Saturday, 24 June 2017

Andrew Bolt's Blog,24/6/17; Alternative Facts; Bank Robbers; Bolt's hidden self promotion; Conservatives can't get it up;

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Journalists say no, Liberal members say yes: "Tony Abbott has received a loud cheer during Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull's speech to his party's faithful.  Mr Turnbull noted the appearance of Mr Abbott ... at the Liberal party's 59th Federal Council in Sydney.... Mr Abbott smiled ... as members of the audience cheered."  
As usual numbers unknown and none cited. What we do know however is the right- wing of the Liberal Party is and has been extremely vocal and disturbing. It's of no surprise that a party in such turmoil isn't a party at all. Abbott will destroy the Liberal Party of Australia and continue to destroy anything else he has to do with. It's the nature of the man. Let's hope he can convince Bolt to be his Press Secretary. Unfortunately Bolt is even more conservative than Abbott and would never take the risk to leave News Corp is a challenge beyond him. As he misogynistic-ally lets us know Sally is incapable." After all someone in his family has to bring home the bacon his wife can't." Bolt



24  The Deep State, The FBI Conspiracy  is all  plagiarized  from Fox soon we will hear just how Trump didn't lie when he said he had tapes of he and Comey's conversations. As Fox says Trump was being extremely clever ensuring Comey wasn't lying forcing him to tell the truth brilliant. If that's the case and he wasn't lying then Trump was. As for the politics of terrorism a study shows that since the 80's over 75% of all political violence in America has been yes right -wing. But like Chris Kenny Bolt prefers to generalize without facts. Why Does the Far Right Hold a Near-Monopoly on Political Violence? | The Nation

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Australia is now led by bank robbers - politicians who steal from banks to finance their mad spending. First Turnbull did it. Now this: "The nation’s major banks were seeking urgent advice last night about the constitutional legality of the shock move by the SA government to impose its own bank levy to raise $370 million over four years."
 Bolt keeps talking about level playing fields free markets but keeps excusing those with advantage over others as if they deserve it. Banks pay no GST they aren't Churches they are businesses. They once moved money around the monopoly board of life but they don't even do that now they move and create debt while in debt themselves and charge for the paper work not just fees but interest up to over 22% for their trouble on top of fees. In Bolt's Christian and Western Culture where the bible is the most important book they are declared as sinners of Usary avery un-Christian act but the center of Capitalism which Bolt admires so much. The worst cut of all is that we also garantee them form total loss. Given all these facts what other businesses are there that are so lightly taxed?
Of course our Churches all those religious organizations we subsidize by giving them tax free status while we in the main don't even believe in what they preach. But they are Charitable Institutions you can hear Bolt cry out that didn't "steal a generation". There's the Charitable Institution of Scientology, There's one of the biggest land owners in the country The Catholic Church whose churches are serving less and less of us and producing less and less priests. Imagine if they were actually required to pay the capital gains tax that we are deemed to pay. Would Bolt have any debt left to complain of? Why have the Catholic schools stopped complaining about Gonski2? Is it because they weren't being attacked and that they are getting more? Was the out cry which Bolt echoed false? It seems Catholic school fees won't be going up.
The Corporations in this country have been bank robber and Bolt is employed by one they avoid tax and pay millions to experts to help them do it deducting their advice while doing it. They underpay labour and are regularly caught out doing it and while committing blatant acts of theft and being caught no person is ever prosecuted while unionists are regularly dragged through the courts for amounts of less than $10k. Robbers just might be found lurking, working in and be our most prized institutions 

