Monday 16 January 2017

Andrew Bolt's Blog, 16/1/17; SMH, The Project all rate millions more than Bolt whoes blog relies on the the good will of Murdoch and News Corp only. It's why AB is just a marionette.




Sydney Morning Herald has nation's biggest audience

It seems the Australian public prefers news over Fake News and opinion. While Fairfax has neither the financial clout nor the the concentration of ownership of print media that Newscorp has in Sydney it appears it has the readership in Australia's biggest market. It seems as far as print is concerned in Sydney it remains Andrew who? The ratings for the Bolt report aren't as readily available which would suggest the lack of crowing hints at also ran figures there as well. Compared to Waleed Aly Bolt just doesn't have the traction among  true blue Aussies.

 "The Sydney Morning Herald remains Australia's most read masthead, underlining its strength as a national brand, reaching 1.1 million more readers than its nearest competitor,"

Nine in 10 consumers, or 16.7 million Australians, read news media in November 2016, the latest emmaTM (Enhanced Media Metrics Australia) data* released today has shown.

What Andrew Bolt shares with Fake News providers

Fake News Providers are  Both Hyperpartisan and publish Fake Content, Often Designed To Stoke Fear

They use classic clickbait headlines, actively seek to confirm far-right ideology, and exploit bigotry and biases.  

Featured fear mongering about Muslims Multiculturalism Sexuality etc. Teachers were choosing not to teach students about the Holocaust in order to avoid offending Muslims or encouraging children identify with differing sexualities. News story alleging that a school had demanded “all must wear hijabs.”

Unverified News providers are Often Totally Anonymous, Leaving Them Unaccountable For What They Post Andrew Bolt regularly uses unidentified "followers" and readers to sell his Blogs

He selectively moderates his blogs to suggest support for what he is presenting as truth

 Secrecy allows these sources to remain unaccountable for the content they share, which often includes copied or plagiarized content from other such sites, shared to further spread patently false information. When found to be false Bolt rarely retracts what has already been printed

Apart from Bolt's positive intention to misdirect is his silence on  real news to be avoided. It's exactly the template adopted by Murdoch media worldwide.The so-called chief purveyors of information hide, cover-up, ignore, and turn against important news they see as hostile to their agenda.


 16 Huge Stories the Mainstream Media Didn’t Want You to Know in 2016

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