Tuesday 7 March 2017

Andrew Bolt's Blog. 7/3/17; " free speech" without equality is what Bolt demands and he's the 'resonable man' ; Bolt is such a Golem; Why isn't Sally Morell Mrs Bolt?

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Daisy Cousens was on fire on The Bolt Report today, just in time for International Women's Day.

 Bolt certainly shows his talent in this video doesn't he. He offers nothing. Daisy Cousens offers little more than a personal denial of something she obviously is a feminist. She is about as convincing as Andrew Bolt is when he says "I'm not a racist". There are any number of women that claim to be feminist who however aren't or aren't totally. Bolt falls for the usual trap of believing those  he denies ISIS being always declared as truth tellers  far more than Australians he disagrees with. The reason Bolt gives Daisy Cousens the time of day is because she denies what she obviously is. She is far from Tony Abbott's little House Frau in the kitchen she far closer to being the frightbat that he and Tim Blair cacked themselves about but she is denying it. 
 Individuals don't choose to be  feminist or not neither  do people choose to be conservative or not. Life is  more complicated than people just having free choice. Socialization and Social history psychologically internalized also have an unintended impact where you came from socially is a determinant along with education and self realization Daisy Cousens is a woman who has had every opportunity to fracture the social mold and it's expectations. The woman is a liar when denying her status.



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How stupid for Turnbull supporters Kelly O'Dwyer and Scott Ryan to try to topple Michael Kroger as Victorian Liberal president. He was on my show tonight, trying not to talk about it, although others sure did:
 No not at all this is  a plot like the one to raise Lazarus Abbott from the grave. It's a plot to ensure a major and necessary participant on The Bolt Report isn't wiped off the stage. This is a struggle for ratings. Bolt needs Kroger and he needs Kroger to be President of the Australian Liberal Party nothing less will do. Kroger has to be fragile after all $1.5 mill dollars went missing on his watch and Liberals must be pissed off. Yes the plot and huddle is concerned on saving Kroger. Reith is running for good reason the changing of the guard and Liberal unity.


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Catherine McGregor: "It may yet be premature to write Turnbull off. But my instinct tells me that he passed the point of no return last week."  McGregor adds that Tony Abbott has damaged himself too much to come back but, as Tom Switzer says, he remains the only candidate with a plan to win the next election.    
  Bolt call's Sister McGregor in for support while News Corp continues it's full on frontal attack on Malcolm Turnbull  Bolt , Switzer and McGregor anyone encouraged by Bolt to to say he's the walking dead. However for Bolt that's only stage one. The ultimate goal is to raise Lazarus Abbott from the dead simply on the basis that he's a thug. Not a leader bruiser. One thing is a fact Abbott isn't a loyalist nor a team player "Abbott expects Turnbull to fall after the budget as the polls continue to fall. But he has also concluded that he himself is probably irredeemably damaged and that he should have let the polls run their course and been more patient. It is a terrible mess. " McGregor.  His whole time as PM he couldn't be reigned in. He couldn't sit still  while saying he was loyal he was the opposite and even he admits it while Bolt kept trying to polish the turd.
"It's true that as PM Abbott was too remote. He also failed to follow through on policy, such as repealing Section 18C. His recent support for tough penalty rates hardly appeal." Switzer
Switzer brushes over the obvious fault's of the man but they all forget one thing Abbott didn't win the election for the Liberals. That fact is totally overlooked  the Labor Party lost the election and handed it to Abbott on a plate. The rest the lies the broken promises the remoteness the foot in the mouth disease all followed without anybody else causing it to happen Abbott did it all on his own. 

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Reader Ronald: "The ABC has replaced all its male radio and TV hosts with females for the day to observe International Women's Day. Will we see similar replacements on other International Days? Such as, International Fisherman's Day, International Street Children's Day, or International Talk Like A Pirate Day." Good question.

It's strange just how threatened Bolt is by the slightest of changes. Imagine if his daughter came home with an African date or decided she liked girls. Does Bolt feel that uncomfortable without a suit on? Imagine what Bolt would do if all women went on strike tomorrow would he survive? We celebrate and pay respect to Mother's, Father's why not Women. The ABC will be respected for it while Ron and Bolt laugh. What respect will they have gained for their sniggering and mockery? Are these mockers suggesting the cancelling of ANZAC Day? Peta Credlin calls it tokenism well yes funerals are too why do we attend and pay just a token of respect to someone that's passed. Let's end funerals let's end respect or even new beginnings aof any sort as they are just trivialities.
Why is it we respect private property it's not even a living thing?


