three times in the 19th century, but the most recent incident occurred in 2000, when George Bush won the electoral college by two votes, but lost the popular vote by 540,520 votes.
That election was controversial, due to a Supreme Court decision regarding a recount in Florida, which awarded that state's electoral votes to Mr Bush.
But Australia is not immune to this kind of anomaly — in 1998 our Westminster-style democracy delivered prime minister John Howard 80 seats in the Lower House to opposition leader Kim Beazley's 67 seats, despite the Labor Party beating the Coalition in the nationwide two-party preferred popular vote 50.98 per cent to 49.02 per cent.
Analysing Australian elections dating back to 1949 shows that this also happened at the 1990, 1969, 1961 and 1954 elections.
Despite this, there are no calls in Australia to change the system, while in the US the electoral college receives widespread criticism, including this tweet from 2012:
 Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump
The electoral college is a disaster for a democracy.

Ironically, it just put him in the White House.


Epic anti-Trump rant. One that should teach the Left

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Bolt just doesn't get " the Establishment = Republicans & Democrats

An epic anti- Trump  rant Bolt does have rapid onset dementia. It's an epic rant by the left self reflecting. Is that the best that Bolt can do in terms of analysis. Take self effacing left humor and post it as if it's a conservative critique. Three days after the election and Donald Trump has spent over an hour with Obama at a meeting that was expected to last 5 minutes. Andrew Bolt has missed that and lags days behind trying to flip left humour.

Jonathon Pie


A journalist admits: we were too smug and biased

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Hello something is seriously missing here. Journalists were falling over themselves to write about Trump. The media was all Trump good bad and indifferent they couldn't get enough of Trump, why? He was money in the bank. It wasn't free speech being witnessed it was commercial speech. Speech that brought in revenue so sorely missed before Trump. Roger Ayles knew that and as much as the Murdoch's hated Trump personally they knew he was good for business. What rewards will there be for Hannity now? Trump knew his value in the news cycle it's why his business was his name and any attempt at anything really productive an abject failure. Unlike Australia Americans love their tall poppies and don't really want to cut them down.

What Bolt can't admit is what Abbott can the the vote for Trump was a shot across the bows of Conservatives not what Bolt's saying at all that it was a spit in the face of the Left. Bolt can't even keep up with Tony Abbott he can't be as up close and personal anymore. Waleed Aly and Abbott are on the same page. Clinton was not Left she was too Right Wing so were the Republicans. There were only two candidates that could rock the boat and the right wing Democrats shafted one and that was Bernie. As long as Bernie was alive in the primaries there were lots of pundits telling the Democrats that he was the key to beating not only the Republicans but Donald J Trump his polar opposite. Ridding Bernie from the race for President left Ayn Rand's Superman standing. But heaven help us and them did it actually have to be the predicted character from the Simpsons . Journalists weren't too smug or biased the greatest negativity that got news more than Trump were Hilary's emails. That was neither representative of smugness nor bias. Trump however got the attention but not the attention about the fraud cases he still has to face but the irreverence that makes high school jocks heroes.

A welcome confession from CBS News' Will Rahm:  "With a few exceptions, we were all tacitly or explicitly #WithHer, which has led to a certain anguish in the face of Donald Trump’s victory...  This is all symptomatic of modern journalism’s great moral and intellectual failing: its unbearable smugness."  


All the prejudice that's fit to print

Oh Fuck

Trump“Jesus H Fuckety fucking fuck fuck fuck,” the world said in a carefully-worded statement today.
Still trying to come to terms with the fact that a supposedly advanced nation had elected a pseudo-fascist, egotistical, infantile arseclown, the world said it would close its eyes, slowly count to ten and hope that this whole thing was just some kind of sick joke gone wrong.
The world’s leading economists expressed concern at the turn of events, releasing a statement that said the global economic outlook is ‘literally fucked’.
Foreign policy specialists were more optimistic, saying the future was ‘on the balance of probabilities, totally fucking fucked’.


It's amazing watching Bolt. When Tony Abbott's list of pre-election bullshit appeared Andrew Bolt deflected away from that too making out Abbott wasn't lying at all.

 Andrew Bolt is the only Australian commentator that has offered no analysis of the US election other than smearing , ya dee da dee ya ya  and name calling, his media opposition. He has shown himself to be the white trash of media. Has Peter BH his educated and polite Troll gone MIA or has he taken a well deserved break? I mean it's not that difficult for Andrew Bolt to try to analyze this momentous election after all he's got the Washington Post and Fox News and the whole of Murdoch's global organization at  at his finger tips. But no unlike Waleed Aly and other serious opinionators Bolt simply returns to what he knows best  childish sledging of  opposition media. 3 days have passed  and not a peep of an analysis from him. I suggest Andrew checks the Washington Post. Rupert Murdoch's paper has even printed the list of Trump's 76 pre election promises. When everybody is talking polite transition youve got Bolt  still slinging mud. You can read it here.

