Sunday, 16 July 2017

Andrew Bolt's Blog,16/7/17; Lord's Judgement When the News is real and the President Fake; From the White House; Don Junior said; The green Scammer is Andrew Bolt; The misogynist Andrew Bolt;

 Liberal Party faces election loss unless Turnbull and Abbott resolve issues, new president says - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

The new president of the Liberal Party urges Malcolm Turnbull and Tony Abbott to be adults and put an end to tense infighting.
  "the former prime minister promised there would be "no wrecking, no undermining and no sniping" but Mr Abbott has consistently waded back into the political fray to defend his legacy, criticise the Government's performance or push a conservative agenda.
In recent weeks, he has inflamed tensions even further by giving a series of speeches and interviews, outlining an alternative policy vision to "make Australia work again". 

  Politics: The Trump Report No. 17 – Making sense of illegal activity. – » John Lord


Sunday 16 July 2017 1 After repeating phrase’s like ”crooked Hillary”, ”lock her up”, ”fake news”, or ”but the emails’’ on numerous occasions during the Presidential campaign, the President is now confronted with similar claims of dishonesty himself. Now we have seen released some highly provocative emails that suggest that the real news is Donald…
Remember when the President said he wasn’t going to take a salary? He just accepted his second paycheck?
3 Remember when he said Mexico was going to pay for the wall? He has asked Congress to appropriate the $25 billion of taxpayer money to cover costs.
4 Remember when he said he wasn’t going to go on vacation or play golf like Obama? 5 of the last 7 weekends he went on vacation and played golf, costing taxpayers $11.1 million each time.
5 Remember when he said he was going to use American steel to build these dangerous pipelines? Russian steel arrived last week for the Keystone Pipeline XL.
6 Remember when he said he wasn’t going to cut social security and Medicare? The Republican bill does just this.
7 Remember when he said that nobody on his campaign had any communications with the Russian government? 7 of his people have now admitted they spoke and/or met with Russian officials…after they lied and got caught.
8 Remember when he said he was going to divest from his businesses? Changed his mind.
9 Remember when he said he was going to release his tax returns? Changed his mind.
10 Remember when he said he was going to drain the swamp of Washington insiders? His cabinet is filled with lobbyists, billionaires, as well as Big Oil and Wall Street executives, many from Goldman-Sachs. Yes, THAT Goldman-Sachs.
11 Remember when he said would defeat ISIS in 30 days? He doesn’t have a plan.
12 Remember when he said that the Obamacare replacement would cover more people at lower cost? The AHCA that the GOP and 45 are now pushing; they now admit will cover fewer people at a higher cost, after being called out by the CBO and the OMB.

White House Spokestapir Sara Huckabee Sanders Tells Reporters That Donald Trump Jr Is Not Fredo

WASHINGTON, D.C – Today during the daily top-secret off camera press briefing, White House Spokestapir Sara Huckabee Sanders told assembled journalists that Donald Trump Jr did absolutely nothing wrong when he met with a representative of a foreign adversary seeking illegally obtained information about the Clinton Campaign.
“Campaign operatives do this kind of thing every day,” said Huckabee Sanders, with her patented smirk planted securely on her face. “Every campaign has organized gangs of petty criminals who seek dirt on the opposition from dictators around the world. Sometimes assassinations of opposing campaign volunteers and car bombings targeting important donors are necessary as well. This kind of stuff happens all the time.”
When pressed on why Trump Jr. was dumb enough to organize the meeting and has at last count three different versions of why he was there and what happened, Sanders told the press that Don Jr., like so many other Trump campaign operatives, had so many meetings with shadowy Russian figures during the run up to the election that it was just hard to keep up with all of them.
“Sometimes they have to be reminded of what actually happened by KGB officers or American prosecutors,” she said.
“I just want to say in closing that Don Jr. is a valuable member of his father’s staff, and he’s sharp as tack,” said Huckabee Sanders, her long proboscis twitching.
“Donald Jr can handle things. He’s smart. Not like everybody says…like dumb…he’s smart and he wants respect!”
Huckabee Sanders then excused herself and began grazing in a shallow pool filled with aquatic plants.

Donald Trump Jr Says Meeting With Russia Was ‘Nyet Big Deal’

donald trump junior
Claiming that his twenty minute meeting with a Russian lawyer was nothing more than a Простой разговор между двумя незнакомцами, Donald Trump Junior says that the whole episode is a media beat up and an example of Поддельные новости.
“Это было ничто,” Trump Jr said in a statement today.
He said the President had no involvement in the meet up and neither did his dad. “Mr. Putin and Dad didn’t even know about it. It was nothing,” he said.

Image result for Images of Tony Abbott in front of a mirror

 Image result for Images of punching down snobbery


On Catallaxy Files, among the first contributions for a new, modern dictionary for Australians: Allaholic Frenzy, Billabonk, Bolshie Ballet, Dingoat, Dodgeridoo, Faulty-cultural, Fauxboriginal, Lattesexual, Methnic, Pollicock  and more. Read here for definitions.
It's what bogans usually do for fun punch down. Bolt didn't go to a public school just hangs with these characters. Probably even has a collection of their oldboys badges and ties.

 Image result for Image of negative stigma


Cheryl Bernard has worked for refugees. She now warns of the rape epidemic brought by Afghan refugees to Austria: "These were not of the cultural-misunderstanding-date-rape sort, but were vicious, no-preamble attacks on random girls and women, often committed by gangs or packs of young men." A deeply disturbing read.

