Wednesday, 19 July 2017

Andrew Bolt's Blog,19/7/17; Racism and Prejudice are always Bolt's companions; Bolt's now turned on Dutton the leader of the Monkey Pod room;

mohamed noor justine damon shooting



Nothing here but the suggestion of an Islamophobic rant. As usual, Bolt turns to the personal and stereotypical reasons as to why a cop shot a woman who had called 911.  1) He was Muslim 2) He was Somali 3) He was a male. 4) he was an immigrant. All these allude to Noor the policeman, lacking in character somehow psychologically and culturally deficient. Bolt couples this with a left wing eagerness by a Mayor only too ready to please with "affirmative action". A black Muslim immigrant should never have been given a gun. No matter that Noor was more highly educated and more qualified than the rest of the police force. Something Bolt is too lazy to mention.
Not once does Bolt consider that police training method might have had something to do with what occurred? Minneapolis has had a number of shootings in the past 12 months that seemed quite troublesome. Remember when police in Melbourne was only too ready to open fire on the citizens and did. It led to the review of training methods and the shootings stopped. This is a significantly different take on what Bolt is offering it;s far more directed at the failure of the system rather than the failure of character. 
Bolt prejudice is always on show because he usually suggests the victims had brought their deaths on themselves largely because in America blacks are the ones most likely to be shot as was the case of Mr, Castille a year before. However, in this case, an unarmed white woman was the victim and the shooter a Muslim. Bolt must be conflicted because had the victim been a black male Bolt would be saying the cop was doing his duty. Doing what he was trained to do. But Noor is a Somali, Blach and a Muslim and that's sufficient to focus the blame on him. If Bolt were from Minneapolis he'd no doubt be leading the media lynch mob.
Noor was a product of a policing system, it's culture and it's training methods Justine a victim of it. The policeman's personal details had less to do with this tragedy particularly the degree Andrew Bolt suggests. When Bolt explains his conviction for vilification he flips the coin and blames the judicial system making himself the victim. Has he ever considered it's his psychology and cultural values that were, in fact, guilty never!!Fireworks may have startled Justine Damond's killer, US police officer Mohamed Noor
 Minneapolis Somalis fear backlash after police shooting

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Malcolm Turnbull has announced a massive reorganisation of our national security bureaucracy that has baffled most security experts. This suggests this really was to please Immigration Minister Peter Dutton, who emerges as the big winner. See, Dutton just happens to be the conservative propping up Turnbull.

As far as extreme conservative pundit Andrew bolt is concerned Turnbull can't win condemned if he does and condemned if he doesn't he simply can't win. Bolt spent a lot of energy in the past letting it be known Turnbull had locked conservatives out of the inner circle of the Liberal Party. He's just raised the organizer of the Monkey Pod room's , conservatives only welcome, to head the government's new mega -portfolio and what does Bolt have to say "Dutton just happens to be the conservative propping up Turnbull."Bolt. Bolt has let the cat out of the bag hasn't he when he says it's the only way to keep Dutton "loyal" suggesting Dutton wasn't and Abbott certainly isn't making him a total liar.  However now Dutton has immediately been reduced to an ass-wipe conservative when in the recent past he was keeping Turnbull in tow for Tony.
Go back and remind your self the number of times Bolt declared the heads of our security institutions to be incompetent? He had a go at the head of the ABF and the AFP simply because they'd said there was no evidence that certain cases were terrorist related. Bolt called them liars and pissant weak in other words incompetent. Now Bolt's emphasizing just how well the system is doing and how good they are. Why is he being so two faced and hypocritical?
"Peter Dutton is the most powerful conservative in the government. He was close to former Prime Minister Tony Abbott. Now he’s switched to criticising Abbott and defending Turnbull."Bolt
Peter Dutton is a turncoat a traitor. Had Abbott been Brought into cabinet it's obvious all his promises of not sniping from the sidelines and not doing a Rudd are all BS and that Turnbull, in order to even begin to lead, has to watch his back because the destructor wants more than anything to bring him down. If Abbott stays silent the Murdoch Press steps in to do the job. What away to destroy a country. However, Turnbull for the moment has out witted Tony Abbott. As for Brandis , Pyne, and Bishop being unhappy, I think Bolt is stretching his imagination too far. Imagine how they'd feel under Abbott?

So what's this thing Bolt says about Conservatives and their principles? I believe Cory Bernardi is putting solar energy panels on his roof.

