Friday 12 May 2017

Andrew Bolt's Blog, 12/5/17; Special Feature 2013 and the Abbott Legacy; Bolt's ignorance; Bolt is creating White noise to hide Tony; Chicken conservative Little is back;





How Australia Bungled Its $36 Billion High-Speed Internet Rollout -


How Australia Bungled Its $36 Billion High-Speed Internet Rollout -| No Names Mentioned but thank you Mr Nope Nope Nope Abbott's legacy

Its businesses and consumers burdened with some of the developed world’s slowest speeds, the country is a cautionary tale about big-money ambitions.
Image result for Images of Egyptian coptics


  " 91% of all women in Egypt have been subjected to FGM and not all of those are Muslim." Summers.
Andrew Bolt translates that to mean Summers is saying "Egypt  isn't Muslim" Well Egypt is a Secular Arabic State where Christians, Copts, Muslims , Jews, Hindus, Greek Orthodox Bahis and agnostics among others live. To deny this is a sign of Bolt's single minded bigotry that doesn't accept that FGM is cultural and not exclusively Muslim practice. Why doe he insist on this because otherwise his logic and support for the Islamophobia industry is proven to be totally unfounded. It's also why swings from calling it a religion to saying it's only an ideology because he believes that justifies him being able argue against Islam like any other ism rather than accepting it as the world does as one of the 3 Abrahamic religions. Bolts word games aren't born of logic or debate they are born of shifting the definitions to meaningless jabber and the pretense of smartness rather than reason. Bolt is simply not a debater he does however reveal himself to be intellectually limited.Question if FGM were exclusively Muslim why isn't it the practice of the majority of 73 nations where Muslims are the majority?



So Turnbull it appears is miles better than Shorten and the zombie policies of Abbott are gone. Bolt can't bring himself to say it Turnbull did good and has been realistic.



My editorial from The Bolt Report: How Gillian Triggs defended Yassmin Abdel-Magied, sliming her critics as racist. And why that shows her Human Rights Commission is a menace and must be scrapped. 

  Media noise and self promotion are combined by Andrew Bolt to draw attention away from the demise of the conservatives within the Liberal Party that have been isolated by the Turnbull budget and a united party room.  Political propagandist and opinionator Andrew Bolt is left out in the cold as well if he keeps promising us the need for Tony. While the rest of MSM are left questioning the merit or madness of the budget and showing how it politically he was hammered.  So Bolt has turned his attention to the  divisive sideshow elements of the politics .
Firstly Bolt doesn't like talking economics anyway simply because it takes work , rational and reasoned work of the scientific kind, work that requires explanations gleaned from data and facts. Secondly you can't simply talk about yourself and your mates your gang and  declare that your the victims of what's going on in your Australia. So when you use the regal 'we' you can make it sound as if you represent the thoughts of the nation however you  only represent less than 5% really only a cabal  made up of the IPA, News Corp and a few ultra conservative political marionettes . It's all there in the abstract of this post."How Gillian Triggs defended Yassmin Abdel-Magied, sliming her critics as racist. And why that shows her Human Rights Commission is a menace and must be scrapped. " It could just as well have been  'how Mark Colvin is dead defended X and why that shows the ABC is a menace and must be scrapped. Like Colvin Triggs is retiring.
Media deflection and white noise  is an overlay to hide the fact that the budget in fact gave the  ultra conservatives such a shellacking that it's less than likely they will have Lazarus wriggling his toes let alone walking again. The zombie it seems has been put to rest.So it's back to the retiring Gillian Triggs and soon the the revival and defence of George Pell no doubt. After all how often can it be said Islam isn't a religion so doesn't count constitutionally or Climate change is the big con? 
Image result for Image bank robbers


The Turnbull Government is stealing $6 billion from the banks because it says they're too rich and everyone hates them anyway. Now business leaders such as Alan Joyce warn that a country led by bank robbers will scare off investors. Which successful business will be the next to be held up?

The only thing Bolt has right here is the banks have been the robbers. It took 4 years for them to offer me the interest they screwed me out of and then they were quick to hand me $14,000 back in order for me not to join a class action. The Banks have been robbing their clients blind for years and you have conservatives saying that the only place where the pain of this new tax will be felt is with the clients or shareholders which is utter bullshit. Senior and middle management the active thieves in banking have been getting wages normal Australians can only dream of  together with bonuses that would make your eyeballs bleed. Bank products aren't wholly or solely owned by the banks and they won't feel the impact of this tax. What we have here is typical of ultra conservative propaganda screaming that the sky is collapsing and that leadership isn't poll driven bla bla bla. Yet every time a poll came out you'd have Andrew Bolt dancing around like Rumplestiltskin demanding Turnbull had to go and who would replace him Tony of course. What we have here is Andrew Bolt the sock puppet for the IPA married up close and personal with News Corp slinging shit at an extremely sensible and politically astute budget that has left the extreme right needing to come up with an alternative.
The world banks have created the GFC  sold junk bonds to countries like Greece and sent them bankrupt and when they are at risk have had us the public guaranteeing their poor investments. When 1.5% payback is asked for listen to the stuck pig squealCommonwealth Bank staff implicated in alleged $76m fraud -
Piggy bank sitting on a pile of dollar coins.
 Image result for Image chicken Little


