Wednesday, 14 June 2017

Andrew Bolt's Blog,14/6/17; Manus Class Action Win; Emissions Tax and it's purpose is all in the name. It's not broken English; Cassie Jaye poor film grasping at straws; Bolt agrees with ISIS British law is dead; Finkel figures and Bolt logic;

Obama was stabbed time and time again his wife called an ape as was Hilary Clinton killed and shot in so many symbolic ways by Conservative commentators like Andrew Bolt as were all women by  Donald Trump. At the time Bolt let them all pass to the wicket keeper. Conservatives can give it but they can't  take it and when they get caught out all they do is pout  and shut up. 
Did anyone see Bolt comment on the sacking of Roger Ailes or Bill O'Reilly at Fox? Did he even comment on their poor behavior when first reported? How about Trumps tweets and locker room banter just a ho ho ho from a Caesar or maybe a Nero? 
Julius Caesar was Shakespeare's hero and was praised not mourned by Mark Antony maybe Bolt should have considered for the part of Antony in the play. After all he incessantly praised Abbott even when the whole world was laughing at him a global lefty conspiracy no doubt. Trump is just another Abbott. They like Bolt apologize  like Paul Ryan promising a change that as with Abbott never comes. Bolt just kept apologizing for Australia's dead man walking PM's performance promising  self-realization and a rebirth that never came. In the end, Bolt went silent.
Einstien defined insanity repeating the same actions and expecting a different outcome it's what Andrew Bolt did and keeps on doing as does Sean Spicer for Trump nothing changes. Neuro -Plasticity indicates that if you repeat the same mistakes over and over and have been thinking that way at length you brain changes. I've always said the suit was a disguise for Bolt  and the real Bolt revealed himself when he was ready to kill two pranksters now that wasn't a Shakespearean play that was reality

Story image for image of the DUP from Belfast Telegraph


My editorial from The Bolt Report - what are the Liberals for if they agree to Malcolm Turnbull's new carbon tax?

1) The Emissions Tax is about policies that can be negotiated and bills that can be passed. It's certainly not just about broken English. It's about values moving forward about do's not don'ts it's about right and not just a need to retain a plunging bottom line.
2) Australians want to move on and not lag behind the rest of the world. Labor lost the election that Abbott never won and the ambiance of this country changed with a leader that everyone kept apologizing for even Andrew Bolt. The problem, the apology is used as an excuse.
3) Emissions regulation is more than just a Carbon Tax it's an investment into a cleaner future that realizes Climate Change is a problem but Clean Energy is value worth fighting for
4) Industry, Finance, and Australians are all for progress which only comes with certainty and political stability. Conservatives don't play or believe in the "we" game of a nation.
5) Investment  will only follow where the path to the future is certain and it currently isn't in coal globally. The future is not in coal as communications wasn't in copper wire and Abbott's Nope to Labor's NBN
6) The Liberals may just have come to learn they work for us Australians and not just their donors or lobby groups like the IPA. that the nation wants more than just a political party fighting among it's own members resulting in the regressive thinking of the past 3 years. That's not Turnbull either it was Tony Abbott leader of Australia's DUP equivalent.
7) Should Abbott win be prepared for Andrew Bolt to be seen celebrating the win raising an ISIS flag in much the same way the DUP celebrated Theresa May's Loss.
DUP man celebrated election with photo of terror group flag in ...




As once said in a great film Cool Hand Luke and I quote " What we have here is a failure to communicate" Waleed reviewed Cassie Jaye's film for what it was and Andrew Bolt just promoted it. What he promoted, however, was weak journalism, confused filmmaking and a grab for a dollar. It hardly flipped the sociological feminist argument in favor of men nor has it turned Cassie Jaye into another Michael Moore or John Pilger. It has however made Bolt's little production seem like users with no original ideas of their own. Bolt often uses Waleed Aly's show as a stepping stone for his simply flipping the ideas. Is his production dept so lacking in them? I think not but they are more likely to be under Bolt's instructions.
 He needn't worry CH10 is going broke because the Murdochs won't any longer guarantee it's loans. They don't want to buy it but do want to get Sky News and friends on free to air. Maybe it will happen next year when the media laws have been scrapped.  Bolt could follow Waleed and grab some leftover ratings.
So since Ch10 was put in the hands of the Administrators today Murdoch's are moving in with a "rescue package" or should I say the hyenas are there the first at the table. Yes, the same Murdoch's who refused to guarantee Ch 10's loans in the first place. What are the chances of a change to the media laws and Sky News being put in place of the current news dept? Editorialized misinformation brought to you at the hands of Rupert Murdoch. Maybe we will see Bolt feasting on the leftovers of Waleeds audience earlier than anticipated and presenting the IPA/ Abbott hour tonight


