Sunday, 13 November 2016

Andrew Bolt's Blog,13/11/16; Why does right wing media turn to doctored tapes and distortion in feeble efforts to make a point? This is what Bolt calls Free Speech and wants here!!

Hating Trump: the tantrum Left is what it damns Andrew Bolt

 What Andrew Bolt would like you to believe is that doctored videos presented by some MSM are true but what is in fact happening are mass peacefull "Not My President " protests as Hilary Clintons popular vote is heading to the 400,000 more than Trump. It shouldn't be forgotten it was Donald Trump who said himself that the Elctoral College  was a corrupt and rigged system the needs to be done away with.

"The purpose of the protest, as well as the meetings with Trump, are to demand that Trump give the presidency to the candidate who won the popular vote, Hillary Clinton. At current count, more than 400,000 voters chose Clinton as their president over the racist, misogynistic, xenophobic Trump. Nearly half a million people rejected the bigotry displayed by the Trump campaign, and that number is expected to grow as the count continues, but the electoral college vote distribution granted the presidency to Trump instead.
"This is the second time in very recent history, 16 years to be exact, that the popular vote did not decide the president of the United States. Moore and many of those protesting with him believe that “of the people, by the people, and for the people” should mean exactly that, in all elections.
For video of the protest, which has carried on for several days, see below:"


Below is an example of the doctored videos Andrew Bolt turns to to make his point.

Kasia Anderson: Website Spreads Doctored Video to Pin 2015 Beating on Current Post-Election Protesters 

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