Why does the ABC promote Muslim women in head scarfs?: "Male radio and television presenters have been ordered off air on the ABC on Wednesday as the public broadcaster stacks the deck with females for International Women's Day ... including Yassmin Abdel-Magied [and] Susan Carland."  (And why hire women not good enough for the other 364 days?)    
Ask yourself this is Bolt a closet Muslim an Orthodox Jew or a member of an extreme Christian sect? Has anybody seen a photo of his wife? Does he allow photos to be taken of his wife? Does she go about here daily chores Amish style without make up. Why does Andrew Bolt promote her non existense? Is she too ugly or too free her anonymity is exceptional. One thing is for certain Bolt took all her privilege and brought none to their marriage which was a one-way street it's more a surprise that he didn't become Mr Morell. It by no means surprising that he denies her even one day of respect as a Woman because that would  be just tokenism from someone already guilty of taking so much.
Nice Photos of 2 women whose Iq's soar above Andrew Bolt's 
I mentioned Bolt's Lack of IQ in the post above ,and he proves it here yet again.

"Can anyone trust the political class to tell the truth on refugees and crime?"Bolt
Bolt is attacking the player not the facts ahe does the same to the boss of the AFL from there by association he makes  unwarranted generalizations which in fact are simply not true but bullshit. A public urinal not intellectual


  Bolt's information is not just wrong but it's fake " he must have watched an interview on Fox with Ami Horowitz who claimed Sweden had become "the rape capital of Europe" due to its migrant intake." This was proven wrong. " Professor Jerry Sarnecki is a leading criminologist from Stockholm University. "The increasing number of immigrants has not led to an increasing number of crimes in this country" All this is totally ignored by Andrew Bolt because he's defending News Corp's false reporting.The experts tend to be the conspirators according to Bolt doing a Trump. Fox is the only trustable  and verified source of news in the Anglosphere and therefore and must be right. It's strange  in a recent poll taken by Newspoll, Murdoch and Bolt's favored pollster,  only 37%  of Americans trust Fox for real news  and 52% regard it as fake.  Yet Bolt claims he's "right" !!

Sarnecki also says " "Sweden has more or less stable or even decreasing number of crimes", he says - at the same time that Sweden's migrant population dramatically increased." again you won't find that in Bolt's cherry picked reports "But over the last few years most of the crime increase "has nothing to do with this influx of people from Syria and other countries"Sarnecki

The statistics on sex crimes changed in Sweden and it's fully acknowledged because the legal definition of sex crimes changed  making it easier for women to report such crimes. That alone made the crime rate soar and it had nothing to do with migrants but    YOU WONT HEAR THAT FROM BOLT

 "Our level of blatant violence is still much lower than other countries – the US or even Finland," "it is "total nonsense" to call Sweden the rape capital of Europe. Statistics are being used misleadingly to attack immigrants, he says." "Most Swedes recognise immigration is necessary to sustain economic growth, and the recent immigration has been a boon for the economy over the last 10 years."


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Turnbull apologists dismissed free speech as a "niche issue". Wonder how they'll spin this: "The Coalition parties are starting to realise that the ­debate over section 18C is ... unfolding in a way that will allow the Coalition to ... portray itself as the only grouping that is prepared to defend the standards of the Australian community."

  "Which, of course, was clear long ago. But since Tony Abbott had argued this, it of course had to be denied, didn't it?"Bolt. Strange how Bolt forgets that once Abbott got into power he shelved his promise. The Coalitions own Senate committee shelved it to opting for no significant changed because they to don't believe there is a principle involved in the notion of "free speech without responsibility" only Bolt does but then he believes  in the principle he's as Indigenous as most Aborigines as well. The man has turned to tactics to get his team across the line screw the principle wedge Labor and the Greens
Bolt's suggesting "This has been made possible by the growing push to adopt “the reasonable person” test as the touchstone for liability in section 18C."  What Bolt is saying seems to be  that he is that "touchstone" of a reasonable Australian. That's the problem  his racism, sexism,bullying extreme thinking  is what makes him Australia's most "unreasonable person" "unordinary Australian" Bolt simply denies that Australia is a diverse multicultural nation it's not the hypothetical abstract that he claims it to be. Currently the 'reasonable person ' is the judge. Besides Bolt was convicted not because he lied about six people. If he hadn't lied he would not have been convicted he was found guilty by a "reasonable man" judge Mordecai Bromberg.
Bolt is struggling like a drowning fish he's Monty Python's Black Knight no arms no legs demanding he be allowed to fight on.
Fact that Bolt never addresses is that 'free speech' only exists where there is true equality present it doesn't exist if inserted into a society where wealth and power aren't distributed equally and social  status isn't determined by merit.  In a society where inheritance determines property, wealth,  power and cultural capital 'free speech' is a myth and it's why laws are in place to protect 'civilized speech' 
The rich preach 'free speech' but only the poor can't afford it when there is no equality they suffer and feel the power of the slings and arrows fired at them.They must make the sacrifices to gift the Bolt's. Take Andrew Bolt lecturing on 'reverse racism'  as if it was the consequence of his hands being tied behind his back  when arguing against any form of positive discrimination forget equality.

