Wednesday 8 March 2017

Andrew Bolt's Blog,8/3/17; Bolt sounds like a stalker a predator a pedaphile; IWD; He is a true beliver it's why he doesn't see Mustang Sally; Polls Polls; Bolt is obsessed with Identity Politics;



Why does the ABC hire and promote Muslim women in headscarfs, but not ones with hair free? And why is it exploiting Yassmin Abdel-Magied, who is surely too young for this? The ABC employs her on what seems an implicit understanding: that she is its Muslim. It straitjackets her at an age when she should be exploring her identity, not freezing it.

One needs to ask why Andrew Bolt seems fixated on Yassmin Abdel-Magied a 24 year old Australian? Bolt refers to her over and over excusing himself by declaring she "looks" Muslim. Is it he's attracted to women in scarfs" Let's face it scarfs aren't just a religious item. They have been items of high fashion sold worldwide. High Fashion head scarfs - Google Search.
The truth Bolt couldn't begin to identify who are Muslim.. Further Bolt couldn't identify those hair free either. The ABC employs Magied because she's skilled and yes represents the diversity we see in Australia. She's educated more so than Andrew Bolt and is a role model for all Australians. Which I believe is part of the ABC's charter something that can't be said of the The Bolt Report
Bolt's crusade on liberating Magied doesn't extend to Daisy Cousins but it does to Miranda Devine. It doesn't extend to Dr Susan Carland either who is far far more educated than Andrew Bolt and far far more Australian than Andrew Bolt is. Bolt is not Magied's father. He's not her psychiatrist and he's not even a psychologist. Yet he's obsessed with this girl in the way a stalker might be and he wants to make her in his somewhat 59 year olds conservative sick image. He is processing her as if she was his personal Barbie. "It straitjackets her at an age when she should be exploring her identity, not freezing it."Bolt  He's sick he thinks he knows her and he thinks he knows what she needs. There are a lot of men that think like Bolt but none are thought of in high regard.

 A chauvinistic Kelleg's ad suggesting that women thrive the more they cook, clean, wash, etc.


The ABC is celebrating International Women's Day today by taking male presenters off air and replacing them with women. So the ABC ring-in women you hear today aren't good enough for the ABC for the other 364 days of the year. Feel sorry for them that the ABC is advertising this fact so publicly. Sharri Markson cut loose on this madness last night.
 Bolt it seems never takes his wife out to dinner. Or a thought to Mother's day. He wouldn't bother to turn up at his wife's funeral why? Because it's only 1 of 365 days. He knows how to take women for granted  put them in their place if they attempt to celebrate their own existence. Gutheridge has gone down in his estimate she was once a News Corp Colleague and now is just a joke heading the ABC.  Miranda Devine has also plummeted why? Because unlike Bolt these two respect their position and gender and even if Andrew Bolt doesn't they don't give a shit. They will simply pass him by and leave him drowning like a fish on the sidelines. 
Mr Morell only gained material and cultural capital because he met and married Sally. I can't giver credit for her judgement because she's spent life on a one way street supporting a 4th spoilt child. He now treats her like any other ego centric extremist and keeps her hidden. He treats her like luggage once saying he had to "take her to Bali at Xmas" poor suffering soul was allowed to go to Holland. He's the man who creates the aire of psychological domestic violence 365 days a week by insisting to keep their address and life a secret because it's dangerous.  He has to shift them according to his schedule not theirs. He's the man who says "jump" and she says "how high".
 Image result for Image of false polls


Victoria's Government crashes in a poll to  46 per cent to the Coalition's 54.  Could it be because it blew $1 billion on NOT building a road, tried to hand control of CFA volunteers to union mates,  defended Safe Schools Marxist, had violent gangs run amok, forced shut a huge power station, and had a Speaker and Deputy Speaker rort expenses?
Andrew Bolt was ready to tell us why polls can't be relied on when Trump won. In fact it was Bolt the poll watcher who was roaring with the anti-Trump crowd hate messages and deriding the POTUS who he now defends and legitimizes as the rightful heir to the throne. It's for this reason on feels ill that corporation like News Corp gives free reign to somebody ready to turn 180 degree in a matter of moments. How would you feel in the trenches with an Andrew Bolt standing next to you? At least you know to distrust the enemy all the time. They are there for the principle and not just the side. If you don't believe me just check out what Bolt had to say about Trump on the 12/10/16.

