Wednesday 17 May 2017

Andrew Bolt's Blog,17/5/17; Bolt the Churnalist, Misunderstanding Global good and bad; Where do we learn fairness?

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What is the point of making David Gonski chairman of the ANZ bank when he won't even defend it from a smash-and-grab raid by the Turnbull Government? Is that because he's mates with Malcolm Turnbull, who just used him to sell the Government's big cash-splash on schools? Best then get another chairman.
 News Corp is sacking skilled staff but leaving Andrew Bolt in place a Churnalist of the highest order not a Journalist  but someone who is little more than a 'Dutch Wife who claims to be on his back 80 hours a week. He calls it work and I believe him.
 Education is something Bolt has never had or shown respect for. Yet pretends he has, telling us he was educated at Adelaide Uni, a lie. Bolt actually considers schooling little more than a place to network not a place to  learn. Schools for Bolt are meeting grounds in order to social climb because it's what he did through marriage not school. Education is not an investment to Bolt it's the cost you need to pay. Schools are  like lures to Bolt Scotch, Xavier banners  paywalls of promise  to climb up the social ladder. It explains why Bolt defends banks over and above the education of Australian kids.


Barack Obama hypes the global warming scare: “Our changing climate is already making it more difficult to produce food... We’ve already seen shrinking yields." In fact:  2016 had record harvests, which have almost  doubled since 2007.  The CSIRO adds: "World wheat, rice and soybean yields have been increasing linearly over the past 20 years."  
Bolt seems so chuffed that global warming has produced high food yields he forgets to mention it's also produced the longest droughts and the largest famines in other parts of the world.  There is nothing global about Bolt's tunnel vision and the way he thinks. Just last year he was still trying to convince us that the planet was cooling and not warming it seems he's left that behind. He has  jumped the gutter on that one and seems to have accepted the science. Notice that Bolt ignores the fact that extreme droughts have also occurred and have had major impacts like the war in Syria. Warmists haven't just predicted doom and gloom they have however predicted major swings that will have consequences for the balance of the planet.
It seems that Bolts celebration of food production has done nothing to resolve famine on the planet. 

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My editorial from The Bolt Report - how the cry of "fairness" too often just means envy of the fruits of hard work - and idiocy like suggestions that we stop reading to our children for fear of being unfair to the children of parents who can't be bothered.


How a mania for "fairness" just makes us all equally stupid: "The ABC has questioned whether parents should read to their children before bedtime, claiming it could give your kids an “unfair advantage”...  ABC presenter Joe Gelonesi [said:] "Perhaps — in the interests of levelling the playing field — bedtime stories should also be restricted.'"
  Bolt's banner is a lie the ABC are not saying anything of the kind but they are however reporting what been said by philosophers. Andrew Bolt proudly wears the badge of media liar simply to gain attention and hope of influencing the non thinkers among us.
 The fact is there is no competence test for parenting no licence required to have and raise children. There is however one required to have cats' and dogs. So what's Bolt's tack on this "He wasn't complimenting them on their enterprise, prudence or hard work." Bolt  that the rich deserve complimenting and praising because of their richness.
 and Sorry Bolt inheritance brings on idleness not enterprise poverty brings on  hard work and prudence out of necessity. As a consequence workers are no only wealth poor but time poor as well while the idle rich have all the time in the world to waste and they do. Who among us can afford the expensive drugs and liquor but the idle rich and their idle kids without the constant eye of the law on them and if caught are able to pay and negotiate a defense. The rich, many are in fact functionally dysfunctional and are able to hide in plain sight and believe in and expect that entitlement. It's why Safe Schools are so important because such schools teach that wealth and privilege entitles nothing. All our differences become secondary to our equality, fairness is realized with contact at school and not necessarily at home

The fact that the nuclear family only appeared 200 years ago this is significant in that it's not necessarily the most universally the best or most functional environment for raising children. The Israeli Kibbutz is a modern day example of not raising kids in Bolt's family fashion as are other communes that have survived since before the 70s. The Nuclear family is not the fundamental structure on which China is built on and today one might well ask which is fairer  China or the USA? The nuclear family has been rapidly changing with the changing economic times and today their seems to be a resurgence or a return to the extended family along side single parenting and multiple families living in the same house. Necessity it seems is the mother of invention and unemployment,casualization of labor along with other social factors are bringing about wholesale changes in the urban landscape. Bolt however insists the nuclear family is some how a universal must  and not just  relative to social  and economic circumstance.  Why  is he  railing against Safe Schools because they more than the family are likely to instil the values of 'fairness'.
As for the ABC reporting on conversations of philosophers Bolt even finds that both dangerous suggesting that the ABC is promoting alternatives. Reporting on anything that make you think is dangerous which Bolt finds strangely advantageous for him. He can comfortably distort what's happening and blame the ABC one and at the same time. Denying and in fact saying nothing of value. However Bolt's example the living model of a family that promotes inequality via  nepotism and when who you know plays more of a role in Bolt's child rearing practices rather than does merit and education thus smashing the notion of  fair play  and a level playing field. James his son  works for the IPA. Is he being groomed?

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