Thursday, 22 June 2017

Andrew bolt's Blog; 22/6/17; Andrew Bolt the over produced Fox Australia sockpuppet; The bouvver boy with a suit and halo;

 Image result for Image of The Bolt report editorials


Bolt must think so little of his Australian readers. Does he think they are so isolated from the rest of the world that they still believe that transitioning away from coal is to make a pact with the devil?  The rest of the world is moving to renewable energy but Australia should remain the leading country out of step because coal is the cheaper, healthier, and more beneficial option. That left wing politics is the single reason we are being conned. They are 1 ) dishonest 2 ) con-merchants and 3) your dumb and I'm not so I'm giving
Has anyone taken into account what Andrew Bolt has said over the years never apologized for and has been wrong or just plain stupid? He's the man that told us he's more Indigenous than the majority of Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders. He's the man that has told us to forget science it's just another religion and as such it's just a voluntary act of faith to be practiced. But not to be compulsory in our schools. 

Bolts logic is premised on the fact Australia needn't do anything about climate because we are too small and isolated. We should be more like Japan was when it comes to immigration. However, we need to be lions when it comes to foreign policy and our armies should spread across the globe when it comes to fighting terrorism. Abbott was right trying to become part of NATO. We need to be global in trade because the rest of the world wants what we have but our gates need to be locked limiting the numbers we let in. Foreign Aid is a burden we can't afford. We are dependent today on our isolation and not on globalization. Bolt really does seem to admire the South Africa of old when it too told the world to get stuffed. I remember a significantly different Australia just three years ago when we lead the world economically and Wayne Swann was Treasurer. The rest of the world was sinking into recession and we didn't know what that meant. Then came Tony Abbott and like the Spanish Inquisition, a dark cloud passed over our heads reminding us of being sinners that needed saving. That cloud was Tony Abbott and ultra-Conservative thinking.
Bolt's  editorial asks us to go back 10 years when Rudd said 
" Green energy would only cost a dollar a year but it's cost you hundreds and maybe your job " Bolt Again you would have to live in isolation to not notice that wages were on average $ 40 K p,a and are closer to $80k now. That the mining boom has stalled globally and the jobs lost in fossil fuels weren't lost because we are transitioning to green power. Those jobs won't return because mining has turned to robotics. What's more the investors globally are turning their backs on fossil fuels as if they knew it was a sunset industry. Jobs in renewables are skyrocketing while those in fossil fuels are dying a rapid death. Just yesterday we heard how the Millionaires Club Macquarie Bank was being sued for false promises regard mining promises like Bolt's. How much money has Bolt invested in his belief in the great king coal that he has so much faith in?
"No the barrier reef can't be saved and any attempt would be futile. We are too small"Bolt
  We can't save the reef nature determines whether or not it will save itself. We are a Nation that's simply too small to do anything like spend our money with futile action "even our chief scientist said so. When asked the question by a Senate committee" said Bolt. Of course the question was can Australia do anything about climate change? Of course we can't not alone but we are one of 200 nations on the planet of which some 193 have declared their intent and signed a pact to try to cut CO2 emissions. Those trying the hardest are reaping the rewards because energy costs for renewables have plummetted so fast they are now cheaper than coal. If energy is cheaper and so is robotics we shouldn't be surprised when BMW says the future is in electric cars.  Germany recently powered itself on 85% renewables. Where does Bolt think manufacturing investment will drift?  If aluminum smelters like Whyalla can get zero cost energy in places like Germany. Technology has moved so fast that business, finance, and consumers are all moving away from coal. The big con is Bolt the coal seller.

