Saturday, 10 June 2017

Andrew Bolt'sBlog, 9/6/17; Why Andrew Bolt should be charged; Role Models; What Bolt doesn't say is Conservatives are LNP -Socialist not Free Market; UK Elections; Comey's testimony;



Image result for Images George Calombaris at the football





Artist Lushsux has brought me deep into the Leftist stronghold of North Fitzroy, in the cycle path of the ABC's Jon Faine, for instance. Wonder how long it will be allowed to last. 

You can't get a bigger ego than Bolt's can you? His favorite headline makes out he was born in1960.  His favorite painting is like his Wikipedia photo. Absolutely nothing like he is and over weight old man. Bolt mat see himself as a matador with a cape over his shoulder but the truth is is uniform is very much a suit that looks straight out of Peter Jackson's window which he's auctioning off in celebration of his of his attack on two young pranksters who glitter bombed him. 
At present Bolt is like a duck peddling as fast as he can under water trying to look calm on top because in reality he was the aggressor who brought unbridled violence to what may well have been a university prank.  There were no banners no booing no slogans just glitter and Bolt the raging bull ready to hospitalize either of the two kids if he could. All the after noise has been Bolt and his media platform desperately trying to put a positive spin on it. The shame MSM media has jumped on board without any independent witnesses. The only one independent witness was a photographer who Bolt accused of being party to the event.  Bolt's more Rolf Harris than caped crusader and if I were a Charity I certainly wouldn't want to be associated with the likes Bolt. All this is like a PR team trying to whitewash him not him saying oops I over reacted. Would he have king hit two masked girls probably.
Put in perspective Bolt isn't Che on a wall in Nth Fitzroy.  He's not in enemy territory he's more General Franco in Malvern Nth of the Yarra. Whatever he's not what our laws expect of Australians. George Colombaris was charged and is being sued for assault. He said sorry and that was for a shove not a misdirected but intended  one punch king hit and kick to the balls which Bolt celebrated and bragged about later like the true thug he is. With it Bolt then raised the conservative banner and challenged  other conservatives to do what he did. A real role model of self adulation and violence.
 If the police are investigating the incident and if they are truly impartial ready to treat Bolt without foul or favor they will charge him for non Australian activity. He broke the law. How many Indigenous people have been jailed for less defending themselves against racial vilification hurled at them by passing Bolt like bogans in a public place. After all Bolt even claims to be Indigenous if so isn't about time he lived the experience.  The homeless, Muslims, and others if caught celebrating like Bolt would become targets of even his complaints. Just because Bolt's a man in a suit he doesn't get to compound the mistake and blame two kids.


Antifa groups and alt-right activists have increasingly clashed with one another in cities and towns across the US.



This looks like being yet another dumb move. The Liberals now look like going Labor-lite on global warming, too. Didn't Malcolm Turnbull get replaced by Tony Abbott in 2009 for wanting the Liberals to follow Labor on warming? Here we go ahead. My editorial on The Bolt Report.

  How Back to the Future is Bolt wishing for 2009 to be 2017, wishing for the energy and technologies used then to be continued now why? Because they are more efficient and cheaper and we have the poison to sell.
 Solar energy is clean and free it only needs to be harnessed. that also applies to wind. The technologies to do that are appearing numbers like snow flakes in a blizzard and Bolt is still screaming that the Intellectual property of coal is better. That Clean Coal is a cheaper reality.
 That Fossil fuels are cleaner. Logic commonsense dictates that's bullshit, a false argument. When we see Woolworths getting an injunction  to stop the EPA releasing contamination  reports for commercial interests doesn't that say something about the cost of a toxic clean up ? Very One Nation and very anti- Bolt's free - speech. Why the necessary secrecy  EPA refuses to give petrol-station pollution reports to landlord after Woolworths objects
Records are being broken globally as to the daily sourcing of energy in Germany for example got 85% of it's energy  from renewables recently but Bolt claims chipping away at the planet and sucking it dry is cheaper. 
Fossil fuels aren't providing jobs. They are losing them not to green energy but to new technology and robotics. those mining jobs aren't coming back or maintained the industry is becoming mechanized at the expense of us. Industry and Banking are leading the way to green power and renewables AGL is advertizing it on TV and Bolt the free marketeer is crying out to be not labor- lite  but to be LNP- Socialist. He wants government policy regulation and laws put in place to stop the financial rot and the move away from dirty fuel.  He wants us to give Adani a $1 bill and deposit it in the Caymans and he wants us to be left to clean up the mess left behind when the time comes and it will and wave good bye to the reef. He calls that positive. He doesn't want us to even look at Adani's record in India.why? Short term gain for the few long term pain for the many. 


