Friday 16 December 2016

Andrew Bolt's Blog 16/12/16; We not Me; History evaded and the NBN; Teachers and Bolt's favored uniform; Mama Mia duck; Bolt's great denial wan't of free speech;

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A little story from Uncle Andrew on failing your VCE

We are celebrating. Our daughter was this morning accepted into the university of her dreams.  But other Year 12 students will this week feel devastated by the results and think their life has been wrecked. How wrong they are, and let me show them why.
16 De Andrew Bolt was a lost soul until he was married with children. He has a great reluctance to say " I'm what others made me"  What the women but more importantly the children in his life made him. Those at other times he speaks of as his luggage. Bolt didn't "buckle down" the we more than the me did. However Bolt didn't take that much further than his front fence. The way he expresses himself seems to indicate the polish has gone off the family we a little as well. Last Xmas it was "i have to take my family to Bali sounded like a burden. So kids there is truth in what Bolt says if he can make it anybody can. If you come to realize the importance of the relationships you make. Life isn't as Bolt says just a whole lot individuals banging into each other It's a whole lot of individuals creating a social reality they want it is about the we and your part in it not just about the me buckling down alone. Bolt talks about the urgency of saving Aboriginal children he talks about it has he saved one?

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Nightmare continues: uni students face new legal challenge for rejecting segregation

  Ultimately it seems Bolt doesn't believe in special needs or positive discrimination of any kind.  For Aborigines for Women for the Aged etc etc But he certainly believes in discrimination of refugees migrants religions. You see Bolt lives under the fantasy that what he's done he's done alone without a leg up. I guess you have to let the man live his illusions. Lets face it he didn't have much confidence in his daughter just massive relief. Why did she have no Cultural Capital? how many Aboriginal kids attended her school? How many Aboriginal parents experienced the relief Bolt experienced. I'm pretty certain those whose children did VCE this year experienced pride long ago and continued to experience it no matter what. Positive discrimination has proved an assett the Naplan test showed just how well indigenous kids improved. Why does Andrew Bolt declare assistance of any kind racist if that's the case you can't get more privileged in a society that values private property and wealth through inheritance and the protection of it by law as a primary value and calls that a level playing field. Isn't that material apartheid what did those that inherited the earth do to merit it?


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The NBN disaster unravels

Maurice Newman says the NBN disaster is becoming too obvious to keep off the books: 

The fundamental lie and missing from this fantasy tale is Tony Nope Nope Nope Abbott. Labor conceived of a system new in it's entirety. A system cleary ready to take the country into the future of worlds best communication system. Tony Abbott Mr Nope against all expert advice  called it an over priced entertainment system and  Mr I'm not technology appointed Malcolm Turnbull to run the management of building the current Frankenstein of a system that was guaranteed to fail why? Firstly Abbott wanted Turnbull out of the way where better than to put him in charge of the Titanic. If he refused he would have proved not to be the team player he claimed to be if he accepted he'd go down with the ship. Abbott didn't care whether NBN was going to sink. Abbott didn't care that the country would be put behind by some 50 years in Commerce, Health or Education a faster and better system wasn't his priority $120+ bill petty cash because the shit wouldn't hit the wall until 2020. This was about politics and when politicians make decisions in the own interests and bury the science. Maurice Newman has not mentioned Tony Abbott in any of this and yet Tony Abbott gave birth to one of Australia's biggest financial disaster taking us from one of the best OECD countries in communications to one of the worst.
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Teachers preaching politics at captive students

Teachers preaching politics at captive students

This sounds almost like child abuse. A Sydney public school has indoctrinated  nine-year-old students, who've now signed a school petition against child refugees in detention after being fed horror stories. Big surprise: the principal is a former Labor politician. What a coincidence that his views are now theirs, rather than those of most voters.
 Not only are adults too fragile to hear News of the day  but children need to be force fed or protected from the news.  Keeping children information deprived and on a strict diet in educational captivity is a necessity according to conservative clarion Andrew Bolt . Isn't that supporting the notion that propaganda is better than education no matter the reality they live in ?  That it's better to force feed children lies than carrying on a debate in which they too can have an input . Bolt complains about tertiary education and lecturers in the same way. When in fact teachers aren't just teaching one side  of the issue. Bolt  failed first year uni in Adelaide because maybe he couldn't digest all sides of the arguments presented on any one topic.
Bolt sounds like a man in a Mackintosh offering the kids boiled sweets in order to show them his true meaning of love. "This sounds almost like child abuse. A Sydney public school has indoctrinated  nine-year-old students, who've now signed a school petition against child refugees in detention after being fed horror stories. Bolt
" Have you wondered what kind of teacher could possibly think it appropriate to wear shirts with political slogans at schools, here is a sample:" Bolt
Bolt seems to believe men in suits like himself with hidden political agendas are far  better educators than teachers who teach all sides and allow students to arrive at their own conclusions given they have life experiences out of school too.  I can assure Bolt not all teachers in any one school wore tees and if they were then the kids were in fact learning that they too could disagree with the government of the day. A fundamental lesson in any Democracy.
Bolt goes further however"Strange. Somehow I just didn't need the slogans to identify the politics of some of them." Bolt as if Australians one and all didn't have that right. His fascism is clear when he concludes"Not punished? What signal does that send students about rules and authority?" Bolt
On any other day he's out there selling us free speech as an essential right . No Bolt that's responsible speech is a right free speech is simply verbal anarchy and the destruction information. Finally at what age are children capable of taking in information digesting it and making up their own minds? Bolt has never really achieved that level yet.