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Dennis Atkins denies my point by confirming it:  "[Bolt] said ... not even Abbott could save the Liberal Party from the circle of hell Turnbull had taken them to. This is wrong. Despite the poor polls, the fact remains that Turnbull is still the best thing the Coalition has going for it." If so, disaster. Oh, and he blames voters "churlishness".
"So what of those poor polls." Bolt The poor poll Bolt refers to is News Poll that has the LNP trailing by 6pts But not the Essential who say 4pts. All polls still have Turnbull as the preferred PM by a country mile that was never the case with Tony Abbott. "Thus speaks a man who talks only to those of like mind."Bolt  When Abbott was lagging in the polls Bolt had no time for such trivia. He kept telling us Abbott was truly repentant and had changed with every faux pas. He be came so frustrated with the lack of Abbott's ability to change Bolt just shut up. The polls the polls the polls are so wrong and have been more so globally recently. Clinton was a shoe-in, May was safe, Le Penn had the measure of Macron. Is Bolt for real? This post has drawn his attention because he's offended that he's not personally credited for what Atkins refers to as "some media". Does Bolt think he's the only media person funning Turnbull down. Does Bolt acknowledge his plagiarms the words may not be the same but his ideas are far far from original

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John Roskam nails it. How can the Liberals hope for a conservative GetUp! when they fight for nothing? "The Liberals' last federal budget promised higher taxes, higher government spending, and more regulation. If you agreed with such things you probably wouldn't join a Liberal-leaning GetUp! The chances are you'd be out campaigning for the Greens."  
 Bolt can't keep stealing ideas all the time so here is the token gesture to where most of his ideas spring from The IPA and it's chief Roskam. They are closer than one might think. Roskam employs Bolt's son James. He gave him his start. Did anyone see that job advertized publicly? Roskam admires "GET UP" They are great and Conservatives can't compete so they have been doing their level best to close them down. "there's no way a non-left wing version of GetUp! can be developed to assist the Liberal Party." Roskam. There is but it takes an alternative form it's called News Corp. " It's hard to recall the last time a Liberal politician in Australia was passionate … about anything."Roskam What Roskam and Bolt find hard to understand is Liberal politicians choke when it comes to advocating "greed is good". "I'm for me and not we" Conservatives feel the need to cloak these values. Trump may have done the in America but Australian history wasn't based on free settlement the annihilation of the indigenous and slavery all attributed to the opposite of a nation as 'we' the people. Roskam is looking for a Trump a chump with charisma. Bolt thinks he's it and even says he's over his shyness isn't it time he showed us his followers by stepping up to the plate.



It's moments like this when I realise I really need to get a life rather than blog. But, then again, someone's got to bring home the bacon for the family. Or the pet mince for Max and Maxine.
 Every time Bolt has people for lunch or dinner he lets us know. Over the past three years that can't be more than three times. "somebody has to bring home the bacon for the family"Bolt  It's so revealing when he says "I have to take the family to Bali" as if they were little more than luggage. He makes it all seems such a burden and drudge this job and family of his. It's never "Hey folks guess what  we are doing" , no " Sally and I" or "we"  for this man who just claims to slave for 80 hours a week seemingly unapprciated. No family pics of the Bolt's there are of Waleed and family. What Bolt does let slip is he gets paid for blogging something most other people don't. However it explains why his blogs are so much part of a repetitive circle Column, Report Blog, Column Report, Blog on such few topics.
I see he is still feeding the Magpies against all known vetinarian ,zoological and conservation advice that fatty mince is not worms and as such is bad for the birds health unlike foraging for worms.  They are his only lunch guests no doubt. However what the "f", why does he sound like a depressed man? He didn't after trying cause GBH  to pranksters?



The madness of building an electricity system on the assumption that the wind would always blow: "Wind generation is down 40pc on this time last year and 30pc on the December quarter of 2016, The wind stopped blowing at the same time the Hazelwood plant closed down, exacerbating price hikes."  
Sorry Bolt renewable energy was never one or the other and globally the cost of renewables is out pacing the price of coal in cheapness. There is not a single argument that Bolt can produce that doesn't indicate the world is turning away for the dirty black stuff. Industry leaders, Investors and consumers are all moving away to something that will be relegated to the history books.


