Bolt must think so little of his Australian readers. Does he think they are so isolated from the rest of the world that they still believe that transitioning away from coal is to make a pact with the devil? The rest of the world is moving to renewable energy but Australia should remain the leading country out of step because coal is the cheaper, healthier, and more beneficial option. That left wing politics is the single reason we are being conned. They are 1 ) dishonest 2 ) con-merchants and 3) your dumb and I'm not so I'm giving
Has anyone taken into account what Andrew Bolt has said over the years never apologized for and has been wrong or just plain stupid? He's the man that told us he's more Indigenous than the majority of Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders. He's the man that has told us to forget science it's just another religion and as such it's just a voluntary act of faith to be practiced. But not to be compulsory in our schools.
Bolts logic is premised on the fact Australia needn't do anything about climate because we are too small and isolated. We should be more like Japan was when it comes to immigration. However, we need to be lions when it comes to foreign policy and our armies should spread across the globe when it comes to fighting terrorism. Abbott was right trying to become part of NATO. We need to be global in trade because the rest of the world wants what we have but our gates need to be locked limiting the numbers we let in. Foreign Aid is a burden we can't afford. We are dependent today on our isolation and not on globalization. Bolt really does seem to admire the South Africa of old when it too told the world to get stuffed. I remember a significantly different Australia just three years ago when we lead the world economically and Wayne Swann was Treasurer. The rest of the world was sinking into recession and we didn't know what that meant. Then came Tony Abbott and like the Spanish Inquisition, a dark cloud passed over our heads reminding us of being sinners that needed saving. That cloud was Tony Abbott and ultra-Conservative thinking.
Bolt's editorial asks us to go back 10 years when Rudd said
" Green energy would only cost a dollar a year but it's cost you hundreds and maybe your job " Bolt Again you would have to live in isolation to not notice that wages were on average $ 40 K p,a and are closer to $80k now. That the mining boom has stalled globally and the jobs lost in fossil fuels weren't lost because we are transitioning to green power. Those jobs won't return because mining has turned to robotics. What's more the investors globally are turning their backs on fossil fuels as if they knew it was a sunset industry. Jobs in renewables are skyrocketing while those in fossil fuels are dying a rapid death. Just yesterday we heard how the Millionaires Club Macquarie Bank was being sued for false promises regard mining promises like Bolt's. How much money has Bolt invested in his belief in the great king coal that he has so much faith in?
"No the barrier reef can't be saved and any attempt would be futile. We are too small"Bolt
We can't save the reef nature determines whether or not it will save itself. We are a Nation that's simply too small to do anything like spend our money with futile action "even our chief scientist said so. When asked the question by a Senate committee" said Bolt. Of course the question was can Australia do anything about climate change? Of course we can't not alone but we are one of 200 nations on the planet of which some 193 have declared their intent and signed a pact to try to cut CO2 emissions. Those trying the hardest are reaping the rewards because energy costs for renewables have plummetted so fast they are now cheaper than coal. If energy is cheaper and so is robotics we shouldn't be surprised when BMW says the future is in electric cars. Germany recently powered itself on 85% renewables. Where does Bolt think manufacturing investment will drift? If aluminum smelters like Whyalla can get zero cost energy in places like Germany. Technology has moved so fast that business, finance, and consumers are all moving away from coal. The big con is Bolt the coal seller.
Ben Santer admits there has been a slowdown in the rate of warming.
That's not cooling as Bolt is hinting at what it is is that Climate science is improving. There still remains a 97% consensus among the world's climatologists. Global warming in initial predictions virtually said we were well past the tipping point and it still does. There is still a need for things to be done now for the long term future of the planet. Even Santer agrees that man made global warming exists only the rate may not be as fast as predicted but the planet isn't cooling as Bolt seems to want us to believe. Bolt's running the same old same old smoking doesn't cause cancer defense which is based on the fact that science can't guarantee smoking and cancer have 100% causal connection. Sow a little doubt and publicize it that doubt with publicity. More money is spent promoting doubt than financing research. What the world's health organizations have done has simply in discouraged smoking for less money. Australia's plain paper packaging was a world first and was legally sued for billions and won. The same tactics are now being applied here and yes science is a skeptical discipline it questions itself far more stringently than Bolt does and reviews it's own conclusions all the time but it never throws the baby out with the bath water which Bolt is saying should be done. Ben Santer isn't even saying that when he writes that the early models on warming were wrong. He is only saying that and while the rate of warming isn't as fast as first predicted by earlier models the planet isn't cooling and CO2 emissions are the major factor that give rise to that acceleration
The con artist is Andrew Bolt. The rising costs are largely due to Conservative politics Australian energy production was privatized the promise competition would make our electricity cheaper bullshit it's done the opposite. The story is not a new one and now governments can't buy back the farm only argue about it. So now the even the energy companies are moving away from coal to their predictable future renewables because they know Fossil Fuels have like the horse and cart have had their day and they definitely aren't doing that in isolation they are global players and selling their product where it's most wanted gas to Asia and we are paying the price. It seems all our major corporations they aren't crying out like Bolt to be more Japanese and more isolated. Turnbull has been forced to close the free market that caused the problem in the first place and isolate gas for domestic purpose. By the way Bolt the Japanese economy is rooted.
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