 Young Afghan men, refugees are to be found the world wide in their thousands so why doesn't Cheryl Benard's story ring true every where they can be found? Why is this story unique to Austria?  Given that it's not a global experience why is Andrew Bolt amplifying what is an Austrian story and portraying it as a global one? He does the same with Aborigines as well. He takes a case of child molestation in Arakun Where Noel Pearson raised money and declares it a wide spread practice among Aboriginal communities. Bolt encouraged a new generation of stolen children and applauded the Intervention that Howard set in place. It's taken 10 years and a Royal Commission to prove the accusations to be bullshit.
So why has a single story in Austria make Bolt suggest all Afghan male refugees are rapists? For one Afghans refugees can't be labeled as even a common group Hazaras are certainly persecuted in Afghanistan and are seen very differently from Pashtuns Bolt for Bolt there seems to be no difference. This experience Bolt is using to suggest there is something wrong with Afghans is typical of most of his generalizations deeming White Western Christian culture superior and other culture bring about psychologically damaged people. Yet when Bolt was convicted of vilification it wasn't a character flaw of his whatsoever but a flaw of the judiciary and our cultural system
Bolt makes no effort in any comparative statistics here such as the number of persons charged with sexual molestation in Austria over all and the number convicted and then the proportion Afghans represent of that total. Not a single attempt is made by Bolt to investigate or verify anything. He did this once before about Sweden and was proved wrong. Now he's doing the same for Austria.
The one thing for certain is that anything of this nature coming from Andrew Bolt is suspect and needs verification the probability that the information is skewed and therefore fake is highly likely.
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Illegal immigrants from the Third World continue to invade Europe: "In June, there were more than 30 700 detections of illegal border crossings on the four main migratory routes into the EU. The total number of detections in the first half of 2017 [was] about 116 000. In June, the number of migrants arriving in Italy [was] 24 800."

 Yet again Bolt produces an unverifiable set of figures  in order to make a point . He provides no link to verify his figures. What we do know Germany which took in 60% of the refugees increased it's population bu a huge 0.9% that is Bolt's "invasion". One needs to ask what is it he's hiding? Now it's clear why Bolt posted the above post about Afghans in Austria he's sensationalizing the the fact that it's summer and Asylum seekers still coming to Europe. It's not the horrific numbers Bolt makes out 60% were welcomed by Germany and Bolt doesn't seem to find a great deal to sensationalize there. Germany seemed to welcome these arrivals no highlighting Bolt's  "Invasion" or his rape  of the women. Germany actually took in 8,500 refugees per 1 million Germans. Austria took  half that proportion. Germany took in 13 times more Afghans than Austria and there was no publicity of the kind Bolt has turned to to highlight this rape culture strange isn't it. None of the other EU countries have reported it either. I'd call Bolt's link suspicious in it's exceptionalism.

There is no "invasion" these are legal asylum seekers who will be assessed and if not accepted  sent back. Secondly those accepted as genuine refugees are hardly likely to be a "resentful" as Bolt puts it let alone an  "underclass" as Bolt puts it. If there is any explicit resentment it's from Andrew Bolt himself who seems to despise a Multiculturalism anywhere but particularly Australia and despises what's happening in Europe as a way to show it.  He's a firm believer in advocating a purist monoculture subtext "race" based society.  As a consequence he does  everything he can to negatively  stereotype, stigmatize and vilify ethnic and religious minorities he doesn't feel his equals wherever and whenever he gets the chance. Australia's Shame is that we let him do it not privately but publicly in our press. Bolt's Blog isn't private it's an extension of News Corp and Bolt gets paid to trash Australia and it's diverstity. Resentment has trebled against Muslims and it's people like Andrew Bolt that have encouraged that and one can pin point it to the Cronulla riots when the Conservatives in the Liberal Party saw it as a political opportunity to regain power and Bolt provided the media support for Abbott.

 Yet Bolt denies this invasion

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The AFL should get its nose out of the love life of its staff. By what right do bosses sack executives who’ve had sex with consenting colleagues in their private time? 
Bolt's attacking the AFL but remained totally silent when the stars of News Corp were given the boot why? Is the News Corp culture indefensible in America but defensible here? Who is having it on with who at Sky, The Herald Sun or 2GB. Who just might get named and shamed is it Andrew Bolt? After all he doesn't really seem overly proud of his wife when he speaks of his family life. He's the work horse in the family bringing home the bread and having to take them on holidays what a drudge. When an where does Andrew Bolt get his rocks off? There is a bit of projecting going on here it seems.


First the Prime Minister mocks Donald Trump at a Press Gallery ball. Now foreign minister Julie Bishop mocks him for telling the  French president's wife: "You’re in such good shape... Beautiful.” Bishop: “I wonder if she could say the same of him?” We actually pay these two to build good ties with our biggest ally, not with the media Left. 
  So we know how Bolt likes to talk to women and he's not a President. Does he ask to grab them or does he just do it and the just call it  a 30 second hand shake? If Abbott got in would he be obliged to give Bolt a diplomatic post?


How strangely convenient for Woolworths and Coles to both announce on Friday they'd ban the free plastic bags for your shopping. That way, they didn’t risk having ticked-off customers switch to their competitor. Convenient for them, but a pain in the neck for shoppers, hit with another dumb green crusade.  
Bolt is repeating himself he got it wrong yesterday I wonder whether he corrected himself today. I doubt it. Bolt is certainly anti- Coles and Woolworths when he challenges them  their decision with a UKEA research report. Bolt's saying they were making an uninformed decision based purely on their bottom line. They are justifying it by presenting a faux green argument. Amazing are we to believe Bolt's turned green, pro-science and using data collection and informed analysis to make policy decisions. If so why is he so anti- science , uninformed, and has no regard for the 97% consensus based on 14,000 research papers explaining that the planet is warming due to human activity. Further it's largely due to the burning of fossil fuels. Bolt denies this in the same way he accuses Coles and Woolworths are doing faux spin for the sole purpose of protecting their bottom line.

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