Saturday, 15 July 2017

Andrew Bolt's Blog, 15/7/17; Bolt's a Greenie but doesn't knowit;


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 In trying to show Coles and Woolworth's decisions on plastic bags to be ignorant and not based on researched facts but profit Bolt has become a left wing green activist but I don't think he even knows it. Climate Change Science is the basis on which our decisions should be informed bravo Bolt.
I don't mind Bolt being right and informative by providing us with the UKEA research study and findings. That's the sort of worthwhile information we need to make decisions based on data collection and analysis. However, doesn't it then follow that we need more of this sort of information?  Has Bolt accidentally jumped the shark and become a Greenie accusing Woolworths and Coles of lying for profit?
 "Yet again we are seeing the gesture politics of the green movement - causing maximum inconvenience for minimum gain." Bolt. 
One moment he's calling out Woolworths and Coles for Green Spin and that good corporate governance needs to be informed and intelligent practice which takes scientific research into account when making policy decisions. Coles and Woolworths haven't done that they are simply making a decision for profit.  Well done Bolt welcome to the real Green movement.
That's what the 97% consensus on Climate research is all about. It's about the agreement that 14,000 research papers have made about man made CO2 emissions and the consequent warming of the planet. Research that should formulate good policy and not just decisions for profit backed by spin like Coles and Woolworths. It seems the Fossil Fuel miners are making the same poor decisions as are Woolworths and Coles where profit is their primary and foremost concern. I can't believe it Bolt has turned Green.  No, I can't  believe it but I can believe he's confused himself.

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I have trouble believing the Greens Senator  Scott Ludlum when he says he never knew he also had New Zealand citizenship - forcing him to resign from the Senate  - until a barrister snooping around informed him this week. Check how many warnings Ludlum ignored, including a petition.

How is it that Tony Abbott was never required to prove his eligibility when the question arose that he just might be a dual citizen. No matter how often the question was asked he refused to answer it. Scott Ludlum did when it was brought to his attention. 
Bolt simply lets his thug's imagination run wild when he's not even an arbiter of the rules. I'm sure the rules will be applied not according to the Constitution and not Bolt's fantasies. Note, did Abbott ever prove to the electorate or the parliamentary body that deals with these matters that he wasn't a dual citizen?  
Apparantly it's taken Abbott 4 years to tweet something dubious.


 Malcolm Turnbull in London this week advised Europe on border policy: "The Australian experience offers both a cautionary tale and the seeds of a potential solution." Turnbull in 2015:  "Turnbull has delivered a slap-down to Tony Abbott for lecturing European leaders over their refugee policies as he arrived in Berlin."  
Ignore the geographic differences between Europe and Australia and tell Europe how it's done? Why doesn't Europe Andrew Bolt if it were that simple maybe because they consider the lecture coming from a simpleton who is saying for the benefit of the punters back home rather than offering genuine advice. Remember the Alfalfa Club and the photo shoot that was meant to make Abbott look a statesman The photo shoot set up by Murdoch for the Daily Telegraph that they both were sprung at the  invitation which wasn't extended to Abbott at all Murdoch took him to a lunch and not a dinner as was reported at $200 per head.
There is a bigger difference here as well Turnbull is PM Abbott wasn't on both occasions he was only trying to boost his own image. It's why nobody listened. This time it's not Murdoch helping to boost him but his employee Andrew Bolt.


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Here's an excellent strategy for Donald Trump Jr to get the media off his back. I mean, it worked for Hillary Clinton, right?
The question that needs answering is who were the two people attending that meeting that went unmentioned by Don Jnr and why did he fail to mention them? Bolt expects us not to believe Ludlum but he expects us to believe that Trump Snr was oblivious to what his son and son in -law were up to in a clandestine meeting one floor below him. What appears more likely is that the President did know what was going on and junior is taking the blame. 



 Image result for Illustration of John Howard lying


I last week urged John Howard to intervene to save the Liberals from Malcolm Turnbull. Today he's taken the first small steps: "On some ­issues the right approach [is] not the mid-point in the argument. There are certain things you have to take a stand on." UPDATE: John Roskam warns that the "centre" is not where Turnbull should be.
So it seems Bolt is arguing for more of the same as delivered by a PM who could only say Nope get paid for doing nothing but preaching a philosophy. Abbott was the least effective PM since Gorton and he almost broke that record. Gillard almost set a record for the number of bills passed. She certainly set a record of achievement in dealing with a hostile senate. Bolt's conservatives seem to be proud of doing nothing for the Australian public. Roskam obviously prefers nothing to any changes to the list of IPA's demands. Howard didn't warn Turnbull at all when he said Turnbull should "fend off threats from the right-wing fringe of politics." Howard




Neil deGrasse Tyson on climate change deniers - CNN Video


Fairfax warmist Jacqueline Maley accuses sceptic MP Craig Kelly of "outlandish ... scaremongering" over electricity prices. But she then claims: "burning carbon is toxic to humans ... extinction of the species if we leave things as they are ... death, high cancer rates, drownings ....  our children are going to get cooked ... plagues".  
What do we have here other than a rant? A rant offering broad generalizations a stew of generalizations without any reference to evidence. Somewhere in this rant is the kernel that Bolt wants us to believe that the world is actually dramatically cooling at a rapid rate never seen before when 14000 scientific research papers and 97% of the climate experts agree that the planet is warming and has done faster in each of the past three decades. Bolt has called science a religion well if it is a religion it has delivered the greatest technological advances we have ever seen in less than 150 years. To ignore that fact alone reflects stupidity of someone denying that reality. Proof of Bolt's hypocrisy Bolt rushes to a doctor when he's sick a dentist when he has a toothache and the looks at the weather report daily. Bolt isn't trying to convince us that NASA scientists never made it to the moon. So why if he disbelieves in science and its methods so much does he use it and trust in in his everyday life? If his son were sick are we to assume he's fall on his knees and let nature have its way? Science and scientific method isn't about scare mongering it's about discovery and testing what's been assumed and found to date. It's about being a true skeptic and not just a denier. There is a big difference.
 It seems Andrew Bolt can't handle the truth. How many bills have been passed since Turnbull took the reigns Bolt doesn't say. Bolt however prefers a leader of broken promises and ideology thst takes a nation nowhere when a democracy consists of diverse thinking peoples who expect a government to work for them all not just for a minority. Abbott gave us a lot of promises major ones all broken he achieved very little in the way of legislation told us he woul fix the mess and when he declared he had he hadn't all he'd done was raise the spending cap to $500 BN. He screwed the NBN , Cut spending breaking his preelection promises, took us to war in the Middle East wanted to take us to war in the Ukraine. Built monuments around the world and put us all under stricter surveillance. 
Abbott even refused to talk to anyone that questioned what he was doing even members of his own party couldn't get to see him. His only voice to the public was the least trusted media outlets in the country 2GB and Murdoch media who never questioned him. If he wasn't Australia's first autocrat tell me who was. The word Democracy took a thorough beating under Chairman Abbott.

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