Pork-barrel projects are a billion-dollar drain on the public purse
Welfare crackdown savings are petty compared to massive cost overruns and wasteful pork barrelling.
Theodore Dalrymple is brilliant on the narcissistic rage and final triumph of Virginia Woolf: "Woolf ... would at least have had the satisfaction of observing that her cast of mind - shallow, dishonest, resentful, envious, snobbish, self-absorbed, trivial, philistine, and ultimately brutal - had triumphed among the elites of the western world."
Bolt's such a pompous prig. He thinks he is what Wolf was talking about, "an educated man". However, he might be and still is a relic of the 30s and 40s membership of that club of men from Woolf's time. He's certainly not a member of educated men in the 21rst Century. PS: Bolt can't spell Virginia and he thinks he's an "educated Man"
The Greens are on the way down: two Senators lost to bad form-filling, the watermelon faction revolting, the warming scare easing, power prices shocking voters and now: "[Leader] Di Natale waits for confirmation he has renounced Italian citizenship. Tasmanian colleague Nick McKim is yet to produce confirmation he has given up British citizenship."
21 Jul"The global warming scare is receding, even if the vast warming bureaucracy ensures it does not yet die completely. The Greens look increasingly desperate as they warn of disasters that never come."BoltThis is the crux of what Bolt wants to say and what he repeats like an automaton the science and experts have no place in the construction of social policy. Self -interest is the key. But in his statement that the youth of today are bored with green politics and warmists are losing the political race he fails to explain why 197 countries have signed the Paris Accord, investment in green technologies is out stripping those of fossil fuels, and advanced counties along with the third world are all dumping and moving away from the old. The Greens may have been procedurally incompetent and dropped in a poll but that has little or nothing about what they stand for. The voting population of Australia has moved to Labor but not away from the demand to stop mining fossil fuels and their consequence of CO2 emissions
"THEN there's di Natale. First, he lacks charisma. Second, he announced himself as a pragmatist - as much as a Greens leader can actually be pragmatic. But the Greens appeal to people who are adolescents in permanent and pensioned opposition to Daddy. They scorn responsibility and are blind to consequences. They do not wish for all that comes with ruling - other than the power to bully - which is why the Greens sharing power with the Gillard Government was so fatal. Hard-line Greens supporters do not make deals. They make demands. They are totalitarians." Bolt
In all of Bolt's feeble personality attack on the Greens and smearing their members, Bolt fails to address the systemic facts and failures the reality and hard data that the fossil fuel advocates are facing. The investment shift the global market has been ignored. The private shift made to support climate science and not by governments tied at the hip to the past fossil fuel interests looking for quid pro quo donations. Bolt and the coalition are for the Adani mine. But they don't tell you Adani has invested in and built India's biggest Solar energy plant as well. So why does he want to go ahead with the coal in Australia? He wants to develop the land and property he bought he doesn't want it to go down in value and he wants $ 1 Bill from the Australian tax payers to maintain and increase the book value of that assett. Because at the moment banks and private investors aren't interested.
Bolt never entertains that thought that he just might want the value to go up and sell it because that would be 'end of days for his argument. In the meantime, the acceleration in green investment, technology, and job creation has skyrocketed past the deniers snails and fossil zealots wanting to hang onto the past. We are already hearing the word 'transition' more and more as we are seeing more deniers, once like Bolt, falling away.
Talking about "the greens " in Australia is deflecting and ignoring the global shift in the world attitude. Even Trump said to Macron as far as the Paris Accord was concerned it still wasn't over. He knows that because US states like dominoes are signing up independently of Trump. As is the ACT and S.A. here creating their own targets.
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