Tuesday, 18 July 2017

Andrew Bolt's Blog, 18/7/17; Solar energy is getting cheaper by the day; Watch Bolt lie his lips are moving;

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My editorial from The Bolt Report  - Malcolm Turnbull has ordered a huge change on the national security portfolio that gives Immigration Minister Peter Dutton a lot more power. This does not fix any obvious problems but does keep Dutton, Turnbull's most important conservative ally, on side.
How often did you hear Bolt say that Trunbull had alienated the Conservatives in the Liberal party? It seems he's in fact failed to mention the truth of the relationships within the party.  He actually thought Dutton was Abbott's man. How often have we heard Bolt telling us that ASIO, The Federal Police and the ABF weren't telling us the the truth that the heads of these agencies were in fact to hiding Bolt's version of the truth in matters like the Lindt Cafe seige. Bolt even preferred ISIS media's spin and interpretation of events to our own agencies. Today however he's telling us they are just fine. The best we can possibly expect and they don't need fixing. Bolt's a swinger isn't he from one story to the nextup and down and around and around.
The fact that he's changed his tune again is no surprise because Bolt needs somehow disparage what in fact was a smart move by Turnbull to keep Abbott at bay and without  the numbers. Turnbull may not have wanted to do this  but if it was going to give him time and let Abbott die doing more sniping like Rudd then so be it. Abbott is recognized as the promise breaker the non negotiator the destructor while Turnbull has shown himself to be quite the opposite.
 Bolt has be caught out doing a 180 degree turn from what he has said in the past about our conspiritorial security agencies hiding the reality from us. What Bolt's change of tune has done however is prove yet again what a liar he in fact is.

 25% of Australian Homes have gone Solar and other Green Triumphs this Week | Informed Comment

 By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | - - Renewables continue to take the world by storm, which is good …

 Report: Solar plus storage can beat natural gas | Minnesota | postbulletin.com


MINNEAPOLIS — A new report from the University of Minnesota's Energy Transition Lab shows adding energy storage is becoming a cost effective way to meet electricity demand in the state.

 Intercity train arriving at Leiden Central railway station, Netherlands.

Dutch electric trains become 100% powered by wind energy

The national railway company, NS, said that its renewables target had been met a year earlier than planned


The Victorian Government will obviously stop trams from running at night or on cloudy days: "Former United States Vice President Al Gore and Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change Lily D’Ambrosio launched the plan today after riding on one of Melbourne’s iconic trams which will soon be powered by solar energy."
 All Bolt has the capacity to do is mock. Does he laugh at the Dutch who run all their public transport on renewables trains and trams. Does he mock the car industry you know the one Abbott trashed Volvo Tesla VW GMH are all going electric and they are doing it sooner rather than later. Renewable energy plus storage is now cheaper than gas and dropping even faster. laugh and mock all you want Mr Bolt it won't be long before you will be driving an electric car with the energy stored and  produced by renewables. Let's laugh "Renewable energy, which obviously wins on emissions, is now beating coal on cost. What’s more, with an energy grid managed effectively by people who want renewables to succeed, it is no less reliable than fossil fuels. The fact that arch-conservative, Cory Bernardi, was recently revealed to have installed rooftop solar panels demonstrates that these people do not even believe their own rhetoric. They have just chosen to throw truth onto the fire of climate change for political reasons.   More power to you – » The Australian Independent Media Network

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Extraordinary. The ABC's Leigh Sales interviews Aboriginal activist Pat Dodson about a plan to change the constitution to create "an Aboriginal voice to the Parliament". Neither mentions that Dodson is proof Aborigines have that voice already: Dodson not only has the vote, but was himself voted into Parliament. Why this omission?
  What and who is Warren Mundine he was chosen by Tony Abbott to be his Aboriginal voice and adviser. He wasn't chosen by the people he was meant to represent. Did we hear Bolt complaining that a spokesman was appointed by Abbott not at all. In fact Bolt regularly has Mundine on his show even though he was once  a member of the ALP. 
The issue with Mundine is he wasn't chosen by the diverse different Aboriginal tribes that exist in Australia and neither was, Dodson or  even Burney their elected representatives.  If any of them truly did represented the first peoples of Australia . Would Bolt have complaint. Of course he would for purely political reasons


The ABC steps up its war on Christianity,  claiming the men most likely to abuse women are Evangelical Christians "who go to church sporadically".   In fact, the men most likely to abuse women are Aboriginal. The faith that licenses men beating women is Islam.  And buried is the real story: men attending church more often abuse less.
  Why is Bolt talking about probabilities here and then stereotyping and stigmatizing cultures and faiths? Isn't  he always declaring we are all equal that there is no such thing as race, religion or color just people. If one looks at domestic violence in Australia the greatest numbers are to be found among white Christian males but if we apply Bolt's request it simply becomes Christian males which reduces to males. When we do that and ask what is it they have in common we find there  is a correlation between violence and alcohol and an increasing visibility among the poor. 
There is no indication that the generalizations Bolt makes about Aboriginality or Muslims actually holds true. Firstly the Aboriginal community is primarily Christian secondly the are among the poorest people on the planet  and  in cases of violence more likely to be alcohol or drug effected. This seems to be the case with non Aborigines as well and if anything Alcohol is accepted in Christian culture. So there's less likelihood of domestic violence among non drinking Aborigines and Muslims
 So Bolt argument that Islam makes it more probable for domestic violence to take place doesn't hold water simply because they are less likely to be alcohol effected  neither does it hold true for sober Aborigines their culture or faiths do not provide a reason for domestic violence. The rest is bullshit of which Bolt really doesn't have any evidence
. Violence is seen among Pacific Islanders, South Sudanese youth who are largely Christian. Bolt never mentions that does he? When he says they shouldn't be allowed into the country he doesn't mention that our immigration system has failed them.Those kids tend to be poor on ice or booze, run in gangs and are unsupervised. So again we see the combination of alcohol drugs and poverty violence seems to have less to do with their Culture or Religion. So shouldn't Bolt be saying that the probability of violence is more likely to be found among the alcohol, and drug, effected poor and unemployed Christians than any other group. Doesn't that suggest the ABC has a point? Bolt should spend a few nights in a boarding house or out on the streets with the homeless and he'd shut up.

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