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Donald Trump reveals a new travel ban that could hit our refugee-swap with the US: "The 90-day ban includes ramped up screening and is aimed at ... citizens from Syria, Yemen, Libya, Iran, Somalia and Sudan. Refugees on Manus Island and Nauru that could be part of the Australian-US refugee deal include citizens of ... Iran, Somalia and Sudan."
 Andrew Bolt actually sounds pleased. Imagine doing business with a man like Trump. The three times bankrupt is less predictable than Kim Jong Un. Shake the man's hand and you'd better count your fingers after and Bolt is full of admiration for him. In fact he admires Trump and Hanson both Putin lovers. Odd for a man that works like duck for Abbott. Bolt's feet move so fast beneath the surface trying to keep Abbott afloat.
 Trump has given "the refugee swap" the go ahead. His administration has given it the go ahead but Bolt betting on an executive administration of proven liars and figures it's a safe bet to say it won't happen.  If it does he'll shut up if it doesn't watch him crow at his wisdom. He's  even got the Trump/Turnbull phone call ready to use as a weapon against MT. "Mr Trump has already called the Australian-US refugee agreement a "dumb deal"... Yes Bolt is Trump and so unAustralian.

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They really had nothing better to do?: "All of Victoria’s pedestrian crossings could eventually have an equal number of female and male walking signals.... The Committee for Melbourne says having green or red silhouettes only of men at traffic lights reinforces unconscious bias."    

 Seriously? Melbourne must be Eden on the Yarra if this is the biggest problem the Committee of Melbourne could find to fix.
 Typical of Andrew Bolt laughs at anything that represents equality why? Equality in schools with safe schools programs does mean change gender equality even in the slightest fashion does mean change. If the symbols around us change to help socialize children to expect equality it will help promote change. Women are playing AFL guess what Bolt's laughing. Women in tennis well guess what Sirena Williams earns more than the men. I guess Bolt's laughing. Women are in the armed forces and are entitled to die for Bolt. Yes your right Andrew Bolt is laughing. If women are over 50% in the study of law, medicine and university in general changes are happening changes it seems Andrew Bolt feels it's better to resist and he says he's not a misogynist. His wife is not known publicly as Mrs Bolt whose idea was that?
But shouldn't gender equality start with the Committee for Melbourne itself? Check out its board: seven men and just four women, whether red or green. Bolt Great thinking Bolt the structure of German Companies and corporate boards are by law balanced with not only a gender reqirement in the numbers sitting on boards but a class one as well where workers and shareholders sit equally. German Companies have been regarded as the best in the world in every aspect of their operations guess Andrew Bolt would laugh at that as well. Voluntary equality is a threat to Andrew Bolt you saw it when Miranda Devine got top billing over him.



The rich preach global warming but only the poor must make the sacrifices to save the planet. Take AFL boss Gillon McLachlan, lecturing fans to cut their carbon footprint but fighting a wind farm near his property.
Here we see Bolt's ignorance in action he uses anecdotes and generalizes to global issues by association as if it proves to be real news. When it's little more than fake news. The Pope flies in an aeroplane and believes in global warming makes him a hypocrite and 2 billion Catholics  should therefore reject his preaching. Global warming scientist was found to use elictricty at home produced by a coal power plant. That is the level of logic that this man child Bolt uses in formulating his arguments for a debate. McLachlan isn't arguing against wind farms at all just the location.


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The gender ideologues show no mercy to even the most helpless: "Teenagers with intellectual disabilities are being exposed to complex and contentious gender and sexuality theory, with a growing number of Victorian special schools incorporating the Safe Schools program into their curriculum." It's true, despite the amazing denials.
  What can one say Bolt doesn't believe in the Safe Schools  program because it might produce instances of some unintended consequences. As if current programs have shown nothing other than a history of success. No suicides no psychological breakdowns can be proven not to have occurred in a safe school enviroment they are simply exceptions. Greater harm will occur with a safe school program Bolt know that because the moral majority will be threatened by the application of
 genderless programs. Some intellectually handicapped might just feel a little less shackled by how they are presently being seen and defined and that's dangerous.
Bolt finds danger lurking in ideas that fundamentally require not just self examination but require change. Often those ideas seem to be  to rest with the Young, the LGBTQIs, the Poor, the Unemployed, the Culturally Oppressed etc etc why is that? History shows that dangerous ideas have brought about beneficial outcomes. Why is Andrew Bolt so afraid of Safe Schools ? Should the intellectually handicapped be prevented from being themselves if gay, married, or sexually active? Who is to be the arbitor? Andrew Bolt the "reasonable person"?

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