Chris Kenny supplies a scary list of examples: "Abuse, vulgarity and ad hominem attacks have become standard weapons of the so-called progressives."   Since Kenny filed, this new example: "A Nebraska Democratic Party official [said]  how glad he was Louisiana Congressman Steve Scalise got shot last week at a baseball practice."
2 Here is an example of the biased ignorance of News Corp Chris Kenny takes an example from the USA and generalizes. It's what Bolt constantly does as well. However a study on political violence in the USA has shown "Center on Extremism, told NPR that “when you look at murders committed by domestic extremists in the United States of all types, right-wing extremists are responsible for about 74 percent of those murders.” The actual share is higher still, as violence committed by ultraconservative Islamic supremacists isn’t included in tallies of “right-wing extremism.”
Why do News Corp hacks need to lie against what in fact has been studied and proved not to be true? 




Laurie Oakes puts the latest wild case for keeping Turnbull: "The Gillard example should provide some hope for Malcolm Turnbull. The Turnbull Government is being seen to govern. If it can keep this up ... it might — like Gillard — start to get better 'quals'."  As in more qualitative support from voters who'll still vote against him.
 Bolt is the man that got so sick of promising Abbott was about to change he shut up.
 What on earth makes him say Abbott who failed to get bills passed so much so he nearly broke John Gorton's record for standing still has real votes behind him when he hasn't got his party behind him and they are telling him to "shut up" How often did we see Abbott fail to negotiate with his catch phrase of Nope Nope Nope.
Abbott raised the debt ceiling why to spend money of course and he did on the MXT NBN, Manus & Nauru, A war that's creating a push back around the world. On the ABF that have proved to be better drug smugglers than border protectors. Turnbull may not ever be the three word sloganeer that Abbott was but he certainly is living in the political reality where things get done and what Australians expect to happen. under Abbott we have slipped in internet speed from 40th to 65th, We have gone from world economic, leaders to a recession, and have gone from top 10 to 39th in education ranking all under Bolt's hero.
The ABC this after noon ran a program Featuring 6 Climate deniers Curry, Atkins etc in a program you would never see the likes of on any Bolt forum. It presented views denying Climate Science. So yes the ABC is for all Australians unlike News Corp 2GB and Sky. So Turnbull is speaking to all of us and he knows that everyone is listening and not just a statistical minority.


Somebody has been very stupid. Bragging too much. Result: the Liberals' internal war will get even more bitter on Monday and many supporters will have even more reason to desert the Malcolm Turnbull party. I will present the evidence in my Monday column and the tape on The Bolt Report. If the story holds until then.
Bolt states the obvious as if it were a surprise the civil war has had to come to a climax because time is running out for Abbott. Bolt is the great predictor of the fact the sun will rise tomorrow. Two magpies obviously told him over lunch.


Malcolm Turnbull toppled Tony Abbott because he said Abbott had lost 30 Newspolls in a row. But the magic number is actually 16. Liberal leader Brendan Nelson was replaced by Turnbull after 16 losing Newspolls, and the first (failed) challenge against Tony Abbott also occured after 16. Just two more bad polls to go, then.
 Redefining the game is anyone really listening to Andrew Dolt. Lets remind ourselves that News Polls are exclusive polls for News Corp. The poll differs from the Isos Essential poll and nor it it and average of all the polls taken which seem to differ.


 "Deport them. That's what we would do. If they're your citizens, then stop them from preaching." The foreign ministers of Saudi Arabia or the United Arab Emirates on how the West should fight Islamic hate preachers - but why our leaders are so weak.
2 The Saudi Government is the the greatest funder of Sunni Salaph and Whabbism throughout the world . It finances what it regards as rebellion against Shiite dominance world wide and against apostate secular Arabic  states. it supports Al Qaeda and it's affilites such as ISIS and in the same breathe is supported by the USA. The 9/11 Twin Tower wers downed by 22 Saudi Nationals. Not Irani's not Syrians. However America's invaded Iraq on the pretext of the danger Saddam Assad and Iran posed to America. It just shows what blatant bullshit can be  fed by Media spin particularly of the News Corp kind.

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