Hannity Unleashes On The ‘Pampered, Overpaid, Spoiled’ GOP
Trump’s Allies Are Taking Over the Media and Creating Their Own Reality | The Nation
News Corp's Global Foxification of media is so apparent and it's why Andrew Bolt is just the organ grinders monkey.
What you don't hear from Bolt. He does say proof the planet must be cooling.
At Midway Point, 2017 Is 2nd-Hottest Year on Record | Climate Central

Halfway through 2017, the year is the second hottest on record, even without an El Niño to help boost its temperature.
Leigh Sales on the ABC's 7.30 last night: "We talk about women in Islam, but statistically it is evangelical Christian men who attend church sporadically who are the most likely to assault their wives." This is false and contradicted by the ABC's claimed sources. Will the ABC correct it?
Coincidence? The ABC steps up its war on Christianity just as Cardinal George Pell returns to face court over alleged historical sexual offences. Its most ridiculous attack came on Tuesday, with a campaign to persuade us that “the men most likely to abuse their wives are evangelical Christians” who occasionally go to church.
The man in the glass house who drove a 26-year-old girl out of the country in fear of being assaulted or worse. Yassim Abdel-Magied didn't have the force of the Catholic Church behind her no the protection of the personal vilification handed out to her by Andrew Bolt in the name of 'free hate'.
Yassim didn't even have a police investigation to back up any of Bolt's claims. However the claimants against George and the evidence the police have been sufficient to bring this case to court.
As for the Church under attack, you couldn't be more under attack when Andrew Bolt with the backing of News Corp can smear the Pope as much as he likes but complains when the organization is being attacked. Bolt yesterday brought to our knowledge a case of workplace violence "way off" in Germany a single case committed by a Muslim to his boss. Bolt felt that necessary to know in order draw is pre existing generalization about Muslims. Here he's declaring how unfair the ABC was for raising the behavior of a massive organization and its branches run like feifdoms around the world.
Bolt smears the Pope which even the ABC hasn't done.
As for the greatest likelihood of domestic violence, he can't acknowledge that alcohol and drugs are the biggest triggers for domestic violence and alcohol is far from prohibited by the Christian Churches but celebrated. I don't pay to read Bolt's columns or feed the beast. But somewhere Bolt will raise personal weakness and culture of Australia's Aborigines to make his defense of white pisspots. Those white folks that taught them to celebrate the pain of poverty a gift handed them by the white man who also gave them alcohol drugs and Christianity.
Julia Baird on the Drum repeated her discussion on what "research" has found and made Andrew Bolt look the fool and liar he is. He stupidity and anti -Islamic bias suggesting Christianity is civilized and Islam is not and proof can be found in domestic violence data is proved to be totally absurd. However you will never hear Bolt apologize for his stigmatizing and ignorant bigotry.
The best story today.
While this is a notable, sad and a feel good story does Bolt need to steal it from the Daily Telegraph in order to deflect and distract attention away from the feel good story that has even wider implications for all of us. The disunity of the Conservatives in the Liberal Party when it comes to self-interest it always wins.Yes, Trent Hodkinson showed the opposite of Peter Dutton a selflessness rarely seen among the conservative media and never by Bolt who only presents as the diametrically opposite to Trent. However, little is said of the bravery and beauty of Hanna who not in a single photo taken appears to be a girl not in poor spirits. Rather she's the opposite and seems to be grabbing the life given by the horns. She's all smiles.
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Niki Savva prepares a scapegoat for next week's Newspoll. She bizarrely suggests that Malcolm Turnbull handing Peter Dutton control over all security agencies - a move backed by none and designed to keep Dutton loyal - is a triumph that could be wrecked by a weekend meeting to discuss Tony Abbott's evil plan to give party members more say.
Is this why the Left loves global warming? Renewable energy is the excuse for governments grabbing partial control over even small business: "Small Business Ombudsman Kate Carnell says the government needs to consider subsidies to help small business struggling to cope with skyrocketing energy prices." And all for a fake fix to a fake catastrophe.
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