Sunday, 6 November 2016

Andrew Bolt's Blog, 6/11/16; Punching down and crying victim at the same time; Contrast Rowan Dean and Andrew Bolt Bolt wants to look Cool sitting next to the Todd Samson of conservatives; Eichman had a list too like Bolt's;


The politics of race: look, but do not comment

 The politics of race: look, but do not comment

This is bullshit and lets face it is this the history as told not by both sides but by one  telling of a contract made. Which tribal elder or artist drew the picture showing a white man screwing the natives. It's a colonial story told repeatedly by white men throughout history.

 Bolt certainly doesn't sound as if he's ready for a frank discussion by the tone of his language. The circumstances in the drawing aren't up for discussion but instruction. Isn't that a discussion  a parent  has with a child or a headmaster with a student.  It's more a power play than an inquiry. The words Bolt uses seems to indicate the hair raised on the back of his neck "demands" doesn't suggest there is a  "request" even Bolt's instruction to us sounds grim "you may observe but not comment". It has the sense of a statement from a person who is in  authority an attitude which automatically makes you suspect there's a hidden subtext and what is being said is bullshit. Even more  when Bolt is saying things like this he tends to don his symbolic suit on. His symbolic cape of authority  the uniform of the the top end of town. You have to recall that Bolt is the man lawyers have a tendency to laugh at when he tries to sound like them because he's been told he's a dimwit at the law.

 Here is a video regarding treaties and contracts that insists we need to reflect on ones that were supposed to have been made in the past and just how many times the powerless were stitched up. It calls for reflection on what actually happened and was justice served? one.  Why Can’t Australians face their racist reality? Colonial Shame!


Wicked law stops me answering this Aborigine's complaint

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Bolt is such a hysteric, a golem or incomplete human who seems to find Bill Leak's cartoons not just amusing but in no way racist and full of justified meaning. Bolt wants us to be free to be  more American in  expressing ourselves in the way we approach our Indigenous First Peoples, women children or who ever we want without interference. However he doesn't really defend this position but only attacks Section 18C of the RDA using free speech as his justification.

 Just how bright is our public intellectual? He keeps letting us know he is as indigenous too even more than those Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders born after him. He has also told us he's a  Dutch man who  never really identified with Australia for the first 30 years of his life  even though born here.  It apparently took his White Aussie  father-in-law to introduce him to our unique but not multicultural diverse identities. It seems  if Andrew Bolt is any indication he was only introduced  to only a aspect of our culture a very narrow and blinkered one. So Bolt admits it takes time to adapt but that time given him he refuses others today

Bolt has learnt to Punch Down and laugh at those he isn't or wasn't drawn to. He really doesn't  care if they arc up because they might be offended if they do he maintains it proves his bigoted point. He doesn't care because he found through marriage he had the power and the Cultural Capital not to be offended by any powerless push back. Bill Leak and Andrew Bolt laugh at their smug stereotyping of others and find superiority in their own privilege. Yet they are offended by when stereotyped themselves demanding that they are individuals.  Treating others as they do they call their right of  free speech. However it's not free at all and it's a cost and an expense to Australia as a nation. It's a cost to Democracy and we can see it in the round in this election that's occurring in the USA in which more so than ever the media for business and business alone has dumbed down rather than informed the electorate by this very notion of Free speech from which to some extent we are protected by Section 18C, Sexual harrassment laws, the right to be a pedophile and many other situations on which Bolt is silent.

Andrew Bolt was found guilty of lying and being loose with facts it's something he avoids. Had be not he would not have been convicted don't for a moment think his speech rights were infringed on. What Bolt isn't saying is as important as what he is.

Image result for Bill Leaks cartoonImage result for Bill Leaks cartoonImage result for Bill Leaks cartoon
 Andrew Bolt seems to wish we were Americans able to be like Donald Trump and to be able to treat our first peoples as they do their Indians.  Basically it's the way the world  currently see them at  Standing Rock and the DAPL protests using attack dogs and a militarized police force to break a n otherwise peaceful protest
The videos linked to this post show just  put Andrew Bolt into perspective when he cries victim and  feels he has missed out on justice because of Section 18C. In fact the RDA has saved us from further humiliation  than we have already historically treated ourselves to as a Settler Nation. We too could have Standing Rock events forcing our first peoples off their land.  Like the Americans Andrew Bolt denies no ignores the history  of our Aborigines a history experienced today  and continued   from generation to generation and still being revealed in the cultural punching down we still see today. Bolt accepts the colonists version of history and is like a holocaust denier who fails to accept that victims version. Please Follow this link it's worth the journey and self reflection.   Andrew Bolt and some Australians miss these childhood memories that Americans are allowed to indulge themselves in.

