Professionalism in Australia is dead and as far as Bolt is concerned. Triggs need to be hung drawn and quartered on the altar of Bolt's temple of the extreme right why? The AHRC is nothing more than an instrument of repression of individuals. It's personal because Bolt seems to think the AHRC sent him to court. However, it didn't he sent himself there. In his case, private mediation failed and the parties concerned chose to resolve their issue in court."First two of my own articles were banned. "Bolt The AHRC didn't ban Bolt's articles our courts did.
According to Bolt, the courts have been hijacked by the Left why? Judge Mordecai Bromberg found Bolt guilty and he has once had some affiliation with the Labor Party. Andrew Bolt also worked for the Labor Party but as far as he's concerned he remained untainted and it still he feels looks good on his CV but not so Bromberg who according to Bolt will have to carry that stain for life. The Arts, Judiciary, Universities Scientific organizations all our institutions have been hijacked by the Left and Andrew Bolt can prove it. That is Andrew Bolt who says "I'm just a conservative and not right wing"
If style has meaning Bolt hides behind an image of a gentleman, pretends to be a sophisticate, a dapper man, a bon vivant, man of higher tastes. But when you read Bolt's blogs you discover the real man behind the mask with a poison pen in hand. A vengeful vitriolic man on the edge, a ball of pus that bursts open with hatred for those that have slighted him in any way or have seen through his charade. Bolt claims to be a debater of issues but generally focuses on people, not their role not the systemic process but the very nature of people themselves and is it strange he more often than not fixates on women, Triggs, Baird, Ford, Gillard are among a few.
Triggs isn't a highly qualified judge a professional appointed head Statutory appointed Independant body to over see Human Rights in a country that has no Bill of Human Rights written into it's Constitution. To Bolt Human Rights isn't an issue. Triggs is a liar, a torturer, inquisitioner, with a personal political agenda to repress. Why does Bolt have all this vitriol?Triggs or should I say the HRC didn't ban Bolt's articles Bromberg did. All the HRC did was to agree that there was an issue between Bolt and others and private mediation should be tried. Mediation failed and that's why it proceeded to court.
What Bolt, had written were judged to be lies. Bolt's irrationality reveals itself here " No wonder the Commission has an astonishing record of settling so cases in secret, which suggests to me that many people and companies are just handing over go-away money rather than risk their reputations..." Bolt The function of the AHRC is to provide two parties with the possibility of mediation and settlement of their dispute in private and not how the AHRC sees fit. Failing any resolution the parties choose to go to court. The choice is and was in Bolt's free and they both chose to resolve it in front of a judge. How can Bolt get away with what he's posted here in in the past about Gillian Triggs?Because he can't and hasn't the balls to attack Justice Bromberg. Derryn Hinch did and was slapped with a contempt charge and wound up in jail. Bolt has the freedom to attack Bromberg too for vengeance sake like Hinch. But he's a gutless Golem and goes for Triggs instead as she doesn't have the powers of Bromberg and the Law behind her to that extent. Bolt uses his freedom to stain the very nature of the freedoms he has.
The ABC falsely claimed our worst wife beaters were evangelical Christians who went to church sporadically. The academic whose work the ABC cited says its anti-Christian report "fails the basic journalistic test of fairness": "[It] does not square with the evidence that church-going couples ... appear to be less likely to suffer domestic violence."
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