Mark Durie warns a cognitive dissonance is stopping many of us from understanding Islamist violence. No, we are not facing the threat of "extremism" but of Islam.
Bolt learned nothing from the tradgedy at Finsbury Park episode he even blames the event on Muslims the victims because it was push back. No mention that the Imam saved the terrorist from a lynch mob. No word of the Muslim girl Killed in the USA or 177 kids killed by Anders Brevik. Bolt's data merely that which supports his bigoted conclusion.

What disgraceful thuggery: "Victorian construction union boss John Setka has threatened to reveal the home addresses of ABCC inspectors, and lobby their local shopping centres and football clubs to ensure their 'kids will be ashamed of who their parents are'." And Labor takes the CFMEU's cash.
Free speech but not for unionists. Thuggery Bolt was last seen using his fists for free speech and advocating all conservatives do the same. He broad cast that message. Setka hasn't done that.

Electricity prices will jump another 20 per cent, partly because global warming policies are closing cheap coal-fired power plants. A decade ago Kevin Rudd swore these policies would cost just "$1 per person per year".
False facts you will always get them from Bolt. Bolt's beloved free market is what's closing down 'cheap coal'. It's no longer as cheap as renewables "How many lies and falsehoods and exaggerations have been told to make you accept the pointless destruction of what was once a cheap and reliable electricity system?" Bolt

Even leading alarmist Ben Santer, in a paper in Nature Geoscience, now admits the world isn't warming as predicted by global warming models: "Satellite-derived tropospheric warming trends were generally smaller than trends estimated from a large multi-model ensemble."
"…we routinely look not only at land and ocean surface temperature. We look at ice coverage. We look at ice thickness. We look at the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere. We look at surface pressure patterns. We look at upper ocean heat content. We look at continental scale runoff from major rivers. We look at many, many different aspects of climate change and they're telling us an internally and physically consistent story. The message in that story is natural causation alone can't explain the observed changes that we see." Ben Santer It's what makes Santer a Scientist he also said man made climate change is a fact.

First the Turnbull Government appoints a new ABC chairman who says the ABC is not biased. Now it replaces Leftist agitator Gillian Triggs as Human Rights Commission president with someone Labor's own shadow attorney general praises, gloating she "will do a great job carrying on important work of @GillianTriggs".
"Now it replaces Leftist agitator Gillian Triggs as Human Rights Commission president with someone that even Labor's shadow attorney general praises as a worthy Triggs successor." Bolt
There is no principle just a side .
Let us not pretend the threat from Islamists is no greater than the threat from from anti-Muslim extremists. Yesterday we learned of another jihadist attack in Paris. Now in Brussels central railway station: "A man suspected to be wearing a suicide vest who shouted “Allahu Akbar” has been shot by military officials."
Bolt continues down his merry one way street. Even when Western Christianist terror occurs it never goes into the Book of Bolt. Brevik, Finsbury Park, The girl killed on Sunday on her way home from the Mosque at best get mentioned as an aside telling us Islamists caused that push back.
No mention is made of the families killed by Coalition bombing other than it was their fault for being there or that they don't seem to understand the meaning of collateral damage. No mention that the US have become defacto protectors of ISIS since blowing an Assad plane and drone out of the sky. Trump has just sold billions of dollars of arms to the Sauds and Qatar. ISIS is fighting with made in American weapons.
Bolt deals in huge but simple generalizations and uses data only if it fits his agenda it's neither logical reasoned or convincing that 1.6 billion people live under a terrorist doctrine. Given Western Colonial interference in the Middle East over a long period of time which continues supporting the oppressive structures of power it's no wonder political uprisings have occurred. The west has both supported and thwarted rebellion as if it were seasonal change. The deaths of families and the two faced approach of the coalition has turned young western men to extreme measures as political payback while 1.6 billion people of Muslim faith watch on.Bolt never really mentions that Islam in the West is the fastest growing religion in the world which doesn't make sense if he regards it as the foundation of evil.

Janet Albrechtsen and Maurice Newman both warn of Anywhere "progressives" with little sense of home who'd subject the world to the rule of their tribe. David Goodhart says without some shared nationalism "the idea of the nation as a group of people with significant shared interests — the idea of a people — will fracture".
Goodhart is certainly not left wing he's as conservative as one can be Talcott Parsons was way ahead with his Functionalist theory on society. It's a- historical abstract model that has little or no relevance and incapable of explaining change in the real world . More so now than ever before rapid change has occurred in the past 100 years. The person of note who did try to explain the historical shift in the world at large as he saw it was Marx
My editorial from The Bolt Report - North Korea isn't the joke we often like to assume. The killing of young Otto Warmbier is pure evil.
Bolt was 5 when Dawn Fraser committed her 'prank' and she was dealt with severely. He didn't write this eulogy it was written for him and being read off an auto cue. Otto was badly treated and a lot of us feel Fraser was too. If similes of unfairness are to be drawn. Bolt was like Nth Korea in the way he treated a couple of glitter pranksters. Otto would have gotten of with a poster Fraser with a flag. The pranksters well they suffered an attempted hay maker which didn't quite connect and a kick to the balls. With Bolt calling for other like minded thinkers to go on attack in the same way. Someone could have died in that incident like Otto. As a metaphor Bolt is Nth Korea a law unto his own disconnected from the real world. His editorial was pathetic in as much as he wasn't aware he was talking about himself.
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