Thursday, 20 July 2017

Andrew Bolt's Blog,20/7/17; The organ grinder's monkey; 2017 is so far the second hottest year on record. So Bolt says the planet's cooling;

Image result for Image of the organgrinders monkey

Hannity Unleashes On The ‘Pampered, Overpaid, Spoiled’ GOP

Hannity Unleashes On The ‘Pampered, Overpaid, Spoiled’ GOP 

 Trump’s Allies Are Taking Over the Media and Creating Their Own Reality | The Nation

News Corp's Global Foxification of media is so apparent and it's why Andrew Bolt is just the organ grinders monkey.

What you don't hear from Bolt. He does say proof the planet must be cooling.

At Midway Point, 2017 Is 2nd-Hottest Year on Record | Climate Central

Halfway through 2017, the year is the second hottest on record, even without an El Niño to help boost its temperature.


Leigh Sales on the ABC's 7.30 last night: "We talk about women in Islam, but statistically it is evangelical Christian men who attend church sporadically who are the most likely to assault their wives." This is false and contradicted by the ABC's claimed sources.  Will the ABC correct it?
 Bolt's just a lazy blogger who repeats himself and calls it work. The ABC is right it doesn't have to correct itself. Domestic violence is correlated with alcohol. Of all the main religions Christianity accepts the social use of alcohol. The likelihood of domestic violence is among Christian males. It's most visible among Christian males below the poverty line. So even church leaders don't want to raise this guilt. Bolt prefers to see it as personal and cultural flaw of Aborigines but sorry Bolt your associations don't make sense Aborigines are Christians and we systematically  converted them to  religion alcohol poverty and domestic violence  
However, Bolt is a liar The Abc was merely reporting a research study not a commentary
" Research shows that the men most likely to abuse their wives are evangelical Christians who attend church sporadically. Church leaders in Australia say they abhor abuse of any kind. But advocates say the church is not just failing to sufficiently address domestic violence, it is both enabling and concealing it." ABC News


Coincidence? The ABC steps up its war on Christianity just as Cardinal George Pell returns to face court over alleged historical sexual offences. Its most ridiculous attack came on Tuesday, with a campaign to persuade us that “the men most likely to abuse their wives are evangelical Christians” who occasionally go to church. 
The man in the glass house who drove a 26-year-old girl out of the country in fear of being assaulted or worse. Yassim Abdel-Magied didn't have the force of the Catholic Church behind her no the protection of the personal vilification handed out to her by Andrew Bolt in the name of 'free hate'.
Yassim didn't even have a police investigation to back up any of Bolt's claims. However the claimants against George and the evidence the police have been sufficient to bring this case to court.
As for the Church under attack, you couldn't be more under attack when Andrew Bolt with the backing of News Corp can smear the Pope as much as he likes but complains when the organization is being attacked. Bolt yesterday brought to our knowledge a case of workplace violence "way off" in Germany a single case committed by a Muslim to his boss. Bolt felt that necessary to know in order draw is pre existing generalization about Muslims. Here he's declaring how unfair the ABC was for raising the behavior of a massive organization and its branches run like feifdoms around the world.
Bolt smears the Pope which even the ABC hasn't done. 
As for the greatest likelihood of domestic violence, he can't acknowledge that alcohol and drugs are the biggest triggers for domestic violence and alcohol is far from prohibited by the Christian Churches but celebrated. I don't pay to read Bolt's columns or feed the beast. But somewhere Bolt will raise personal weakness and culture of Australia's Aborigines to make his defense of white pisspots. Those white folks that taught them to celebrate the pain of poverty a gift handed them by the white man who also gave them alcohol drugs and Christianity. 
Julia Baird on the Drum repeated her discussion on what "research" has found and made Andrew Bolt look the fool and liar he is. He stupidity and anti -Islamic bias  suggesting Christianity is civilized  and Islam is not and proof can be found in domestic violence data is proved to be totally absurd. However you will never hear Bolt apologize  for his stigmatizing and ignorant bigotry.



 Yet another repeat post by Bolt disguised as "work". He's between a rock and a hard place once praising Dutton and the unity of Abbott's Monkey Pod Room which hosted the regular conservative only lunches. Bolt's Conservative unity seems a farce with Abbott now piping up he never got any advice to form a single security force but thought of one before Turnbull show me your's Turnbull. But just in case now also saying he was against it. What are you to make of that other than Abbott is simply a contrarian and always was one? Well, it seems Dutton and Abbott aren't on the same side of the fence with this one because you can never tell which side Abbott's on. How long will it be before Bolt starts smearing Dutton for Abbott? 
Bolt has spent moments calling the heads of the ABF and AFP liars running incompetent agencies because they have said they have no evidence to link cases to terrorist acts setting Bolt off in a crazed frenzy. However now he's saying they have been doing a great job. Bolt is all over the shop twisted as Abbott I'm afraid. He's having trouble dealing with this issue as is the ex PM. To just call it politics and wrote it off as simply as that is irresponsible. Bolt's  right and it's what he amplifies all the time just politics. It's why he's up and down like a see saw and why they both have no respect for the Australian electorate. Abbott was a failure as a PM he got fewer bills passed than Gorton and Bolt is a failure in commentary, facts, and information. It's why he has an only a nightly following of 24,000. Did any one catch Turnbull on the Project last night it rates 800,000 ++




The best story today.