What is the point of the Liberals if this is what they deliver?: "The government’s continual budge­t blowouts have pushed Australia far up the global public debt league table, overtaking eight countries since the financial crisis and entrenching the public debt to GDP ratio above the median for other AAA-rated countries."
Back to 2013 is this the future we see Ultra Conservative  Chicken Little alarmism? FannyMay and the Wall st bank's ridiculous lending practices brought about the GFC. Instead of letting the banks go under the people of America weren't asked but were forced to save them. The banks are booming and the American people suffered and are still suffering the repairs. The rich got rich and the poor poorer and the conservatives well didn't lose soul as they never had soul to lose in the first place they saved their ass butts. Ask yourself who is there to lend the Government the money at a higher rate the Banks of course do you here Bolt accusing the money lenders for their rates? No he's virtually telling us they are the victims. That's a true conservative for you. The money of the rich is always out on loan and as we saw with the GFC at no risk guaranteed by by us all.

 Image result for Image chicken Little


Is this what they meant when they said Australia couldn't handle any global warming?: "Strong GrainCorp half-year results reflect bumper grain harvest... The record harvest for the past season has put pressure on storage facilities."  
So it seems Andrew Bolt has become a Global Warming Alarmist. Save this banner folks for when he denies it again or for when he calls science just another religion. It does show just how the "free market" isn't the best form of management is it. Warming weather and Science for the past 10 years hadn't only predicted changes required in crops as well. However farmers are conservatives by nature and don't listen to the warnings either and their bubble has burst. But what will they continue to do but plant the same crops again.
What Bolt doesn't seem to acknowledge and why he's being ignored

“My co-author Paul Douglas has a saying liberals may not like,” said Republican Rev. Mitch Hescox. “Believing in science doesn't make you left wing; it makes you literate.” Hescox, a former coal industry engineer, heads the Evangelical Environment Network and is co-author of the book Caring for Creation: The Evangelical's Guide to Climate Change and a Healthy Environment. He spoke today about a new television campaign to break through the beltway echo chamber and counter the notion that only lefties believe in climate change.
Source: These conservatives want to convince you that climate change is real | Science | Australian Popular Science


The tribalising of Australia continues, with the National Rugby League not only picking teams divided by race but now playing separate "national anthems": "For the first time, the NRL will play an alternative national anthem during this weekend's Indigenous round." Pull up before we crash.  
 I told you Bolt is drawn to side show politics it's the politics of division. The more issues you can find to distract from the main game which at the moment has left Tony Abbott and the ultra conservatives isolated the more chance you have in in allowing unity to form about the real problems Australia faces. Australia is big enough to accept Indigenous Australia as an Asset in the same way NZ does. Bolt obviously isn't and he marginalizes them and wants indigenous Australia swept under the carpet. If it's not he screams reverse racism and white victimhood. Now does that make sense to anybody?


Is this the death sentence for literature?: "The editor of the Writers’ Union of Canada’s magazine ... wrote: “In my opinion, anyone, anywhere, should be encouraged to imagine other peoples, other cultures, other identities.” The Writer’s Union apologised for this endorsement of "cultural appropriation"and announced the editor's resignation.
The writer in question resigned because he'd argued that Canadian litreture was plebian largely white middle class conservative and boring describing Andrew Bolt to a tee. He called for a prize for imaginative writing. The term 'Cultural Appropriation'  a Sociological term with specific meaning was it seems  not only redefined but taken out of context and used politically but it has nothing to do with literary imagination. Somehow Bolt seems to think it does. 
Do we hear Bolt defending us making sparkling white wine and calling it Champagne not at all. I think there's some confusion here an Bolt doesn't know what he's talking about but is being driven by his personal circumstance  of victim hood  when being found guilty of not just being a liar but guilty of not having the defense of a literary imagination or opinion open to him. What is obtuse is his lack of clarity and the seeming misuse of the  term " Culural Apropriation" and the context in which it was meant to be used.
Commercially subscribers were offended and what appears to be obvious a commercial decision  which Bolt would normally laud was made. It won't change  the face of the Canadian literary landscape whatsoever leaving it in the grips of conservatives. All Bolt has done saw the word "union" giving him license to write about something he knows little about Canadian literary life  but then again something else he knows little about is 'freedom'. Bolt seems to be trying to connect the two in a very muddled way here by supporting the leftist editor that had been given the sack by the conservative union for saying Canadian litreture ought to be more diverse than just displaying the conservative values it does. It's just Bolt not being Bolt or it is just Bolt sounding dumb and being who he is.

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