My editorial from The Bolt Report - the AFL has no business sacking staff over affairs out of working hours.
Andew Bolt has opened up being a predictable apologist for the corporate culture of News Corp. News Corp didn't lose their best money makers Ailes and O'Rieilly for nothing they became a major corprate handicaps. They lost revenue ,income and were thrown over board for what years of cultural misogyny. They started to bleed dollars. Lets go back to punching women down and start lifting women up Andrew Bolt's never arrived at ay time but liftting men up. So what does he do but go back to 2000 or no better still to the 50's romancing the mind state that kiddie grew up in and the early 60's.
Pretty normal for Bolt socialized and living in a patriarchal society in which where men shouln't lose privilege to women. Of course no he more attached to his mother rather than any other significant role model. However he also learned she was the norm, the second class citizen in in his family. His dad brought home the bacon just as Bolt declared he does in his family. He never knew what went on in the bedroom and we don't know what goes on in his. However in general it's not a necessarily equal space
The thing is Bolt want's that male privacy and exclusion to remain be it the family or the the office anything that is rooted in male dominance needs to be kept out of bounds. However he doesn't know shit what occurred behind those closed doors in the 50s or 60s no longer exists. If a woman complained in 2003 may have gone unnoticed "affairs" went on and generally the least powerfull felt they couldn't complained. Bolt seems to believe that culture should be retained, a field most powerfull positions are retained by men.
The fact is their are unfair dissmiisal laws and Simkiss and Lethlean have remained silent. So why is Bolt declaring they are the victims?
Murdoch Media and Bolt's Moral Highhorse is so hypocritical
Murdoch-owned paper publishes nude photos of new female Doctor Who -
In what could been seen as a vicious, undermining move, the Sun and Mail Online ran nudes of Jodie Whittaker

The Week Australian Media Went Feral
Hit-and-runs, apartheid, 'go back where you came from' and some Yassmin-bashing.
" What the hell happened in the Australian media landscape this past week? Is there something in the water? Because it seems like, all at once, everyone just went wild, devolving into a Muslim-bashing, xenophobic, homophobic, apartheid-supporting swamp." Josh Butler
" Soutphommasane came to Dean's attention this week because the discrimination commissioner had talked about a lack of diversity in Australia's media landscape, and has been pushing for racial and cultural targets in corporate environments. Dean -- who is a white man, co-hosts his 'Outsiders' show with another white man in Ross Cameron and until recently another white man in Mark Latham, and is on a channel whose team of personalities includes Alan Jones, Andrew Bolt, Bronwyn Bishop, Caroline Marcus, Chris Kenny, Paul Murray, Peta Credlin, Peter Beattie, Peter Berner and, well, basically just a blinding number of white people -- managed to say with a straight face that there was no diversity issue in Australian media," Butler
Rowan Dean sang his anthem to Anglo Celtic Australia ignoring the diversity of those that were sacrificed in all the wars we participated in. How idiotic is Dean? The wars Australia fought in were with allies who weren't all Anglo/Celtic or white Vietnam and the war in the Pacific were multicultural, multiracial, and multi-religious you couldn't get more diverse an ethnicity than the Americans and we contributed to that diversity happily.Anglo Celtic ha fuck all to do with it. Simply put Dean is little more than a propagandist and conservative myth maker.
The European war was just as diverse with NZers Canadians and Australians contributing to a diverse mix who shared life and death. Maoris Aborigines, Jews, Greeks, Poles, Italians and Anglo Celts stood shoulder to shoulder all were part of an army to stop Facism and Australians were part of the mix along with LGBTQIs and they all considered themselves as "allies" and not just Australians fightin Hitler. Dean refuses to believe they existed together it's as if the myth that he's created was Anglo Celtic whiteAustralia was the only force participating in the war. It a typical legend created by alt-right Nationalists typical of neo- Nazis and extremists of any kind. Dean is far from original that's for sure. Australians were multicultural throughout the wars they fought because when push came to shove they stood along side Afro -Americans Canadian Indians Melanesian and Polynesians what a wanker Dean is it why we became such" fair go "nation unlike the British imperialists who thought of themselves above one and all. Dean apparently thinks of himself as a member of the Australian Raj and looks down ordinary Australians barred from his higher than thou club.
Bolt lives in a static world a world stuck in the 60's and not the hippie end of 'free love' but the salacious end of the secret office affair and grope. That for Bolt is a that shouldn't change but not with the backyard abortions.
Why does Bolt keep trying to drag us Back to the Future kicking and screaming? For god's sake, he goes back and visits the Caroline Wilson of 2003 and expects that she should be the same in 2017. That for Bolt the days of 2003 and the office grope were somehow better. Bolt once worked for the Labor Party and his fellow workmates don't recognize him today. The shy aloof young man they once knew disappeared and became the oaf he is today. When did Bolt become agnostic or is he really one? I certainly don't believe he is.
The fact is Bolt works for an organization News Corp whose track record in the way it treats women has made news globally and advertisers jumped ship. Roger Ailes and Bill O'Reilly seem to be victims in Bolt's eyes. What they were doing in 2003 they continued only to find it wasn't tolerated today. Why because it cost the company millions. Even Bolt stayed silent when all this made global headlines why? They were the very men he modeled himself on hi heroes. Was Bolt putting the hard word on young women at News Corp did that culture find its way across the Pacific? Is all this defense of love in the work place closer to Bolt than what he's letting on? Is it a defense of his own behavior?
One wonders why Bolt is being so selective at pointing his moral finger at the AFL but not News Corp. Bolt suggests Lethlean and Simkiss are victims if so they are free to bring a wrongful dismissal charges against the AFL. The only person screaming seems to be Andrew Bolt why? Does Bolt think he's 41 and the time and place have slipped by him or is he about to be outed?
Bolt's Hypocrisy when He accuses Islam of what is accepted in the US
Legalized Pedophilia In The US: More Than 200,000 Children Married In The Last 15 Years – Collective Evolution
At least 100,000 children are prostituted annually in the U.S., adding to the $9.8 billion U.S. sex trafficking industry. Children all over the country are subject to physical and sexual abuse, and most of the time it happens a lot closer to home than we would expect. Ninety percent of child sexual abuse victims know the perpetrator, and […]
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