Thursday 27 July 2017

Andrew Bolt's Blog, 27/7/17, Bolt's Crusade Defending Evangelical Christianity against the ABC: Athiests get shut down too in the USA; Hereeeee's Abbott:

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 Fake News? Or Fake Faith?

 Sporadic Evangelical Christian Wife Beaters: Why Bolt is eager to defend them, they vote for Trump
"When we prayed for President Trump, we are praying within the context of a real relationship, of true friendship.” (Ibid)  Moore is not quoted as saying what he meant by “the context”.  Did it have anything to do with color?
Power is corrupting, as is access to power.  The evangelical Christian leaders’ blessing of a psychopathic president with Divine legitimacy is enough to lead one to ask, “Fake news”?  Or fake faith?" 
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Lack of empathy lack of generosity seems to show Bolt's inability to share his mother's suffering in the circumstance before her dying. I doubt that his mother was relieved when she woke up after she attempt to die, to find she had to endure another unknown amount of time.

The freedom warrior Bolt older but not wiser prefers the control the suffering of others for his own sake  except  of course in speech where others have attempted to restrict him. If his mother really really wanted to die and she was terminal and Bolt really really wanted her to live his decision is obviously the most important. Whose choice is foremost his! What is shared between them? Surely  the end of suffering is a rational agreement that can be accepted by both ?. His mother wanted a hand of help as she hadn't the power or strength and  Bolt today older and wiser would refuse her the freedom from her suffering, for his benefit, not hers. "And that is the first reason I worry about the government’s attempt to make Victoria the first state with euthanasia laws. Such a law would rob us of time."Bolt
My comment only is about what Bolt has said to this point before he chose to commercialize his and his mother's story behind a PAYWALL for News Corp's and his financial gain. It's all pretty ugly isn't it, not his mothers death but his use of it. It seems to me it's the type of intimate story that should have been free.
So, once again Bolt demonstrates his lack of empathy. His own terminal mother wanted to end her pain and suffering and Bolt now contemplating  that fact and the pain of her failure to die was fortuitous and beneficial for him. He's said how pleased he was she continued to suffer.  Now that warrior of individual freedoms feels wiser and wants to limit that choice for others even if unbearable suffering is extended. So long as it's not a cost to others as selfish. Bolt continues to amaze at his lack of generosity, empathy and his need to control other's lives,  deaths and  dignity. Proof his post on the death of Yunupingu's where he wants to blame Aboriginal Culture denies the choice of a man and his dignity to end his suffering.


Yesterday ABC presenter Jon Faine attacked white society for not giving Aborigines such as musician G. Yunupingu proper health care. The real problem may be Aboriginal culture: "The Australian understands the 46-year-old ... was found in a beach drinking camp last week ... before being taken to the Royal Darwin Hospital, where he died on Tuesday."  
27 Jul
 Bolt's serial victim blamer until he feels an unjust system has weighed down on him "
The real problem may have been Aboriginal culture:"
Bolt regularly points to dysfunction as poor culture resulting in individual weakness and inability to cope. Aborigines happen to be a regular kicking board
"But once again we see the topic switched from a dysfunctional Aboriginal culture to an unproductive and divisive discussion on inequality, couched in terms of victimhood and oppression: "Bolt
Bolt screamed victim of an unjust system when he was found guilty he never for a moment soul searched. Has Bolt noticed Aboriginal culture is being adopted in our cities by white people. Like Aborigines the majority are nominal Christians too but Bolt ignores that fact it just might relect in the fact that Christianity didn't help them.  We call them homeless bums who don't want to work  we call them psychologically inadequate bludgers that prefer the life style on the streets. It couldn't possibly be a fault  our social system . It's  turning whites into an Aboriginal survival mode. Any set of circumstances might put someone in that position and it's hard to get up with an intitutional foot on your neck.  Bolt calls Aboriginal Culture.  65,000 years of survival came to this in 200  years and Bolt denies any correlation it has with invasion day. White people are becoming Aboriginal at a rapid rate too and Bolt denies it has anything to do with the wealth and income divide increasing or the fact there are 150,000 jobs for a million people. The myth there's opportunity for every one and we are all equal. Whose fault Andrew Bolt's who's more blind than Yunupingu who found he was more welcomed at a drinking camp even when he probably didn't drink.
"Expressed like that, we have a problem we will not acknowledge and will not fix. We see that with the Closing the Gap statistics every depressing year."Bolt
If I didn't know Bolt he almost sounds  left wing with this admission but I still believe he's blaming "Aboriginal Culture" but not admitting it was a Christian drinking camp
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Bolt just loves speaking in tongues, doesn't he? The self-declared agnostic is actually spitting fire and brimstone at godless lefties. What does any of this really mean? He yearns for the return of days when the Sociology and it's texts were banned by the Catholic Church for preaching godless theories that man made his world as we know it and social relativity. Social Science, no Science of any sort back in the day was socially and psychologically dangerous.
"The same godless Lefties who lauded Dawkins for attacking Christianity are now denigrating him for the crime of being principled and consistent, qualities unfamiliar to the typical social justice activists." Bolt
The problem being not all lefties are godless Tony Abbott's mentor Bob Santa Maria and the DLP declared themselves lefties for God against the scourge of Godless Labor Marxists. Like Bolt, the DLP spoke in tongues.

