German parliament votes to legalise same sex marriage | The Independent
Germany’s parliament has voted to legalise same-sex marriage by 399 votes to 226, despite Angela Merkel opposing the move. The German Chancellor was seen voting with a “red card”, indicating a no vote, at the end of a heated debate in the Bundestag.
I was sued by activists insisting no one could choose their "race". Yet the latest Census suggests 40,000 just did. There are now 649,171 Aborigines counted, compared to 548,368 just five years earlier. That 18.4 per cent growth is more than can be explained by the birth rate.
Is it fashionable today to be a commentator a journalist and be a liar? Is it fashionable to constantly say history is fixed? Bolt spends his energy writing a fixed history for us never allowing or accepting that we might be able to write our own or at least point out where history has forgotten us. History is far more fluid than he thinksOur courts judged and convicted Bolt of "vilification" for lying in media articles about the history of others and who they were. So yes our courts did accept the fact that Bolt wasn't the sole arbiter of the identity of others. That he wasn't in the position to decide who people weren't or who people were. Besides he was convicted also, by the way, he said it.
Is it fashionable to identify as Agnostic when one was raised and born a Calvinist socialized to believe they alone were part of an elect group and then change? Apparently, it is. Bolt did that at what point did he change his mind and to what degree? We allowed him that change yet he remains aloof and believes he still stands apart on a higher moral ground that us. Let's not confuse that with intellect because he's shown his to be limited and when push comes to shove he simply loses control and goes ape-like he did in Carlton.
Is Cate McGrath just being fashionable? Are gays and the Indigenous. Are we basically all the same as Bolt sometimes chooses to portray us? No in our socially constructed realities we are diverse and treat each other differently but not always as equals. Bolt often prescribes equality as the majority of us all do but he fails to describe it as it exists now. It's reflected here.
He turns a race into something ugly and grubby in fact when he suggests "I must assume it's fashionable to identify as Aboriginal among people who have a choice. Or there are more financial benefits in doing so." Bolt. Basically what he's saying is he just might lose some money and privilege which he's not prepared to do. Fundamentally he's not talking about race at all.
There is something less moral-less truthful something less than he is and it's revealed in the statistics. Bolt
Unfortunately, Social Policy isn't guided by statistics alone nor given the benefit of doubt as shown in the fluidity of numbers. Budgeting for Australia's Indigenous was cut by Tony Abbott not increased because of the stats. The promises not to cut funds to swathes of areas were broken by him despite the statistics that dictated otherwise. Gonski was smashed. Nor does this bring to relief the divisions among Indigenous themselves who regard some 30% of Aborigines as "coconuts" Warren Mundine Stan Grant and others aren't seen by all Indigenous as one of them. Bolt problem is the wrong simplistic division he makes and the one he never really hides well enough. It's not racial nor cultural or one of identity.
Bolt doesn't even make sense when he says "
"When we now measure progress in education, for instance, we must be careful to adjust for the fact that there are now many more children being included who would not have been included before. They are more likely to have fewer Aboriginal ancestors and to come from more mainstream families in urban areas.
That means the statistics may exaggerate progress for Aborigines in more traditionally Aboriginal areas."Bolt
He's simply confusing the issue. Poverty is poverty lack of opportunity is the lack of opportunity disadvantage is disadvantage we may not want to believe it's racial or cultural but it is reflected in both but it is more. However, Bolt's not really talking about race, is he? He's talking about the loss of privilege class difference and the greed and fear of loss that a drive to equality might bring for himself and those he identifies with a battle between the have's and have nots. and the fact the increasing homeless poor and disadvantaged are becoming and living like many of Australia's indigenous have since the invasion. I hate serial liars!!
I was sued by activists insisting no one
could choose their "race". Yet the latest Census suggests 40,000 just
did. There are now 649,171 Aborigines counted, compared to 548,368 just
five years earlier. That 18.4 per cent growth is more than can be
explained by the birth rate.
Bolt continues to lie to the
public why? Is he the Peter Foster of Media? He was convicted of lying
by Mordecai Bromberg and vilification. He claims to have been educated
at Adelaide Uni when they dis-enrolled him emphasizing he wasn't. He
claims an IPA book edited by Alan Moran is "his" and claims radio shows
he's a guest on as "his". He claims to have been a minder for a belly
dancer and claims to be a self-defending conservative when he attacked
two pranksters and called on others to do the same etc etc etc Yes Bolt
stands shoulder to shoulder with Australia's fraudster Peter Foster and
is proud of it. He worked for Labor but claims he's conservative. Ina
point Bolt identifies with a lot of things.Bolt continues to malign and blames Australia's Indigenous for claiming not only to be victims when damning their Culture as the cause for their poverty and he calls bullshit of their history all on the basis of their race or color which he denies. Yet clearly identifies their culture as the significant causal distinction for a total clusterfuck of negative qualities.
Here he says " I must assume it's fashionable to identify as Aboriginal among people who have a choice. Or there are more financial benefits in doing so."Bolt If this isn't a case of contempt, blame , or vilification and a case for further for charges against Section 18C I don't know what is. Bolt might quote his reader "Ben" for this unverified speculation however, he publishes and presents it as fact" His evidence"Interestingly, the biggest growth is in Victoria - 25.8 per cent. That's presumably where intermarriage rates are higher. It's also our most Left-wing state.
That suggests a real public policy issue" If that's not biased guessing what is?
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