John Lord of AIM couldn't be more clearer than Andrew Bolt who seems intent on celebrating America's KKK victory by running down the opposition media and the Millenials kids that actually didn't vote

" You can see from this list that during the campaign he unabashedly pandered to every disaffected, racist, bigot, unemployed or generally dissatisfied person he could. You cannot, despite the fact that Clinton won the popular vote that it worked. Now even at first blush the reader, I hope, would agree that many of these promises are virtually impossible to deliver. For example how could he possibly double America’s growth rate. Now in the theorising of this extraordinary outcome some might agree with me that the promises are bogus, we would both have to agree that he did identify the issues that effected people. The dishonesty is in the fact that he gave a gilt edged promise to fix everything.
”Only I can fix it”
Those who have perused this list and the link provided would also agree that each needs closer examination. Space does not allow me to do that in this piece however, I would like to address one.
Donald Trump will be the first world leader to dismiss the science of Climate Change and refuse to ratify the Parris Climate Accord. In doing so he joins other leader’s Syrian president Bashar al-Assad, Zimbabwe’s Robert Mugabe and Kim Jong-un, the leader of North Korea in denying the science.
By saying that global warming was ”bullshit” and a ”hoax” that was ”created by and for the Chinese in order to make US manufacturing non-competitive” the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, is saying that he knows better than 98% of the worlds ”climate scientists’ ’It is tantamount to telling your surgeon he doesn’t know what he is talking about. Men who so blindly dismiss science cannot do it out of superior examination, but rather do so in the consideration of profit.
In fact, he wants to expand the use of fossil fuel. That would be a disaster for our planet."
"My thought for the day.
”In terms of the environment. I wonder what price the people of tomorrow will pay for the stupidity of today”. John Lord



No, Trump not elected by poor white trash

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It's the 11th of November and Andrew Bolt is just now trying to tell us what Waleed Aly had analysed on the 9th. That's just how up to date Andrew Bolt is with a mind like a steel trap. He's still playing stereotype card! The issue that drove this election to Trump was the increasing wealth and income gaps the unemployed and the underemployed who were sick of having suffered for the past 20 years only to see successive governments doing nothing. In Obama's case he had an obstructionist Congress and Senate. Isn't that why Bolt told us Abbott lost because Labor ran the country? He's not doing the same for Obama is he. The trouble is those that voted Trump and carried him over the line are expecting him to do something for them. If he tried who among the die hard Republicans are going to support him when it's the Republicans who don't want to  pay for the American Recovery. They want nature to take it's course and have those unemployed and underemployed pay. Waleed explained it in clearer terms than Bolt has 3 days after the event. Trump the False Messiah: Will he become the workers’ anti-Christ?

By saying that global warming was ”bullshit” and a ”hoax” that was ”created by and for the Chinese in order to make US manufacturing non-competitive” the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, is saying that he knows better than 98% of the worlds ”climate scientists’ ’It is tantamount to telling your surgeon he doesn’t know what he is talking about. Men who so blindly dismiss science cannot do it out of superior examination, but rather do so in the consideration of profit.
In fact, he wants to expand the use of fossil fuel. That would be a disaster for our planet."
"My thought for the day.
”In terms of the environment. I wonder what price the people of tomorrow will pay for the stupidity of today”. John Lord


The Left incites the racist violence it denounces

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An employed Trump voter

 It's not surprising when Hilary Clinton actually won the popular vote and lost the Electoral College some people might be angry. However Bolt has a tin ear he makes no reference to Clinton and Obama declaring the US  to be one nation  and join together and give Trump a chance. No Bolt continues to emphasize the differences and not the similarities in the country. Put a Republican and Democrat in the same room and you will find 90% more similarity than divergence. Now I thought Bolt doesn't play Identity Politics but what a bullshitter he is. Here he is running off at the mouth yes  in schoolboy fashion leaving reason in the dust. Violence was a militarized police force setting dogs on to and shooting Indigenous people at the Dakota Access Pipe Line. It was violence when journalists were set upon and arrested and when brought to court were immediately released.

If Trump had done this, what would the media say?


Can anyone explain this useless sacrifice?


 There is no madness standing up for science and knowledge and  what they bring to the table.  However Andrew Bolt has a monkey see monkey do attitude to America. So if Trump begins a trade war with China no doubt Bolt will call to follow suit given the US is such a big investor in this country. Oops what will that do our coal and iron if we blindly back America.  He wants the First Amendment and freedom of the press  here next to state run media the most perfect media landscape to keep a country ignorant. It's basically the commercialization of information. It was reflected no amplified during this US election and what the freedom to lie actually accomplishes the dilution of Democracy not it's enhancement.  Corporate owned government, Trump didn't win the Koch Brothers The Banks, the Insurance Companies certainly did. The people that voted for Trump certainly didn't. 
 "By saying that global warming was ”bullshit” and a ”hoax” that was ”created by and for the Chinese in order to make US manufacturing non-competitive” the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, is saying that he knows better than 98% of the worlds ”climate scientists’ ’It is tantamount to telling your surgeon he doesn’t know what he is talking about. Men who so blindly dismiss science cannot do it out of superior examination, but rather do so in the consideration of profit.
In fact, he wants to expand the use of fossil fuel. That would be a disaster for our planet."
"My thought for the day.
”In terms of the environment. I wonder what price the people of tomorrow will pay for the stupidity of today”. John LordThere’s no way around it: Donald Trump is going to be a disaster for the planet – Vox

Turnbull to offer boat people a prize

  The appropriate response to Andrew Bolt News Man" is that he should read the world news. Donald Trump is President. His immediate promises are so is Bolt simply in a rush to smear Turnbull? Shouldn't he be directing his sledging at Peter Dutton whose work yet again will be a flop. Dutton the  Conservative has the reputation of having been the worst Health Minister and has distinguished himself as the worst Immigration Minister. Turnbull should have sacked him ages ago but I guess that was another concession to the factional division caused by Abbott's lack of graciousness of not leaving the Liberals to get on with the job. Abbott caused the vacuum and allowed One Nation in the door.
3 of Trump's 76 promises
 13. Temporarily ban most foreign Muslims from entering the United States "until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on." Trump would allow exceptions for dignitaries, business people, athletes and others who have "proven" themselves.
 14. Bar Syrian refugees from entering the country and kick out any who are already living here. Trump says wealthy Persian Gulf nations like Saudi Arabia should pay to set up a heavily guarded "safe zone" in Syria.
 68. Deport the almost 11 million immigrants illegally living in the United States.

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