Old Dog Thoughts |
News Corporation employs Right-Wing Broadcasters providing them with a platform ensuring the inequality of speech. Their Social Media Platforms not only advocate conservative, and extreme right-wing wing views. They monitor out most opposing opinions which they are entitled to do. However, they also simply lie when they say they provide an arena for fair and balanced discussion in a no-spin zone. They don't it's all spin.
Thursday, 29 June 2017
Andrew Bolt's Blog;29/6/17; Raising Cain; The Hypocrisy off a GBH one punch Dreamer; Climate Fraud by Doubting Thomas; Call to Arms; If Bolt is representative of White Culture; George Pell and Bolt shut up; James Okeefe News Porn; Victim Blaming 101
What has the picture below of Bachar Houli to do with Bolt's want to raise the dead? It says something of Bolt when he's prepared to put the boot into Houli who plays for Bolt's AFL team simply because he's a Muslim and Bolt's two most hated significant others provided character references for him. Waleed Aly and Malcolm all for the sake of Raising Cain. Previously I called it Raising Lazarus the dead from the grave. However, Abbott is far worse than Laz who in fact was a good man. Cain, on the other hand, was never forgiven.Tony Abbott: man of the times for 1961
Doesn’t the AFL tribunal realise Australians are sick of the cultural elite looking after its own? The tribunal on Tuesday banned Richmond’s Bachar Houli for only two weeks for knocking out Carlton’s Jed Lamb, after taking into account comments about him from Prime Minister Turnbull and a reference from Aly, the Gold Logie winner.
Bolt who doesn't believe in the separation of the Law or Church because we are a Christian Nation 52% and probably less than half practicing and that Australia is a secular nation comes out against the AFL Tribunal for allowing character references to be used in thee hearing against Bachar Houli why the hypocrisy? Richmond is his own favorite team the appropriate time for character references in Australian Law is sentencing why is it inappropriate here? Bolt has written about what a good Muslim Houli is himself so why is it so tainted here after all we know Houli had no intention to cause harm. Why is this such a contradiction after all unlike Bolt Houli didn't try to king hit or turn on his opponent like Bolt did a prankster in Carlton? We Know what one punch can do it killed an innocent heart surgeon this week so it seems reasonable for Houli's defense to state his character.
I doubt there'd be too many people of the quality of Waleed and Malcolm to stand up for Andrew Bolt. Why is Bolt making an issue of this? Aly barracks to Richmond and Turnbull knows the great community work Bachar Houli does with kids as I said Bolt has even praised him. Why is Bolt Raising Cain simply because Tony Abbott wasn't called? No Waleed his nemesis is a Muslim and Malcolm is the sworn enemy of Tony just how petty and tiny is Bolt. Bolt deserves to be charged he deliberately showed a lack of character and the full aggression of a raging bull when he went on the attack and if the intent is any reason he should be charged with GBH. He ticked all boxes.
Tony Thomas Quadrant's Climate & Religious Commentator is referenced by Bolt why? To rephrase the Spencer and Christy claim the world according to science shows the planet is cooling and all the the 93% of scientists that claim a consensus on warming are frauds because science is wrong. Thomas has rephrased a claim as dead as Richard Feyman. Yes, science gets things wrong and tests for that continuously and historically and is in constant motion progressing. Do you hear Thomas telling us Newton is wrong, Einstein or Quantum Physics no? Does he argue that smoking hasn't been proved to cause cancer 100% no? However he's applying the same deflection to declare the scientific method to be little more than another religious faith simply because it continues to evolve.
Whose interests does Thomas serve is it for the betterment of the planet. Have him breathe CO2 his health greenhouse gas for 30 minutes and see if he's a believer or not it's production is what science is telling us is unhealthy physically. Writers like Thomas are poisonous mentally yet claim to be skeptics in the same vain as scientists when all they are is static and non-ivestigative doubting Thomases.
Abbott's not leading anything he's making a noise because as predicted his time is running out with 18 months to go. "The revolt is on. Abbott and other conservatives are organizing a push to reform the party:"Bolt Everywhere in the world conservatives like Abbott rush in to stop and protect the current governments. They generally call those revolting "terrorists" Syria, Iraq, and Africa the extreme religious conservatives wanting to change the status quo are called 'terrorists' but not in Australia and definitely not in the Liberal Party "Your attendance at the FREE "Call to Arms event"
To Abbott:
On Tuesday you decided to launch an election campaign where you persuasively articulated your point of difference from your hated political rivals. The problem was that there's no election, you're not leader of any party, and the political rivals at which you took aim was the government of which you are still ostensibly a part. And it would be fun to play pretendies if you were a six year old, but there's something distinctly embarrassing about watching a 59-year-old man play acting at leadership by announcing policies he can't enact for a prime ministership he can't achieve. Even if its performed at the right wing fantasy camp which is the Institute for Public Affairs, which exists in an alternate universe where it's perpetually an overcast day in 1961 and there's a Robert Menzies on every corner. And your speech hit all the predictable conservative touchstones: lower immigration! No new spending! Reduce renewable energy target! Nationalise the coal industry by getting the government to invest in coal-burning pow… sorry, what?
