Thursday 23 February 2017

Andrew Bolt's Blog 23/2/17; Milo is the forgotten man and Bolt has moved on; The Christian tradition extended mitigating circumstances fro murdering your wife; Christian's never did have respect for pagans; Mossad In Australia; CO2 is great for you don't exhale,

On my shows - Abbott on saving the Liberals, and defending Keysar Trad

On The Bolt Report on Sky at 7pm: Tony Abbott tells why he's launching a book tonight that says the Liberals must change or die. Plus defending Keysar Trad - and why the ACTU is fooling you about penalty rates, while our politicians fiddle. Joining me: Rowan Dean, Janet Albrechtsen and John Roskam.
Balanced Bolt Dean, Albrechetsen, Roskam, Making Abbott look Good defending a Muslim. Furthermore turning Aussies into the under employed not living the life of Bolt but improving the stats. So Skewed and devoid not Q&A

 Vale Milo, Bolt says Milo Who?

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Bolt's Free Speech  demand. To be free to say what you want and to be free from the consequences of what you say. Milo Yiannopoulos seem to have one gasping defender Andrew Bolt  



Now Dutton forced to back Turnbull refugee spin

First it was Treasurer Scott Morrison. Then Energy Minister Josh Frydenberg. Now a third Minister is burned to save Malcolm Turnbull. Immigration Minister Peter Dutton is forced to stop admitting the truth: that Australia taking refugees from Costa Rica is a quid-pro-quo for the US taking  our boat people from Nauru and Manus Island.
 This isn't about Fact this is about Andrew Bolt  It's surprise that he's not quoting ISIS as the revant source of fact as he so often doesn't It's what Dutton told me on "my show." Yes Dutton who has a history of foot in mouth disease is now Andrew Bolt's primary source why? He appeared on "my show"
 "Dutton was absolutely clear the deals were linked. If the US did not take ours, we'd not take theirs."
"The crazy thing is, why did the Government every try to pretend the two weren't linked? What's the harm in admitting it? In fact, taking refugees from Costa Rica makes no real sense unless they are linked."Bolt
Bolt's so excited even his English has cracks.
" Mr Dutton clarified his comments by saying the two refugee deals were “separate” ­arrangements."Dutton
All Bolt's energy gone to waste. As I said Bolt's most closest source is ISIS maybe he should ask them or even Israel 


Trad: Islam says beat wives only as "a last resort"

ABC host Yassmin Abdel-Magied says Islam is the "the most feminist religion". Keysar Trad, president of the Australian Fderation of Islamic Councils says she is right: the Koran says men should beat wives only as a "last resort". Watch.

Christianity practices beating wives every 4 minutes. It's a common practice in Australia called Domestic Violence which has it's origins in Christian law that sees wives as property. Bolt seems to fail to remember Islam has it's origins in the Christian Judaic tradition But then History has no place in this Indigenous Australians way of thinking. He thinks Christianity has only 10 commandments. Beliefs that the woman's place is in the home abound even Tony Abbott says so. Until a year or two ago affairs were a legal or mitigating circumstance for murdering your wife in Melbourne.

Andrew Bolt Makes it up as he goes along      Biblical patriarchy




Bishop said yes to scarf. Marine says "non"

Bishop said yes to scarf. Marine says "non"

When our foreign minister, Julie Bishop, visited Iran she put a scarf over her head. But when Marine Le Pen, leader of France's National Front, visited the Grand Mufti of Lebanon this week she walked out rather than submit. See her go.
  Bolt's notion of respect 1) When in Bali visiting a Hindu Temple wear your bathers and don't remove your shoes. 2) When visiting Bolt's house piss on the carpet. To do anything less would be kowtowing to a pagan tradition. Do not submit to any other tradition but Bolt's It doesn't get any better than that. As far as beating his wife Bolt put's his whole family in danger and doesn't seem to care he works from home.  The man is a Philistine.
  Image result for Images of the pro Israel lobby in Australia

Labor turns on Israel to win Muslim votes

THERE is a simple and sinister reason Labor is now attacking Israel. It’s after Muslim votes. But for Labor to push so hard to reward the Palestinians makes no moral sense — and is dangerous. And it's making Labor MPs say astonishing things. Should they really praise jihadists?
  No Bolt I'm afraid your the bearer of fake news. Israel shoots children without cause, Israel disallows Free Speech. Israel illegally settles and usurps land belonging to Gaza, the West Bank and Syria. Israel political elite actively promote a rape culture. There are any number of reasons civilzed people turn on Israel other than votes. Again let it be said what we have here in the above photo is what Israel does to get votes. Bolt ignores this aspect of Mossad activity in Australia

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