Ben Santer admits there has been a slowdown in the rate of warming.
That's not cooling as Bolt is hinting at what it is is that Climate science is improving. There still remains a 97% consensus among the world's climatologists. Global warming in initial predictions virtually said we were well past the tipping point and it still does. There is still a need for things to be done now for the long term future of the planet. Even Santer agrees that man made global warming exists only the rate may not be as fast as predicted but the planet isn't cooling as Bolt seems to want us to believe. Bolt's running the same old same old smoking doesn't cause cancer defense which is based on the fact that science can't guarantee smoking and cancer have 100%  causal connection. Sow a little doubt and publicize it that doubt with publicity. More money is spent promoting doubt than financing research.  What the world's health organizations have done has simply in discouraged smoking for less money. Australia's plain paper packaging was a world first and was legally sued for billions and won. The same tactics are now being applied here and yes science is a skeptical discipline it questions itself far more stringently than Bolt does and reviews it's own conclusions all the time but it never throws the baby out with the bath water which Bolt is saying should be done. Ben Santer isn't even saying that when he writes that the early models on warming were wrong. He is  only saying that and while the rate of warming isn't as fast as first predicted by earlier models the planet isn't cooling and CO2 emissions are the major factor that give rise to that  acceleration
The con artist is Andrew Bolt. The rising costs are largely due to Conservative politics Australian energy production was privatized the promise competition would make our electricity cheaper bullshit  it's done the opposite. The story is not a new one and now governments can't buy back the farm only argue about it. So now the even the energy companies are moving away from coal to their predictable future renewables because they know Fossil Fuels have like the horse and cart have  had their day and they definitely aren't doing that in isolation they are global players and selling their product where it's most wanted gas to Asia and we are paying the price. It seems all our major corporations they aren't crying out like Bolt to be more Japanese and more isolated. Turnbull has been forced to close the free market that caused the problem in the first place and isolate gas for domestic purpose. By the way Bolt the Japanese economy is rooted.

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Muslim shock-jock Yassmin Abdel-Magied says our democracy is a con and she won't stand for election in a system which "for women and for people of colour" is biased: "Look at the photo of the House of Representatives. It does not represent anyone.” She said this on the day Kenyan-born Senator Lucy Gichuhi made her maiden speech. 
  The great advocate and "free Speech " warrior is doing what? Trying to close Yassmin down, how? By berating even the smallest platforms of giving her space. What's Bolt using? The largest platform supplied to him for less than free, they pay him, to do it. Bolt isn't his own man he's Rupert's. Bolt tries how reasoned argument no not at all pure personal venom kicking like a bovver boy that dribbles out the both sides of his mouth while doing it. "she isn't bright"," "she isn't a leader" "no record of insightful analysis" she's a "token" . Bolt even kicks her hosts for just being feel-good fools. "Flip", yes Bolt does that too it's Yassmin according to him who presents herself as the victim so consequently like the victims at Finsbury Park Mosque she invites and deserves his racist shellacking.

However, she and Bolt are on the same page aren't they? They both disrespect the Parliament we currently have. Bolt doesn't believe in populism or that the LP represents the party base, but here he is with halo on saying "In fact, a politician does represent the citizens who voted for them, of whatever color or creed. Abdel-Magied completely misunderstands the meaning of "represent"Bolt

Bolt along with Abbott not only want a shift to the right but our system changed to prevent a hostile Senate. a shift to fascism. Both he and Abbott want the diversity of small party representatives shut down. The truth "When Evans challenged her to run for office, Ms. Abdel-Magied replied sarcastically: “You know how to get to office, I have to go to preselection, which works really well, and I have to go through all these other systems which for women and for people of colour are actually biased.” Yassmin. She knows the truth it's the same as Bolt does and why he sits safely out of the politics he so energetically tells is wrong. He will always tell you Kroger invited him though that's ego talking. 

So Bolt the African hater, the man that keeps the list on why Africans should be banned, pulls his magic rabbit out of a hat ,Senator Gichuhi, accusing Yassmin of insulting our Institutions. Bolt, himself does nothing other than just that and he does it daily. The ASIO boss is a  liar, Universities are nests Marxists, Police are corrupt, etc. What Yassmin on the other hand does is shines a light on the subject while Bolt sets out to destroy it by disparagement. The difference between them is she offers insightful criticism and he is the bovver boy with steel capped boots kicking. As far as Aboriginals are concerned here is  the racist's reply " False. We have those conversations endlessly. It's just that millions of Australians have figured that the issue is long settled, in the past and of no practical benefit to keep revisiting. Unlike the identity warriors, most Australians believe that we're more likely to advance if we consider ourselves now as Australians together, regardless of race or past history."Bolt Why racist because it seems Bolt never asks or invites Aboriginal Australia to his party.

According to Bolt Yassmin has no right to have  insightful analysis not recognizing that she just might be and exception among he peers like Waleed Aly, Stan Grant or Adam Goodes. They shouldn't analyze us but should KowTow and celebrate the nation and people like Bolt that have allowed them to celebrate their success. Between clenched teeth nevertheless Bolt is cursing that they slipped through the racist and bigoted net put in place to keep them out.

"A word to Abdel-Magied. Democracy is not a system you support only when your candidate wins. That's tribalism. Democracy is a system of peacefully chosing between rival candidates, by a vote of the people." Bolt What we have is the last word from a truly fake Australian


Michael Asten, former professor of geophysics, wants "an adversarial 'red team-blue team' approach" to test warming science. See, the consensus may be wrong: "When [natural] cycles are considered, the magnitude of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change projected temperature rise to 2100 is probably reduced by a factor between two and four." 