Image result for Image of Identity


Janet Albrechtsen is right: identity politics is destroying feminism. "Feminists" say nothing when Islam is promoted as the "most feminist religion". They say nothing when we're told Islam permits wife-beating. They say nothing when this alleged battle against sexism becomes sexist itself, with the ABC dumping male presenters for Women's Day.

When nonsense is the only means Bolt has to take on the issue of women's studies then may be it's time we actually turned to men's studies. When is there not a case of identity politics in play with Andrew Bolt? I doubt there would be of any use in debating a traditionalist like who doesn't believe in historic fact because you have to know where you came from to understand why you are here and where you are going.  Bolt prefers to believe that he is more more indigenous than most Aboriginal Australians. That says it all.
The Catholic Church didn't participate in the Stolen Generation of indigenous children but they did participate in the Stolen Generation of white children. That Bindoon  the orphanage in WA  was a Welfare organization and not what the Royal Commission has recently brought to light. How can anyone begin to debate with someone who believes history is merely an interpretive but factless narrative. The study of women and men becomes irrelevant when maintaining today's traditions. Gender politics is best evaluated from a queer point of view it hasn't destroyed feminism but has certainly helped enlighten it. 
The problem with Bolt  he's only one of a disunited 10% that have their backs to the wall yelling at the "Reasonable Australian" why? Because they seem to fail, don't want to listen or be lead by over bearing autocrats with a corporate voice. Autocrats simply liars who have access to a resource called corporate media  putting out the Gobellian message in the hope of manipulating people. They are the Peter  Foster's wanting power not just money and lie in an effort to get it.
  1) There is a wildly exaggerated global warming scare and science is wrong "believe me", 2) Any investment in addressing the betterment of the planet is futile "believe me" 3) The current constitution isn't racist "believe me" 4)  Mass immigration is occurring it's 1% in Australia that's "mass" "believe me" 4) That the economic benefit of immigration into Australia has been of no benefit "believe me" It was a waste of time in America NZ and Canada as well.  5) That as an individualist our refugee programs have created a dangerous underclass that aren't just individuals "believe me" I don't mean  the Mafia, Triads Jews or the Irish gangs of yesteryear just the Lebanese and Muslims. 50% of Australians are 1rst and 2nd generation immigrants. So are that 50% the criminal underclass? Don't the good  upper class   white collar criminals do more harm? You cant believe Multiculturalism is the basis for crime if you claim to be an individualist. 6) There is no transition for Bolt's history of immigration, no integration only a nation with a history of tribes. Those tribes however went to Vietnam and fought in the immoral war we did. Those tribes work at News Corp today in the public service and they see themselves as Lebanese Chinese and Dutch Australians. How is it Bolt is part of the 10% that don't see them as Australians ? 7) Kelly believes in Welfare Bolt doesn't and not just for Aborigines. 8) Bolt is the the exceptional Australian who believes only in the 'me' and not the 'we'. It's why he doesn't have a wide range of friends. He praises the Aborigines that fought in WW2, Korea, Vietnam, yes when they were conscripted they were colorless for a moment but they weren't when they got back home. Bolt blames them for becoming tribal white Australia didn't in any way tell them their place after the wars they fought. Just how many blacks does Andrew Bolt count as family friends?
Paul Kelly is right Bolt's the tail trying to wag the dog. No Abbott isn't the populist hero by a long shot but then no autocrats are. They tend to be paranoid lock themselves away become remote and increase the surveillance on their own citizens. Increase jail time. They benefit their friends for financial support at the expense of the nation. Raise flags and increase the pomp and ceremony but not the living conditions. No Bolt's from the dangerous class far removed from notions of democracy. Kelly believes in the democratic system Bolt and Abbott  don't believe in systems at all  and if they do they simply believe in manipulating them.  They are the inside traders of politics." many voters do not share your enthusiasms."Bolt  This is Bolt's never ending lie he used by Bolt the word 'many' as if it has meaning for the 'many' he says are on side. With backs  to the wall the Bolt's the minority that Kelly refers to that's wants to fuck the party for everyone else. Australians want a workable political system Abbott and Bolt operate better in a broken and fractured one and it's not the left that's doing the fracturing. That's why Bolt is so confident when he says   I know what you want won't work!! " It's my way or the fucking highway Kelly". Kelly is the reasonable Australian

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