While this is a notable, sad and a feel good story does Bolt need to steal it from the Daily Telegraph in order to deflect and distract attention away from the feel good story that has even wider implications for all of us. The disunity of the Conservatives in the Liberal Party when it comes to self-interest it always wins.Yes, Trent Hodkinson showed the opposite of Peter Dutton a selflessness rarely seen among the conservative media and never by Bolt who only presents as the diametrically opposite to Trent. However, little is said of the bravery and beauty of Hanna who not in a single photo taken appears to be a girl not in poor spirits. Rather she's the opposite and seems to be grabbing the life given by the horns. She's all smiles.


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Niki Savva prepares a scapegoat for next week's Newspoll. She bizarrely suggests that Malcolm Turnbull handing Peter Dutton control over all security agencies - a move backed by none and designed to keep Dutton loyal - is a triumph that could be wrecked by a weekend meeting to discuss Tony Abbott's evil plan to give party members more say.
Not being a member of the Liberal Party it confuses me as to why Bolt feels Abbott has Trumped the Federal parliamentary party? Wasn't Turnbull for the democratization of the state branch? Is this just another case of Bolt trying to tell us the tail wags the dog? Or is all of this just poll dancing?


Is this why the Left loves global warming? Renewable energy is the excuse for governments grabbing partial control over even small business: "Small Business Ombudsman Kate Carnell says the government needs to consider subsidies to help small business struggling to cope with skyrocketing energy prices." And all for a fake fix to a fake catastrophe.
"And all for a fake fix to a fake catastrophe." Bolt.  Well, we will see whose fake won't we I think it's Bolt who is insisting the planet is cooling because this is only the 2nd hottest year on record so far. However, in Bolt's case, it's the elephants tail that's  trying to wag the elephant and not the dog's. Threatening price hikes of 180% because why? We've seen the price hikes due to the price of gas and privateers.
 Solar and wind energy are driving Dutch public transport there is no horrific news about the prices there. Renewable energy is now cheaper than natural gas and there is no such thing as cheap clean coal let alone power plants available with the technology to clean it.
197 countries have signed the Paris accord and Bolt is doing what? He's holding on to the buggy whip because he's the stable owner feeding and looking after the horses while the owners are doing business. and refusing to believe a new age has arrived. Sorry stables were shut down when fossil fed cars came into being and the laggards were behind. Bolt found a business that fed his nightmare alarmism a significant statistical example. It's what he does best uses anecdotal evidence to generalize catastrophe.
He's a hypocrite because he complained that's what the ABC did in Philidelphia and the Catholic Church in his post today


Anyway it's great that South Australia is ahead of the game Arium doesn't seem terrified of the doom and gloom Bolt's preaching and Musk believes he can solve the state's dependance on fossil fuels. Bolt hasn't been doing much talking about S.A recently has he? Not compared with the chortling he was doing beforehand. Time will tell us whose fake.


Tell us the news here.

What Bolt really thinks about during his 80 hour work week. "Buy Brett Whiteley" $ 1.6 - 2 mill




Image result for Images  attack on Christianity 


My editorial from The Bolt Report.

Repeated from yesterday
Bolt is a liar because the ABC's Julia Baird merely reported a research study unlike Bolt they don't own a fake commentary or opinion. On his Bolt Report states that the "work" belonged to  Julia Baird which is a blatant and straight out lie!
Not surprisingly however Bolt the "agnostic" becomes Bolt "the preacher " and that his commentary is "his" reminding us he's  not  religious which is meant to impress us and make him more objective wiser than say a Doctors of Divinity. Bolt claims he knows the nuances of both the bible and the Koran better than most academics. When did Bolt put any work into studying either of these texts we aren't told? As for the resarch report Baird was quoting well that's ignored and forgotten by Bolt.

" Research shows that the men most likely to abuse their wives are evangelical Christians who attend church sporadically. Church leaders in Australia say they abhor abuse of any kind. But advocates say the church is not just failing to sufficiently address domestic violence, it is both enabling and concealing it." ABC News
My belief however is that there is a correlation between domestic violence alcohol and Christianity more so than any other faiths. It's visibility is connected to class however while obvious among the poorest drinkers & drug takers it's hidden among ther upper classes and dealt with differently.

 Image result for Images  meaningless statistics


 Bolt logic stats show more Australians  die in Winter than Summer. 1) Australia is a big country. So are Kelly and Bolt trying to telling us less people die in Queensland than TAS or is S.A.2) Why is it Australian Aboriginals have the highest death rate of all Australians and most live in the hottest areas?  3) Is South Australia the death state because it has the largest investment in renewables? These two stooges of statistics would have Australians believe their little graph has a direct correlation to renewables and the price of electricity.  Bolt's interview with Craig Kelly was the equivalent of a skit on the ABC's comedy Mad as Hell.
The ACT is currently the best place to live electricity is cheapest than anywhere else. However they have a 100% renewable energy target they need to be warned thanks to Kelly and Bolt.
So what brings about the figure these two clowns present about the whole of Australia?
Australia's epidemiologists explanation
1)The very young and the very old are more likely to die in winter.
 2)Diseases of the circulatory system, pneumonia and influenza and sudden
    infant death syndrome are all highly seasonal causes of death, occurring
    more often in winter.
 3)Although excess winter deaths predominated for most of the twentieth
     century, the nineteenth century saw an excess in summer deaths. This
    excess disappeared in parallel with the decline of infectious and parasitic
   diseases, and the rise in diseases such as circulatory and respiratory
    disease, which were more likely to cause death in colder months.
4) Not a word about the price of electricity in the 21st Century but a lot to say about the   coal burning 20th Century when electricity was cheap

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