Another day in Australian Islam. Police raids in Melbourne over the Brighton siege. The Victorian Government backing off the state's top Islamic group after it asked for money for “safe spaces” for Muslims to share extreme views. And the Saudi soccer team refuses to stand in silence in Adelaide for victims of the London terrorism. 
How typical of Andrew Bolt to say "Most Muslims reject terrorism define most" The level of the Andrew Bolt's IQ I refer to the pictures above and insist Andrew Bolt isn't "most" Australians it gives us an idea of  the definition. However he thinks he is and is celebrating it in his "most" Australian way.
 I guess in the circumstance "most" Australian Muslims means 99.9%  because it means "most"Australians and globally it's much the same. Bolt however avoids if you notice defining "terrorism" which is far more complicated because it depends on whose side your on. Why because the Sunni Shia divide isn't a "terrorist" divide but a political as is divide against despotic rule  so defining acts of "terrorism" from acts of rebellion  in the Middle East you might just find how complex things really are and come to the conclusion that of the 1.6 billion Muslims in the world 95%  "most" aren't "terrorists".
So now notice how Bolt conflates Australian Islam with Saudi Islam when doesn't conflate Christianity to the Vatican.  However he conflates Judaism with Israel all the time. But not  Buddhism to Tibet.  He demands Julie Bishop not to wear a head scarf in Saudi Arabia. Basically what's the point that Bolt is making here? He's simple and want's things to be as simple as he is not complex. There are no principles involved other than Neanderthal and tribal  basically it's represented by the fact that the man in the picture above is 0.1%  Australian and he believes he's fighting a Muslim.
 Image result for Image of Portia in Merchant of Venice


The flabby West must learn that barbarians see kindness as weakness: "The ‘Islamic State-inspired’ Notre Dame hammer attacker was ... awarded a so-called “Journalist Prize Against Discrimination” by the European Union for writing pro-migrant articles." UPDATE: Melbourne jihadist Yacqub Khayre attended a deradicalisation course before killing a man.
Bolt can be seen to be Bin Laden if his quote is paraphrased. " When people see a Conservative and Liberal they will naturally side with the Conservative. When people of the world look on the confusion of the Democracy of the West they see that the Conservatives are the ones to follow" paraphrasing Bin Laden ""Yet again and again we see the Western political class in a self-abasing, self-hating cringe to militant Islam, as if believing it can defeat this lethal hatred by appeasement."Andrew Bolt the raging bull
Ready to claim justification for institutional violence of the quality that transported people here to Port Arthur and not what Portia spoke of to Shylock. That's totally beyond Bolt's civilized understanding which amounts to find one and judge them all.
The quality of mercy is not strain'd,
It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven
Upon the place beneath: it is twice blest;
It blesseth him that gives and him that takes:
'Tis mightiest in the mightiest: it becomes
The throned monarch better than his crown;
His sceptre shows the force of temporal power,
The attribute to awe and majesty,
Wherein doth sit the dread and fear of kings;
But mercy is above this sceptred sway;
It is enthroned in the hearts of kings,
It is an attribute to God himself;
And earthly power doth then show likest God's
When mercy seasons justice. Therefore, Jew,
Though justice be thy plea, consider this,
That, in the course of justice, none of us
Should see salvation: we do pray for mercy;
And that same prayer doth teach us all to render
The deeds of mercy. I have spoke thus much
To mitigate the justice of thy plea;
Which if thou follow, this strict court of Venice
Must needs give sentence 'gainst the merchant there.
Charlie Hebdo's front page


A disaster in the UK. Theresa May called an election three years early and then campaigned like Malcolm Turnbull. Result: exit polls suggest a hung Parliament. May's authority is destroyed.
  "May's authority is destroyed" why? The people have voted. Democracy destroyed the conservatives. It seems the Conservatives and Labor Voters alike voted for a Tory and Labor lite  less extreme form of government. Will Bolt claim this for ISIS? 
Andrew Bolt's image of himself and other children  of immigrants and refugees and what they will grow up to be
Bolt's belief in the children of Multiculturalism Take a look and see how he turned out above then take a look at Dr Waleed Aly
Bolt's belief of Multiculturalism
Under the headline "English multiculturalism," the graphic front page depicts Theresa May carrying her severed head under her arm and saying: "Too much is too much."
And a cartoon inside shows a group of terrified people running past Big Ben - one of them holding a pint of beer - alongside the caption "Slimming tips from Daesh (Islamic State)."

 Former FBI director James Comey speaks during a hearing before the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence on Capitol Hill June 8, 2017 in Washington, DC.


Former FBI boss James Comey's testimony to Congress yesterday destroys the media conspiracy theories. No, the FBI was not investigating Trump. No, there's no proof of collusion between Trump's team and Russia. And, yes, Comey had refused to publicly clear Trump of what he knew were fake media smears.


  When Bolt provides a cut and paste blog and it's long you know he's covering up something something central to the argument. he's blowing a smokescreen. Comey says Trump fired him to undermine FBI Russia investigation ...
What is central to the argument is that the FBI is independent of any branch of government and is meant to be allowed to do it's work independently and without influence. What Bolt ignores is did Donald Trump attempt influence the FBI and he clearly did. Is congress going to do anything about it is an altogether another question because to charge a President with criminal obstruction he has to be impeached first which is hardly likely. However all the crap Bolt has listed here doesn't begin to absolve Trump from obstruction.
There's a very easy way to prove Trump's not a liar and Comey is Trump claims to have tapes of their conversation and Comey has openly challenged him to bring them on. Bolt doesn't mention them. Isn't that strange? "Loose change - and everything else has been fake news." Bolt So bring on the tapes and see who is the liar forget the he said ,he said bullshit Bolt.It's Simple: Either Trump Or Comey Is Lying. Who Is More Credible? | HuffPost

As for Bolt's links he may as well have turned to Americas IPA  Bolt's links Are a Paywall tot Herald Sun, Politico and  AXIOS-Axios' initial launch partners are JP Morgan & Chase Co., PhRma, Boeing, BP, Bank of America, Koch Industries, S&P Global, United Health Group, Walmart, Pepsico and Cooley LLP. [3] 

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