"You can condemn Christianity in the strongest terms possible, criticize Judaism to your heart’s content, mock just about every organized religion imaginable but do not dare say an unkind word about Islam unless you want to be labeled a racist or bigot guilty of propagating “Islamophobic rhetoric”.Bolt
It's all a matter of being aware of whether or not your punching up or down even an atheist like Dawkins can be seen to be punching down. However, we will never know because all the links Andrew Bolt provides are PAYWALLS.  One would have thought he'd share his personal story but no he turned his mother's death into a product to be sold.
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What a joke Bolt prefers 3-year terms because it allowed politicians like Tony Abbott to win on promises he broke and then he carried on and did nothing but collect his salary, Three years of nothing is three years of spending tax payers money. The world has 4-year terms do you hear Bolt declaring them idiots? Does Bolt suggest 3-year terms make us world leaders? No the only reason he's raised it is because Turnbull suggested it. There is no principle here just an opposition to a side. Abbott's way oppose everything and do nothing.



Terry McCrann says NBN critics (like me) miss the point: "Chief Bill Morrow [got] the NBN rolled out to just over half the premises across this continent ... If we’d stuck with the [Labor] version, by now we would have a great state-of-the-art network reaching all of perhaps 15-20 per cent of premises. And at the cost of much the same billions."
 There not a fact in sight in Mc Crann's opinion smear. The fact is yes you can build personal transport vehicle in a day at the same cost as a Rolls Royce but it would still be called a billy cart. We have slipped to 60th in the world as far as internet speed is concerned and it won't get any faster. Rember when Abbott said the Internet was merely an entertaiment device. The UK and the USA have doctor on call to reduce the cost of medicine and a whole range of other entertaining things that we won't have. We will still lag behind countries like India. Is McCrann for real. News Corp's business expert has just become another Andrew Bolt. News Corp must be paring back costs because as far as information is concerned McCrann offers nothing. 
I know time is money but building a billy cart for the price of a Roller for speed's sake is even a greater waste. You will have to start again. 


The ABC "corrects" one falsehood with another, still smearing Christianity as a faith that encourages domestic violence when it actually does the opposite. Check the amazing "correction" to the 7:30 report on Julia Baird's story.
 "But advocates say the church is not just failing to sufficiently address domestic violence, it is both enabling and concealing it." Bolt
When an Anglican Bishop can say this on the Drum why is Bolt declaring it to be the opinion of the ABC?  The Bishop apologized and wished the Church could turn back the clock. Bolt the agnostic's denials are totally vapid.
" But advocates say the church is not just failing to sufficiently address domestic violence, it is both enabling and concealing it."ABC
Baird wasn't addressing all of the study and she made that as clear as day that she wan't addressing Christianity. She was addressing the findings of a particular research finding. Bolt tells us Aborigines are the greatest perportrators of women beating in this country. He doesn't mention that in the main they are Christian. Pacific Islander and South Sudanese are a violent peoBaple he doesn't mention they are in the main practising Christians. However he takes an outlying group an exceptional group like ISIL and he says it's a product of Islam.  Baird aren't doing what Bolt is and what it is he's in a frenzy about.


Another green policy that hurts the poor:  "UK environment secretary Michael Gove has announced plans to ban the sale of new petrol and diesel cars in Britain by 2040." That means buyers will have to pay for more expensive electric cars: "According to a National Grid report, peak demand for electricity will [rise] 50 per cent."   
 Another lie by Bolt Volvo, VW, Ford are all going electric and the price of the cars will remain the same in fact GMH is selling the Opel in Europe now and it's electric . Basically, Bolt is struggling when it comes to the truth. But then he's been convicted of lying. So if GMH is selling vehicles at current day prices why are the poor worse off?


Gwyneth Paltrow's GOOP site attacks a doctor's "strangely confident assertion" that its jade eggs risk toxic shock. The doctor replies: "A woman with no medical training who tells women to walk around with a jade egg in their vaginas all day, a jade egg that they can recharge with the energy of the moon no less, is the strangely confident one."
  Now, this is the level of effort and focus that shows Bolt at his best. His 40 years of journalistic skills come to the fore.


The Left's hatred of Christianity is suicidal. Why ban students from discussing a life-affirming faith and code of ethics?: "Talking about Jesus, exchanging Christmas cards and encouraging Christianity have been targeted under an unofficial policy from education bureaucrats that takes aim at junior evangelists in Queensland primary school yards."
  Does Bolt realy believe in reverse persecution of religion this country is cecoming less and less Christian voluntarily with each passing census. At best those that claim to be Christian only claim it nominaly they aren't practicing. There is a separation of government and faith and that's written into our Constitution and our schools need to reflect that. Bolt is an idiot if he believes there is a systemic persecution of Christians in this country. But then hebelieves there is a systemic persecution of whites  of males  of heterosexuals of the wealthy and of Right wing thinkers in our education system. Basically he feels persecuted and paranoid. It's why he's such a retiring person rarely showing his face in public unless behind the safety of his modern day burka the television screen



What madness is this? The Queensland Education Department banning children from praising Christianity in the playground? My editorial from The Bolt Report.

Bolt seems to be insistant that Australia should end the separation of powers written into our Constitution and is calling for a christian Cliphate and all those disbelievers declared non Australian. The government in Qld seems to be abiding by our Constitution in government schools. Is Bolt suggesting Allahu Akbar be banned in Australia and any Australians that convert to Islam be stripped of citizenship. That's always been the subtext to his attitude to Islam. Christians are far from a united homogenous group of people with one culture. Bolt doesn't seem to accept South Sudanese as Christian, Abrigines as Christian Pacific Islanders as Christian, the godless left as Christian. So which Christianity is Bolt speaking of? The one with women elders the one that includes pedophile priests. Was Christ an Arab, black, or off white?

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