Bolt continues to lie to the public. Why is he the Peter Foster of Media? He was convicted of lying by Mordecai Bromberg and vilification, Claims to have been educated at Adelaide Uni when they disenrolled him emphasizing he wasn't. Claims an IPA book edited by Alan Moran is "his", Claims Radio shows he's a guest on as "his", Claims to have been a minder for a belly dancer, claims to be a self-defending conservative when he attacked two pranksters and called on others to do the same etc etc etc Yes Bolt stands shoulder to shoulder with Australia's fraudster Peter Foster and is proud of it.
Bolt continues to malign and blames Australia's Indigenous for claiming not only to be victims but damning their Culture for their poverty their bullshit about their history all on the basis of their race which he denies yet clearly identifies as their only distinction and a total clusterfuck of negative qualities.
Here he says " I must assume it's fashionable to identify as Aboriginal among people who have a choice. Or there are more financial benefits in doing so."Bolt If this isn't a case of contempt or further justification for charges against Section 18C I don't know what is. Bolt quotes "Ben" His reader for unverified speculation only, however, presents it as fact"
"Interestingly, the biggest growth is in Victoria - 25.8 per cent. That's presumably where intermarriage rates are higher. It's also our most Left-wing state.
That suggests a real public policy issue" If that's not biased guessing what is?
Bolt has shut up. The police have handed their evidence to the DPP who have examined it and deemed the matter to be decided by our courts. Bolt, however, is a pissant pup. He is is no Derryn Hinch is he and won't be seen standing up to our justice system holding on to his beliefs. Nobody has gagged him he's still entitled to. Guess News Corp lawyers have..
Pell will face charges like any other person before our courts and due process without bias will occur. Should it result in sentencing maybe Andrew Bolt could volunteer to give Pell a character reference? I'm sure he's step up to the plate despite not knowing him for any length of time.
The Trump-hating Washington Post hides the real problem with CNN, humiliated after pushing fake news about Donald Trump's links with Russia: "The zeal to break news can create haste that leads to flawed reporting." No, the zeal was for tearing down Trump. Check CNN's list of shameful mistakes and abuse.
What Bolt calls work he's repeating yesterday's post. What is missing is the fact that conservative media is hanging this story of sneak tapes produced by the notorious James O'keefe who taped a conversation with a CNN producer who was overheard making a passing conversation about media in general and CNN that everybody knows. O'keefe sensationalists who edit's tapes to produce art to please Trumpeters and who has been charged and found guilty on countless occasions is the fulcrum on which Fox and other conservative media are hanging their hats to claim the FBI is using "false facts as a basis to damage the President. So basically the media is using a video by a false fact video to claim the truth about the media industry using false facts for ratings which are the truth. However, it has nothing to do with the FBI's investigation od Trump and Russia.
Blaming Indigenous Culture for it's dysfunction largely 750,000 Australians in order to protect a single white man for being a spokesperson against a race. Bolt has a racist conclusion to be reached and yes he selects the evidence to support it. Does he provide the evidence to show the numbers of the 750,000 persons who support and commit what it is he's speaking of? Does Elferink? No, however, while reducing unknown numbers as fact to support a conclusion that a cultural practice is widespread today and supported by Indigenous culture overall it entitles Bolt to think he somehow whitewashed himself of his bigotry by proving "they are different from us". Child abuse is an Australian issue being the children of Andrew Bolt might well be regarded as an abuse and his children removed from his family because of his cultural practice. We saw how violent Bolt can get due to his unhealthy state of paranoia. We saw how threatening his wife can get when it was revealed what his eldest son did for a living all signs of significant dysfunction in the Bolt family due to Bolt's instant cultural practices. Had he not been earning a sufficient wage and been white his children may well have been part of the stolen generation too. However, would race and White Culture take the brunt of that blame or Bolt?
Bolt can call it what he likes but the proability that what he says will be a lie remains. Abbott, Murdoch Media and Bolt are finally tuned not to predict anything but activate a plan in place since the when Abbott lost his Prime Ministership. As far back as early 2016 Murdoch was helping Abbott appear a hero. Let's not forget the Alfalfa Club debacle where Abbott and Rupert were busted in a fake photoshoot for the Daily Telegraph. Look at the headlines today tell me Abbott wasn't Murdoch's man in waiting. What we are witnessing is a desperate attempt by Abbott to hijack not a car but Australian Democracy. These men have no respect whatsoever for the Australian public.
Pell's chance of a fair trial is the same as it is for all Australians unless of course News Corp involves itself in jury tampering and ensures that due process isn't allowed to occur. The court needs to pay serious attention to the possibility of contempt occurring. Bolt's attempt to portray Pell as a Christ figure as an agnostic is so ludicrous it's beyond belief. "He said what might seem obvious from a cardinal but was evidently sincere: his deep faith in Christ, the suffering servant. And he gave me a book of sermons he’d given on the Gospel of Luke. So — again, if he’s innocent — being charged with sexual offences must seem the ultimate insult to a man who has endured so many already."Bolt. Notice how Bolt buries the "if" here . However it's what is to be tested in our courtsand not in the mediaas Bolt wants us to believe. I hope Bolt sees fit to malign the court and is charged for contempt the man complains too muchabout this country and it's institutions.
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