Does Bolt really believe in such stupidity? Religion doesn't test itself. Science is constant testing Bolt's not even attempting to boost the 3% of scientists who disagree with warming he's trying to boost those that want science to be turned into the equivalent of a religion.  Galileo was being asked the question by the church. We are asking Bolt don't you believe in Science the question is far far from being the same. History has proved that in a very short time.


North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un’s biggest mistake may be what he did to a 22-year-old student, Otto Warmbier. Until now many people in the West have treated North Korea as just a weird country led by a crazy freak with a strange haircut. Now more people will understand the evil Donald Trump is dealing with.  
 Bolt is boosting himself simply on the back of the obvious. What new and insightful analysis has he provided us with? None, in fact, all he's done is shown just how rigid minded people can react when pranked. Bolt clenched his fists punched and kicked a prankster in the balls for having been glittered. He overreacted to the max bragged later and called for others to do the same. Bolt is our Kim Jong-un. If the police or DPP examined the tape objectively Bolt should be before our courts now. It seems he's not. The only difference between Bolt and Kim's is a matter of degree.



I give up. What’s the point of the Liberals when Malcolm Turnbull actually leads another failed Labor Government? There is no real Liberal Government left - just Liberals trying to figure how best to pay for and run Labor policies. Sadly, I now think even bringing back Abbott won’t fix this.

 I refer you to Andrew Bolt's attitude to the LNP and in

particular the advice he gave Yassmin above about not showing gratefulness for what she's been given rather than achieved. According to Bolt, she disrespects our Parliamentary Democracy and the Institutions that are meant to serve us. Coming from Bolt it's the case of the pot calling the kettle black. Bolt is a far louder voice  than Yassmin's whinging Yassmin's is not in

front of a moderated audience and is a critical perspective. Bolt, on the other hand, indulges himself and attacks the individuals involved rather than the system employed. Yassmin has been widely recognized with various and diverse honors bestowed upon her. from a diverse range of people and organizations. Bolt, on the other hand, hasn't. He awards himself claiming he was educated at Adelaide Uni when in fact he wasn't. His career has been an extremely narrow path at News Corp. A hack who decided long ago journalism wasn't his bag it was just too much hard work verifying data. He prefers opinion that needs no facts nor hard data. That didn't pass Mordecai Bromberg's eye when he convicted him of breaking Section 18D of the RDA.



This is proof positive of Bolt's lack of respect for hard data, history, and inability to understand the systemic disadvantage indigenous Australians experienced since colonization. The man simply doesn't live in shared  Australia or recognition of it. Bolt's address is cloud cuckoo land country unknown. Yet we give him the freedom to show us his insanity



Bella D'Abrera on the document that formalised the freedoms we're now trashing.
 So this is Bolt's contribution to critical and reasoned analysis? Our Constitution is what Australian laws and our freedoms are based on. 1) There are race laws written in it 2) It guarantees the freedom of religion. 3) The Separation of the Law Judiciary it's why we have contempt laws

Andrew Bolt rarely mentions the race laws in the constitution but concentrates on telling just how equal it makes us all. He rails against the freedom of religion and the secrecy of the ballot. He wants Muslims banned and any public servant who he thinks votes for labor removed from public office. In fact, he believes all our institutions are biased. Basically, Bolt sees our political system and our institutions as flawed and not deserving of any respect.




Pathetic: "The ABC has apologised to News Corp columnist Miranda Devine after Hack Live guest Clementine Ford referred to her as a c**t during last night’s live broadcast." Why is the ABC pretending to be shocked by the predictable results of giving a stage to a hater with a long record of vile abuse?
Unlike Andrew, Bolt Ford didn't try to exercise misogynistic male power over Devine and assume she'd win. She did excercise right to the male vernacularAustralians understand. Bolt is pretending he's protecting Devine what an asshole he is and Devine would say so straight to his face the way she did when he tried to hijack her show on 2GB while Steve Price was away. Bolt whined to the management and even they put him to rights it was Nights with Miranda Devine with guest Andrew Bolt. Bolt nevertheless kept advertising it a "my" show. Then he only stopped because, no doubt, he was told: "it's not your show".

How refreshing the ABC is unlike the anal over produced Bolt Report posing as a debate of ideas copy of something Fox News might present. The  Bolt Report isn't even representative of Australian Culture unless of course, you regard Bolt while doing his editorial as the puppet in the Thunderbirds.

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