Sunday, 11 June 2017

Andrew Bolt's Blog,11/6/17; Self indulgent non thinker Andrew Bolt proves he's enviromentally irresponsible by promoting mince for magies; California defies Trump;



Tim Blair has one who gives investment advice. I have two couples - including Max and Maxine - who give me a song if I'm late with the mince. Then there's the two crows, Bert and Bertha, but they give me nothing but guano.

  In Australia,  it's practically an unofficial law that you should not feed wildlife", says Darryl. "Every other country in the world actively promotes feeding of birds." Associate Professor at the Centre for Innovative Conservation Strategies at Griffith University, Darryl was interested in the "big question" - do we harm birds by feeding them? " Feeding magpies is not a good idea," magpies get sick on a bad diet. "Just like us, if they eat too much fatty food, their cholesterol goes up." Let's face it look what fatty mince does to Aussies who can't afford healthy food.
Andrew Bolt doesn't give a shit about the unwritten Australian laws and he again proves he's purely self-indulgent and not one of us feeding "his" magpies with fatty mince. 5 The consequences for magpie of the wrong food can be disastrous. It's rare, but not unknown for a magpie to lose its beak because of the artificial feeding. Worms are very different to meat. Mushy meat such as mince can be trapped inside and around the edges of the beak, Darryl explains. Bacteria builds up; the beak is weakened and can break off. "Of course, these birds are really in trouble trying to feed themselves."


With the Left, being collectivist and tribal,  it is not the principle that counts but the side. That's why it so often resembles what it condemns- violent, intolerant, hate-preaching and now fascist. Here are some of the many comments published (after moderation) by the Guardian Australia cheering the two masked Leftists who assaulted me.

When it comes to lying Andrew Bolt is worse than Donald Trump. In truly definitive terms Andrew Bolt wasn't attacked he was sprayed with glitter and the glitter thrower attempted to then get away. The video clearly shows Bolt throwing the first punches and like a pit bull not satisfied with one charged and threw more. His own weight and lack of balance and a kid pushing him out of the way of the charge had the 58-year-old off balance fall into the tables. Not satisfied Bolt was up and on his feet yet again determined to extract satisfaction in none other than a brutal way punching and kicking his glitter throwers. The fury the violence and anything resembling an 'attack' was all on Bolt's side.
 Immediately after the event, it was self-adulation and the voice of a right wing braggart and bogan calling for like-minded bogans to go to war on the left and cause them damage just as he did oops wrong!! The victor immediately became the victim. Since then there has been a fury of Trump-like PR using all his media platforms to present himself as the injured party in all of this when he clearly was only the victim of a glitter prank. The consequences of George Colombaris being charged for a shove hit home what Bolt had done was far worse and he admitted damaging a kid's jaw and balls. If he'd connected with a king-hit the guy could well have been dead. So Charity auctions free books and promotion of Bolt the nice guy came into force all time and space paid for by News Corp to protect their asset.
Had Bolt been Indigenous, homeless, or possibly just poor he'd most likely have been charged by now and possibly facing jail or community service wondering how to pay his fine. This is Andrew Bolt who claims he's an average Aussie that has no privileges over and above other Australians. The police if they need an example against violence should be charging this man who for a moment lost it mentally and was totally out of control. If this happened on a football field Bolt would be out for the rest of the season.
If you were a Charity would you care to be used in this Peter Foster style of PR calculate the money being spent on saving Bolt from the greater embarrassment of being charged under the law like George C was. 

 California Defies Trump, Announces Pact With Germany To Uphold Paris Agreement | IFLScience 

The fact that California is signing climate agreements with other nations while simultaneously doubling down on its efforts to perfect its already booming clean energy industries is nothing less than enormously significant. It sets a shining example for the rest of the country, especially the fledgling Climate Alliance – a coalition of states keeping to the Paris agreement – that it co-founded.Secondly, Germany is proving time and time again that it is determined to be an internationalist nation that pushes back against dangerous populism and navel-gazing. It wants to play its part in the Paris agreement – and most importantly, it wants to ensure the rest of the EU fulfills their commitments too.
Secondly, Germany is proving time and time again that it is determined to be an internationalist nation that pushes back against dangerous populism and navel-gazing. It wants to play its part in the Paris agreement – and most importantly, it wants to ensure the rest of the EU fulfills their commitments too.

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