Tuesday, 1 August 2017

Andrew Bolt's Blog,1/8/17; Australia's Convicted Con Artist Peter Foster and Andrew Bolt; Meet the bludgers; Guilt by accusation;



Scaramucci's abrupt removal came just 10 days after the wealthy New York financier was brought on to the West Wing staff.
Bolt admires Donald Chump on behalf of News Corp down under in the hope of gaining Rupert's attention.

 Trump removes Anthony Scaramucci as communications director just days after hiring him


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On The Bolt Report on Sky at 7pm: Calling bull on the latest mad claim by the Human Rights Commission, that 51 per cent of university students, men and women, were sexually harassed last year. And Malcolm Turnbull's pathetic distraction as gay Liberal MPs expose his promise of a public vote on same-sex marriage as a fraud.

Bolt has no qalms in showing what a bufoon he is a lunk on two legs. No principles just vengeance in mind . Any proposition put forward by the HRC become bullshit to him. What will he say when his daughter is molested?



From The Bolt Report: Bettina Arndt on the Human Rights Commission report today that makes the unbelievable claim that 51 of all university students were sexually harassed last year.
Bolt shows the evidence of his lack of empathy. If his daughter came to him and said she was molested Bolt would no doubt say bullshit.

Image result for Image of Australia's biggest con artists


Peter FitzSimons is another exemplar of the Left's chronic weakness - to defend a side rather than a principle. In this case he defends Julia Baird's deeply deceiving attack on Christianity. I hope his own books have more respect for research and truth. 
It's amazing that Bolt even knows how to spell the word 'research'. what he writes is generally a collection of other peoples writings and ideas. Bolt occupation is best described as Churnalism other peoples ideas put together as a collection an anthology and called a book. Bolt who has never really researched anything and who has been publicly convicted of lying and defamation has the gall to call Julia Baird and Fitzsimons incompetents. Bolt's CV in Wikipedia is a lie. He was never educated let alone at Adelaide Uni. What he calls 'his books' aren't and he has never had his own radio show.  He's only been a guest. Bolt suggests Fitzsimons should have more respect for the truth? Give us a break. Bolt is the media's equivalent to Peter Foster he too was once was mates  and an adviser to a PM
"The 3 per cent of taxpayers paying the top marginal tax rate already provide 30 per cent of tax revenue, a share Labor’s policies and bracket creep would push ­towards 35 per cent."
What Bolt fails to acknowledge is that the  3% he claims to be societies heroes pay a tax minimisation and avoidance industry hundreds of millions of dollars trying to avoid paying even their legal due via Super, Trusts overseas transfers and other schemes. That 3% support a tax minimization and avoidance industry like no other group in society. They, in fact, work harder at doing that than they do earning money.
66% of Bolt's social heroes are the most nonproductive members of Australian society who inherited their wealth and watch it grow via rent and capital gains. They haven't actually produced anything. Andrew Bolt is a perfect example of a highly paid producer of nothing. I mustn't ignore the fact however he is valued as a consumer of everything there is available to hide the fact he does nothing. The Art, opera, postcodes, car, food, clothes etc etc are there as a pretense to make us believe he's actually doing something. Where as the bludgers who are unemployed today because Bolt's mate Tony shut the automotive industry down, those Bolt calls bludgers spent their lives actually doing something while consuming as well but in a more honest fashion on what they really needed. 


It's been a bad weekend for Islam in Australia - arrests, guilty pleas, abuse. How did we get our immigration and refugee programs so wrong? My editorial from The Bolt Report.

 How easy is "work" for Andrew Bolt it's repetition upon repetition of "alleggations" and that's all there is. It's condemning people on suspicion no facts or trial required. Well, there something in Bolt's method it declares George Pell is guilty. Tony Abbott is alleged not to have revoked his UK citizenship in 1993 so he to should go, .and it's alleged pigs can fly. "These days there aren't many scams bigger than all the fuss we're making about the threat of terrorism coming to our shores."Ross Gittons "How we're scammed by our fear of terrorism


Labor's Sandra Nelson,  the Northern Territory Assistant Minister for the Prevention of Family Violence, sneers that the arrest of four Sydney men over an alleged plot to bring down an airplane could be a political stunt: “Polling for LNP not good. Therefore we now have a ‘terrorist attack’. How convenient. #qanda’’  What a goose.
 It's an opinion as valid as Bolt's however what Bolt never mentions of the 150 terrorist events since WW2 only 14 where carried out by Muslims. It's something you will never hear from Bolt.

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My editorial from The Bolt Report - Liberal MPs are breaking a promise to let the people decide on same-sex marriage, and they are making a frustrated Malcolm Turnbull look weak. Not one told us before the election what they are now doing after it. That seems like fraud.
1 Aug This claim of fraud is coming from Tony Abbott's media supporter who never mentions the number of serious promises Abbott broke once he gained power. Homany time have we see the NO CUTS video Abbott put out only to go back on his word. The current issue is supported by the electorate and is being dragged about like a lead weight it's time it was put rest it's hardly a broken promise of the Abbott kind.

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