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Zie and hir are just bullies

Just when you think this passive-aggressive victim politics has reached new levels of absurdity, along comes the Victorian Government - again: "Victorian government workers are being discouraged from using 'heteronormative' terms such as 'husband' and 'wife' in a new guide to communicating with the LGBTI community."
 What nonsense coming from a man who demands government Institutions should employ staff according to who they vote for . Your CV should declare your political affiliation. Particularly if you work for the ABC and Education.



Mia Freedman asks for my help to escape her bubble

Mia Freedman was so shocked by Donald Trump's win that she's decided to talk to conservatives to discover if she's living in a bubble.  Our chat is now up on this podcast.
16 De" Last month Bolt said "THE question now isn’t whether Donald Trump is just a moron or an outright menace who could blow up the world.  The question is why a braggart, buffoon, liar, narcissist and sexist with almost no political principles came so close to becoming president of the world’s greatest power." Bolt
Today Bolt is Trump's great supporter how the fuck can he help himself  let alone offer others help. He's drowning but not waving which is good to see.
Amusing thing is Bolt appeals against those that stigmatize, demonize and objectify it seems as if Bolt was talking about himself. It's strange Bolt runs his life declaring himself to be a skeptic it's what science is all about. Yet Bolt overlooks that being a doubter has nothing to do with skepticism being a man of opinion has nothing to do with skepticism skepticism is yes evidence tested not in isolation but strictly peer reviewed and not just resulting in just another group of opinionators that agree as Bolt gathers when objecting to global science objecting to the NT Royal Commission. Bolt prefers the company of politicians who don't rely on reason or evidence or even facts to state their case. Journalists to some degree are our public skeptics Bolt's not he's a journalists worst nightmare but then neither is Mia Freedman. Bolt keeps referring to politeness rather than need, passion what did politeness ever do for historic changes. Women weren't polite the suffragettes fought for change.  When Politeness dress and debating are emphasized as they are by Bolt they are calls to distract from the realities that exist and are in urgent need of address. These things don't lie on just a neat continuum that explains all how trite is Bolt?

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Our seventh state, for Aborigines

I have warned for a long time that the push to recognise Aborigines in the constitution is just one step to the logical conclusion - apartheid. Aboriginal activist Michael Mansell discusses his own scheme - for a seventh state, for Aborigines especially. And he debates the Aboriginal identity of Senator Jacqui Lambie. Listen here.

There is one truth and one truth Andrew Bolt sells. A truth that proves his hypocrisy. That he is a solipsist living in a land of his own un-shared. Ye he's the man in the corner. He demands that he be understood as a complex multi layered individual that Australia is made up of complex multi layered individuals like himself.
 Andrew Bolt doesn't speak for all of us nor do we for him. He doesn't  believe that over time we have formed a system of relationships that don't always operate for the benefit of us all and so requires to be changed. He maintains it does but that some of us refuse to fit into that system his. We are to blame and aren't victims of it. The one in which he's most comfortable and rewards him.
 However Andrew Bolt jumps the shark and believes Michael Mansel is representative of a collective other than his and he is more that just an individual on the outside. He's an Aboriginal whose ideas are representative of another collective.  So it seems Bolt's world  is and isn't a collective and it is and  isn't a world of individuals either. 
Currently our Constitution is racist but then Bolt wants it to be maintained and left unchanged. It too allows for the apartheid laws Bolt denies. Mansell recognizes this Bolt denies it.  Mansel simply says history proves his point. Bolt denies history out of sight and says he's more indigenous than Michael  Mansell. That may leave Bolt in a world of his own but definitely not in a reality shared by anyone.

It seems Andrew Bolt lives his life in an a-historic fantasy world along with unicorns and Puff the Magic Dragon. where as the rest of us live in Australia a place whose history began to be shared with the people who were here first. People who we hold close as a unique assett but at the same time in the same breathe we don't recognize as close and who we treat among the worst in the world. A people who know they are here and who know they have been ignored because they often have to struggle harder to survive. Bolt's schizoid hypocrisy blames them for that struggle which  is basically constituted by the fact that he doesn't want to recognize their existence and difference only his. He is as indigenous more so than most of them. 
I'm prepared to believe Bolt is little more than an unbelievable abstract but the fact that he won't fuck off makes him real and my quality of life far less palatable less agreeable for most of us in fact. Particularly for those above whose history he denies.

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