Image result for Image Peter Dutton


Reader B4B on the national security revamp: "Imagine the power Dutton now holds in the hands of your worst Left-wing nightmare. At some point the LNP will be in opposition, and this monster could be in the hands of, oh say, Tanya Plibersek or Anthony Albanese and taking direction from Bill Shorten. Now does that seem like a good plan to you?"
Absolutely because I'm certain this mega monster in the hands of Peter Dutton will cease to exist. However, if you want a nightmare arch conservative Peter Dutton in charge really is the ugliest of thoughts. Who said the conservatives were united?

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Lausitzer Rundschau, August 2016: "Ilona Fugmann will give the Syrian Mohammad Hussain Rashwani a permanent position in her hair salon... Rashwani is an example of how well integration can work." Lausitzer Rundschau, June 29, 2017: "Mohammad H. assaulted his boss with a knife, and injured her neck."
 Violence in the work place occurs Bolt seems to want us to think the violence occurred because the person was 1) a refugee, 2) a Syrian and 3) a Muslim Strange that Bolt had to search the world for a circumstance so he could implicitly generalize from about the culture and character of  Muslim refugees. 
What Bolt doesn't do is scour the world for all the cases of violence in the work place generally to see if this is a significant case or pattern. If he did he'd find it an exceptional case from which his implicit prejudice would look just what it is a case of bigotry against Muslim refugees by a biased alt conservative who works for Rupert Murdoch and is allowed to amplify the circumstance. Now that's a generalization as well. However, if you follow News Corp it's one that carries some validity.


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Fun dinner: "The Turnbull government's strained relationship with corporate Australia has come under more duress following some heated exchanges between the Prime Minister and the nation's leading chief executives at a private dinner... Multiple sources [said] Turnbull upbraided the business leaders for not helping out more with donations."

Does Bolt actually believe that an opportunity to lobby for one's cause at a dinner like that is a love fest even if Abbott was PM, of course, it isn't it's an opportune time to push one's barrow and the appropriate time for the PM to raise funds? Bolt is merely describing what is normal at dinners like that however with his very intended biased slant. Nothing exceptional occurred and in the words of someone Bolt holds high regard for the fact that names remain anonymous Trump would say it's Fake News Oh what a surprise the banks were complaining.
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From my interview with Immigration Minister Peter Dutton: The US will not take boat people from Manus and Nauru until November at the earliest.  "We have been caught up in the US process, they have a quota each year... Their year finishes in September, so we have been pushed into October for when they will move."
 Amazing after for years of stalling and not giving a rats ass about refugees Bolt sets up a wail "refugee" won't be moved until October. Bolt is just such a sensitive soul he?



Kevin Rudd four years ago today announced a deal with Papua and New Guinea to send boat people there rather than let them settle in Australia. Now he claims the boat people should have been sent here after a year. That's him pandering to the protesters who still won't learn the deadly lesson from Rudd's record. My editorial from The Bolt Report.
 If only politics was raising what someone said 10 years ago and who's no longer is in politics wouldn't life be easier? Recently Bolt has picked the bones of historic quotes he gave us Menzies last week and told us what he would have done today. Menzies didn't say a word. So remember it's  remember what Rudd said  four years ago" and what he said today? Rudd is not given any opportunity to respond. Well I guess we can all play that game.
Well remember Bolt telling us Abbott was truly sorry and that he would change. He used to say that a lot. He no longer bothers anymore. It seems he doesn't have to anymore. Or what he said he thought about about Trump on 12/10/16. It's the very opposite of what he thinks today today. Why don't you have a go it's aan easy game to play and it's Bolt's.
Rudd intended refugees to be processed off shore and eventually after a year to be resettled in Australia or elsewhere. The coalition ensured resettlement wouldn't be guaranteed ever and to date 4 years have passed and children have been driven insane to set an example that this can happen to you as well. If they are  advertising fodder shouldn't they be volunteers and be getting paid for the job? After all some of the children were born on Manus and Nauru they didn't arrive there by boat.

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Peter Dutton on The Bolt Report  denies  Malcolm Turnbull made him the big new security tsar just to keep him on-side, even though not a single security agency or inquiry recommended this change.
Bolt is between a rock and a hard place. For the past year he's been telling us just how united the conservatives were and what a rabble the moderates are . The leader of that tight bunch in the Monkey Pod Room was Peter Dutton. I wonder if those exclusive lunches are still being held. Will it be long before Bolt starts slagging Mr Boomgate off for breaking ranks? The news of Dutton's promotion wasn't a leak that came Bolt's way was it? Tony Abbott & Dissenters Plotting Their Revenge In 'Monkey Pod ...
Can Dutton keep a secret?

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