Trump now says he made no tapes of talks with Comey
What excuse will Bolt or should I say Fox News and Murdoch find for this most inconvenient leader?
Pauline Hanson defends herself from criticism of her comments on autistic children at schools. Watch.
Bolt's editorial is Right wing verbal attack on a female Muslim for simply speaking out. It began with Identity Politics long before Yassmin spoke out. It began with the verbal spokesman a right wing minority on Islam a religious minority in Australia with the specific intention to divide Australia not by class but by Culture. Bolt simply uses his words as a weapon in the same way he did when describing the incident at Finsbury Park as revenge for what Muslims did turning on and blaming the victims for what had just occurred. There is no debate being held here it's an attack on a girl for being not just a 26-year-old woman but a personal attack on a black Muslim who has a voice. Magied was making a generalized comment about an issue of how she believes Australian society is unwittingly biased not just against Muslims but against women and other minorities on the basis of internalized generalizations developed over time. It's called making a Sociological observation. She happens to raise the hairs on the back of Bolt's neck and he attacks the woman and not the issue. It's exactly what Magied was describing. It's exactly Bolt clenching his teeth and fists and trying to commit Right- wing GVH instead of GBH, GrevousVerbal Harm.
The truth be known when victims speak out like all right wing thugs Bolt believes it's his right to seek revenge any way he can physical or verbal boots and all. He does it to the likes of Adam Goodes, Yassmin, and countless others he flips the argument as a child bully does when caught out yelling Yassmin is bullying me.
Neither Bolt or Hanson want to rid us of Identity Politics because if they did what would be left would be the real thing that divides us now Class the "have's" and "have nots" those that own the means of Australia's GDP and those that produce it but don't. The wealth gap the income gap the producers and the non-producers would come obvious and in sharp relief. The right wing doesn't want that. Identity politics helps to distract and blur the edges of what really needs to be done for Australians and the right -wing is the last in line to put their hands up for that.

‘Racism’ in child welfare and justice system | NITV
There would be a national taskforce to fix the crisis in child protection and youth justice if it involved white rather than Aboriginal children, Australia’s only indigenous children’s commissioner says. Victorian Commissioner for Aboriginal Children and Young People Andrew Jackomos says there is institutional racism and bias in the child protection and youth justice systems, in which indigenous children are significantly over- represented.Bolt's analysis it's their own fault a cultural disjunction.

"There can be little doubt that one of the main contributors to this “white noise” has been far-right groups such as the English Defence League (EDL) and Britain First. Without any constraints being placed on them, they were only allowed to become ever more confrontational and aggressive towards Muslims and mosques. The mainstream media gave them a platform from which to voice their explicit and divisive message about Muslims and Islam."
When Andrew Bolt delivers vilification on our daily MSM there is little doubt some people will react. The platform he's been given is the great enabler and shows how a corporation is allowed to damage the fabric of this nation. What Bolt demonstrates is Identity Politics at it's worst. Bolt might as well be saying Yassmin Abdel Mageid is practicing "reverse racism" "reverse sexism" etc when neither exist. Australian Muslims and our indigenous are minority groups bigotry racism flow from the top down not up. To stereotype Bolt as a right -wing bigot has no systemic effect on his life. However he is punching down and his stereotyping and generalizations do impinge on their lives. The ABC provides a broad platform unlike News Corp. It didn't "reward" Yassmin it provided another Australian voice representing Australians we are a nation of diverse voices that deserve to be heard among a broad range of people. unlike Sky, 2GB and it's print mastheads around the country which broadcast and extremely narrow conservative view in the main always punching down.
What to do when anti-Muslim Hate Speech now passes the Dinner Table Test? | Informed Comment
Mining magnate hits John Oliver with defamation lawsuit
He knew it could incite a legal battle, but the Last Week Tonight host lambasted one of the United States' largest coal mining companies anyway on Sunday.World's biggest coal company closes 37 mines as solar power's influence grows | The Independent
The largest coal mining company in the world has announced it will close 37 mines because they are no longer economically viable. Coal India, which produces around 82 per cent of India's coal, said the mines would be decommissioned by March 2018. The closures, of around 9 per cent of the state-run firm's sites, will reportedly save around 8,000,000,000 rupees (£98m).Source:
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