Senator Cory Bernardi asks an excellent
question: if Qatar sponsor terrorism, why do we let it keep strategic
investments in Australia? "Why are we allowing a state actor—a state
sanctioned funder—in terrorism globally to invest in prime agricultural
land, as well as in other areas, in our own country?"

My Bolt Report editorial discusses two things seemingly unrelated. First, the Turnbull Government has told a Victorian court it will pay 1900 illegal immigrants $70 million compensation rather than run the case. Second: Victoria's Court of Appeal has ordered three ministers to show why they shouldn't be prosecuted for saying the judges are biased.
Isn't it a relief that there is Judicial independance from the Government. The Government chose not to run the case one needs to only ask why? Why because there remained so much lack of tranparancy that Conservatives approved of and initiated by Tony Abbott. That lack of tranparancy put in place by the Abbott Government has and will put a stench on the LNP and Australia for time inmemorial. They turned Manus and Nauru from transit assesment centers to detention centers akin to prisons. The imprisonment of 1900 persons who the world recognized not gate crashers but as asylum seekers in the process of assessment had a certain amout of responsibility attached and. They had rights under international and Australian law agreed to by by us. Those rights were totally ignored. The Abbott government was proved to have failed in it's obligations left the embarassment with the Turnbull administration who have for political reasons agreed to settle under legal advice. So who is biased here Bolt ? The judges didn't even hear the case so was it the government's own legal team?
Oh, the bias of soft sentencing Bolt's lucky he wasn't dragged before the courts for contempt for all his whining about his conviction and claiming Judge Mordecai Bromberg had set him up. It's well within the judge's prerogative to have charged him with contempt
Bolt can yell foul and favor all he wants but our legal system is designed and has been in existense for years to protect our judges from public harassment. If Bolt can actually provide and argument for a better system let him put one forward. He opened his mouth once too much against a Magistrate Popovich and she sued him to the tune of $250,000.
Yelling foul was what he did when he was found guilty, guilty under the law not just because of the personal opinion of the judge. The government under the advice of it's lawyers chose not to run with the Manus it's not hard to surmise why? The advice obviously was that if more information came out it would have damaged the government even more. Tony Abbott has actually dodged the bullet he deserved but left for others. The information we don't know must have been really bad.
Katy Perry is just the latest celebrity to push the new racism that is dividing us, a racism that has her friends telling her she can no longer wear her hair in cornrows since she’s not black. And she can’t wear Japanese clothes any more like she did at the American Music Awards four years ago. Rowan Dean responds.
The nature of mass media in a capitalist society is not news or information it's largely to entertain and distract and Bolt and Dean are living proof of that. It's what they get paid for to present a program that seems to debate ideas but doesn't. There's no debate Dean prattles on about Cultural Appropriation while Bolt nodded the topic wasn't even examined even though presented in the most superficial way. At least Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis were entertaining and had more to say. Obviously these two twits Bolt and Dean believe they are somewhat self-made men with something to say, maybe not if so they'd garner some sort of weird respect as sellers of crap.
Bolt isn't a quick thinker, he doesn't operate well on his feet. He's trained to run between narrow and strict conservative lines. Rowan Dean a trained and workshopped mercenary pitcher of ideas which simply comes from having been in the advertising business for years. Has any one noticed he and Bolt never debate anything? Ask yourself is it possible that two men actually agree on everything? I don't think so but you'd never know. Dean talks Bolt nods that's the format Bolt's not needed.
Cultural appropriation in the music, dress and food is not unusual in the West because we are Capitalists and as a system of relationships that determined ours and others music, dress and food can be appropriated commodified and sold even more so when no IP Intellectual Property is involved bits of the culture of others might be included but Culture isn't . The symbolism the meaning any empathy is forgone for a quick buck and little consideration of respect. We once put Indigenous cultural images on tea towels however it wasn't their culture we were appropriating at all. We didn't give a rats what they meant. We were never interested in their culture at all. That's why "Piss Christ" kicked up a storm the artist showed what it was we were doing to others. Just as we weren't interested in Black American or Japanese Culture at all we appropriated it's symbols for profit and Bolt says we were richer for it. Well some of us might have been. Basically Martin and Lewis had more to offer than Bolt and Dean who talked nonsense but didn't even make us laugh. Today Intellectual Property is there to make some not all of us even richer.
Bolt truly is the Duck on the surface of the water feet paddling madly to stay afloat. He is busy trying to save his arse from being charged with GBH. The PR he has put out has cost heaps. Why was George Colombaris charged and Andrew Bolt not? The video totally refutes the fact tah Bolt was violently attacked. He was glitteredthat would have been the end of it had he not gone uncontrolably ape shit. He was the one who caused physical harm. He was the thug.
Who said this ?
“Violence of any kind is unacceptable in our society and I condemn this action in the strongest possible terms,” he said. " Bernie Sanders
Andrew Bolt obviously doesn't agree so much so he called Conservatives to clench thei fists like he did and attack.
The Left's insane hate-mongering against Donald Trump produces the inevitable: a Bernie Sanders fan fires on Republican lawmakers at a charity baseball game, critically wounding House majority whip Steve Scalise. When will the Left realize they are becoming the fascists they condemn?
Every association possible every unassociated generalization generalization possible is being dragged out by Bolt before any facts of the case are heard. It's formulaic and straight out of American cable and/or digital news and in this case the Daily Mail. James Hodgkinson was the mirrored reflectin of Andrew Bolt who documents his hatred for our Australian Democracy and Malcolm Turnbull daily. Had he been carrying a gun in Carlton who knows what might have happened. The Daily Mail reported it in typical News Corp style that it was a purely political act by a dangerous unemployed and homeless Democrat with a criminal history. It's the way Bolt refers to the 90% of the Australian population that ignore him.
Trump like no other President before is in the face of America in an up close and personal way. There is little presidential about Trump and for those involved in not searching out the facts and who have a short fuse that keeps getting them into trouble the American and Republican gun laws are heaven sent. They happen to be Republican to boot so it's only expected in a country of 300 + mill people with 40% living on or below the poverty line individuals take it upon themselves to suffer death by cop. Has anybody noticed that there is a cinsensus on our gun laws maybe because we aren't a world producer of weapons.
What's surprising is Bolt or the Daily Mail a digital version of Murdoch's UK SUN modeled on Breitbart hasn't turned it into a Muslim story. Should Bolt consider real news is why a Tower in London went up in flames so quickly dressed in Chinese cladding and occupied by predominantly Muslims?
Malcolm Turnbull won’t just lose the next election. He’s now destroying the Liberals so completely they will lose the one after that as well. If Liberal MPs don’t sack this Prime Minister soon they can kiss their party goodbye. What’s the point of a Liberal Party that just delivers disastrous Labor policies?
What's the point of having a Conservative PM modeled on the anti-democratic Abbott who could captain pick policies but couldn't get them passed. Who simply says it's not my fault it's our parliamentary system we've had for 100 years that's the problem. A PM who as far as the electorate was concerned was an expense but of no value. Abbott's lesson however since 18