Degree of complaint at Queensland University of Triggology

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 Rowan Dean is currently Andrew Bolts favored Australian satirist. The only thing funny about these two is when you put them next to each other Bolt's anal in  a suit a presence and look he hopes makes him sound more believable. It's his uniform one which he hides behind. Rowan Dean  on the otherhand looks like an unmade bed. He's trying too hard to be cool the advertising man he once was the Todd Samson of commentators Mr  cool with the right wing message  trying to capture the minds of the millennials no doubt. The audience of  real comedians and satirists pack the auditoriums at  comedy festivals. Dean doesn't he is beholden to anybody that will give him a gig because he want one of his own.  At present he's doing the rounds as a guest used by every man who wants a trendy conservative to look relevant. He happens to be the conservative balance to guests on the left  on the ABC's Drum and the same conservative imbalance to make Bolt look more with it on the Bolt Report. It doesn't work Bolt doesn't look more cool and the conservative scales are just tipped even more to the right.
 It's not wrong for  Rowan Dean to be seen as the verbal cartoonist, the comic Bill Leak  ready to turn our First Peoples into a joke for the amusement of Bolt's show but not the amusement of the majority of decent Australians who believe in a fair go. However Bolt holds Dean up as the type migrant he believes Australia needs but who unfortunately don't really feel they need Australia. Now read the try hards comic approach that Andrew Bolt is so impressed with he's dumped Tim Blair who he sees as competition.

A list of the media's enemies of free speech

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This blog is not by the overworked Andrew Bolt How is it Andrew Bolt never defines what he  means by Free Speech? The right for pedophiles to to talk dirty or simply talk seductively  to kids. The right of sexual opinion in the work place not being classified as harassment the right of people in bars discussing blowing up Andrew Bolt all of these freedoms are restricted by government intervention but not mentioned by Andrew Bolt as limitations on "Free Speech". So why is Bolt's interest so blinkered and narrow on the Section 18C of the RDA? It has nothing to do with Free Speech he wasn't convicted nor found guilty of just what he said had it been the truth and not lies had the facts been truthful he wouldn't have been found guilty. What Bolt is fighting for is the Freedom to lie the freedom that Donald Trump has and Fox News has in America. The freedom to dumb down a nation and democracy to promote business over journalism. The reason the list is so long among professional journalists is because there are ethics involved that Andrew Bolt doesn't give a toss about as long as he has the means to luxuriate his  and others lifestyles.



Where did Turnbull, the free speech warrior, go?

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Bolt want's this in Australia  and Credlin says we are ready but it entails Free Speech and an uninformed electorate. We are better than that Australia.

This post is not by the overworked Andrew Bolt . The forces gathered in today's posts are forces fighting for the right to lie offend and punch down and entirely privatize media making it a battle between   media whose business model  is working for the sector of community where the money is or rounding up the subscriptions of individuals to support the voices of non unionized consumers and labor the bulk of individuals in society who merely have 20% of the wealth. Rounding up cats isn't the easiest of jobs so Logic dictates that the MSM business model has to be based on not offending the 1% with the money. If speech is to be free it needs to be informed and not a battle of the liars. It's why a referee is necessary because what Bolt politicians and the right wing prescribe is the deregulation of speech and not it's freedom and that is a major cost to us all with little or nobody to clean it up. Do we want to be American Bolt does and so does Murdoch.


Who let him in? What will Labor say to the girl? 

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Andrew Bolt without doubt reflects the worst of Australia and he does it simply by distorting the facts. His catalogue of "Who Let Them In" is a  cherry picked suicide vest catalogue of selected grenades and is a case in point of just how verbally cruel maniacal and self destructive the uneducated wealthy can be. Bolt is the Donald of Australian media.

1 Australia is a Multicultural country and that's reflected in everything from our best corporate role models to our worst criminals. The crime rates indicate that those of us that have been here the longest are proportionately more comfortable and less shy and as such are likely to commit  more crimes including rape. The types of crimes comitted are distinguished more by class position than on a cultural basis.

2 Bolt however by selectively cherry picking events where refugees, migrants from Africa and Muslims have been accused creates an almanac a record that is intended to imply his list of deplorables  are more likely  to be lawbreakers when they in fact  aren't. They  are exceptions.   Exceptions infact are the living proof that in fact the opposite is the rule and as such his despised Cultural groups are in fact the least likely in Australia's multicultural population to be the criminals.

3 Conclusion: Andrew Bolt like any vigilante wants to prove his point  so he cherry picks  these cases for his "list" for one purpose only to fit his anti- immigrant,racist, Ilamophobic political narrative. His ledger of fear if read between the lines uses multiculturalism and immigration for political purpose the way all ultra right wingers have done throughout history. Today it's the Nazi parties in the EU the KKK in the US  UKIP in the UL and One Nation in Australia. Andrew Bolt and the Liberals have been stoking this fire since the Tampa but it's been used before. 

Credlin: we're ready for a Trump, too

Image result for Images of Fine Cotton the horseAmazing Trumplandia is being encouraged here in Australia. It began with the importing of Tea Party Politics and the division it represented in the Republican Party where the tail was wagging the dog the result in Australia was seen in the same tactics of fear patriotism and National Security that gave us a lying and exceedingly disliked Tony Abbott. One would have thought he was our Donald Trump he lied and kept putting his foot in his mouth that the Liberals dumped him. They the conservatives keep threatening to tear the party apart and Peter Credlin claims we are ready for a rebirth of yet another Trump and even names the candidates to LEAD  THIS COUNTRY TO BE GREAT AGAIN .

Who does Credlin name  Hanson, Bernardi, Abbott, and Hastie. None are the canny businessmen she claims the 4 times bankrupt Trump is. Trump is railing against politicians on all sides who is doing that amongst this crew all career pollies except Hastie the colt from WA. No what Credlin is doing is suggestion it's a race however she has a Fine Cotton  still in this one dressed as an unlikely to run and that's Abbott.  He's no Trump but the chump wants to come back.

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