Much anti-terrorism posturing is just striking attitudes - bollards, tougher citizenship tests. Then this: "Attorney-General George Brandis granted parole to a convicted terrorist just weeks before Malcolm Turnbull and his cabinet launched an all-out assault on the judiciary over what they claimed was its soft treatment of violent extremists."
  Bolt believes in Fascist sentencing "At the Governers Pleasure" He no longer believes in British Law but is more in favor of the Despotic variety" Guilty until proven Innocent"


The Turnbull Government is pushing the Finkel report as a miracle that would give us lots more renewable energy - an amazing 42 per cent of our electricity - by 2030 without higher power prices or more blackouts. But this graph suggests it's just making stuff up.
  Let me point out there is no verifiable link in Bolt's show of figures. Nor does it appear that there is any logic as his little copy of Finkel's chart aren't lined up. As for the % increase in 3 years to double isn't that unbelievable when it's only an increase of 75% and over 33 years an increase of 600%. It seems the rate of increase will be dependent on the investment gold rush and by 2050 much higher than 54%. I don't relly understand the point Bolt is making given the energy producers want political certainty so they can plan their investment strategy. I thought Bolt hated political control over the market? It appears he calling for more.
 Not everyone realizes the benefits of cheap Coal

As of the first of January this year, all public transport trains in the Netherlands are being powered by renewable energy, namely from wind power. There's currently a total of 2,200 wind turbines across the country, which generate enough power to sustain the equivalent of 2.4 million homes.
Source: All Dutch Trains Now Run on 100% Wind PowerImage result for Image of Bollards


 Generalized Bolt picks an event looks at his crystal balls and creates a conclusion to explain all events or reject the explanation of experts. Orlando the FBI is wrong, Man Monis The psychiatrists and courts were wrong, Zacky  Mullah the Law was wrong. All these single and disconnected events have one explanation for Bolt and any others wrong. As far as Bolt logic is concerned smoking doesn't cause cancer and CO2 is not a Green House Gas and Muslims in the main aren't innocent.

 Bolt's arguments are simply based on the probability of a win in an argument and if a win isn't possible to simply confuse the issue. Free speech is to do with reasoned logic and discussion and not just tipping the table over and making a noise nor is it defended by violence where we actually saw bollards stop Bolt. They were in the form of tables and chairs.

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 Image result for Image  religion the excuse


Our refugee program brought in the men behind the last four terrorist attacks here. Now a man on a bridging visa is accused of kidnap, rape and forced Islamic marriage. And police are looking for men of Middle Eastern appearance after another Sydney shoot-out.
This is an event that happens in Australia on a regular basis where drama, rape, and violence occur no matter the religion. The only difference in this narrative is  Religion is given a greater profile as is the visa status of the man. Generally, these remain incidental data to a media story.  Needless to say, Bolt link is The Daily Telegraph making it a News Corp beat up. Had the story not been about Muslims religion would never have been mentioned and Bolt would have ignored it. 
 Image result for Image of argument for arguments sake


The Turnbull Government is destroying itself by touting the Finkel report with its renewable energy target of a ludicrous 42 per cent. The Liberal party room must water it down, if not block it. Turnbull will then fight Labor with a compromise on his own green beliefs. He will fight having conceded the argument to Labor. No wonder he faces revolt.
The whole of Bolt's post is about an argument nothing to do with right or wrong it's about how to win or lose an argument and compromise isn't an option. It's why Abbott could never run a government because all he ever did was want to run an argument. Australians don't want debates abstracted from reality it's why the Conservatives and Hanson are fast becoming recognized for what they are. Obstructionists to negotiation compromise and the passing of bills. It's what we pay for. It's what Julia Gillard did despite the obsessive arguments going on around her.

"Body shaming by Mamamia: "Will she fit in the lift?" Bolt trying to take the high ground

Oh dear, remember the days of Julia Gillard and the Bolt commentaries his cackling about Gillard from behind the Conservatives were a Greek chorus.  Bolt was big on his "frightbats" and his shaming of so many women he never apologized once. What we have here is a clear case of the pot calling the kettle black. The man lied about his ex-fiance and was forced yes forced to say "sorry". There is no moral high ground that Andrew Bolt can take on this subject of shaming either women or men. Did anybody notice the high Bolt got out of his Carlton brawling the story is in pictures above?

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