The law is an ass. Why are we Australian mugs handing over $70 million in compensation to 1900 illegal immigrants on Manus Island? Did we ask these illegal immigrants to try to come to Australia? Didn’t we actually offer some $20,000 just go back home? Here's a great incentive for the boats to come again.
When Bolt is running a losing argument he simply changes the definitions and terms of reference. Asylum Seekers aren't illegal immigrants to call them that is to avoid the argument altogether. Asylum Seekers by definition aren't refusing to go home and like Abbott, he's calling our laws an ass. Bolt somehow associates a need to punish and torture these people with saving people. His claim we provided these refugees with a beach-side holiday camp suggests he would have been far harsher and I believe him he would. His tone is such that hanging would have been a kindness.
Bolt's claim $70m divided among 1900 people amounts to $175,000 I know he wants maths to only be a voluntary subject in schools but it seems to me simple division results in $36,000
Bolt's argument only carries weight if you believe all these people aren't and never were Asylum Seekers and that all such people are required to be treated in a manner other than what Australia put in practice under Tony Abbott. Bolt changed the definition of Indigenous to make himself one. he changes the definition of victim to make himself one. He has the platform no doubt but he doesn't have Australia's support.
Something is sickening in Victoria: "Crime has continued to climb in Victoria... The number of crimes recorded by police in the year to March 31 was 543,391, an increase of four per cent, and the crime rate per 100,000 of the population increased by 2.5 per cent." That's after last year's huge rise.
Wonder why? The increase in the police force might just add to that rate and be called better policing in Victoria which has improved since the Andrews Government came into power. The nuts and bolts, while there has been an increase in charges laid, doesn't tell us about the convictions resulting from that increase in charges?
"The agency attributed a large proportion of the overall increase to a jump in property and deception crimes, which account for 60 per cent of all crimes." 9 News
Deception tends to be a white collar crime which says the middle class is shrinking and finding it hard to manage. Furthermore, the concentration of charges is for those under 30 who want a life in a society that's no longer providing the opportunities for one. There is no trickle down for those who aren't guaranteed the hours of work. Bolt puts up a banner but offers little or no accompanying explanation.
She's the Greens' finance spokesman. 'Nuff said: "Sarah Hanson-Young has racked-up another big debt to the Finance Department and left it unpaid for more than 90 days... Hanson-Young had a debt of $20,460.76 in February." Not her first debt, either. Imagine what she'd do if the Greens ran the Budget.
They would look brilliant if 90 days was the problem. Notice, however, there is no comparison study being done here to see just how bad Hanson-Young is compared to others. Andrew Bolt I notice auctioned off a suit paid for by Sky News no doubt and took all the credit. Isn't that deception?

On the bullying of Cassie Jaye by White Ribbon ambassador Andrew O'Keefe, who made one giant whoopsie.
Whoopsie Cassie Jaye turned to the media to help fund her film by all accounts is a poor documentary offering little or nothing of merit. Critics have panned it's journalistic quality and clarity Bolt stands alone in praising it. But then that's his shtick take an item that's controversial disregard it's quality or validity and promote it. Moreso if it's been criticized in the public forum by Waleed Aly.
Arguments don't need merit they don't even have to have relevance to reality the outstanding proof of Bolt's stupidity that makes the world consider him Man Monis with a Murdoch platform is that he's more Indigenous than Noel Pearson Stan Grant and Adam Goodes. That's the Calibre of Australia's greatest whinger.

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