Tuesday, 25 July 2017

Andrew Bolt's Blog, 25/7/17; Why Bolt hates the educated and why he isn't; Two very mediocre people pretending to be journalists;

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Even Media Watch agrees that Julia Baird misrepresented research and made a false claim in stating that the worst wife bashers were evangelical Christians who went to church sporadically. In fact, Christians beat their wives less. But Barry lets the ABC off the hook in denying there is an anti-Christian agenda in running an anti-Christian line.  

  Bolt is such a manipulator he holds the truth like a sieve holds water. He is the evangelical tent preacher manipulating his sucker followers who need to destroy Baird because she has shown the flaws and let in some rational light.

 Baird acknowledged the fact that the study was American. She said that the aspect she was referring to only related to " sporadic "  Evangelical Church goers only and not persons fully engaged with the Church. She simply declared that Wilcox's research while not Australian lead to some interesting questions that were open for discussion. All very reasonable in any circumstance for someone who obviously read the material and research done to single out a peculiar aspect of the findings and open it up for discussion. That's what educated rational and reasoned people do it's called delving for the truth.

Bolt who has no regard for the truth you can hear it in his tone truth and it's search gets in his way as he is simply a media manipulator and when confronted with truth goes into a frothing frenzy to the point that he even loses focus. In his Tips For Todaywritten last night he even confused  Baird with Gillard he was so eager to bring her down. He isbasically accusing Baird of doing what he does all the time using selective data to run his personal biased and preordained set of conclusions to prove he is right rather than to see if all the data might suggest he's wrong. 

Baird isn't doing that as shown on the Drum. She invited  Christian experts to do what it was she intended and that was to discuss a particular aspect of the data referring to "sporadic "evangelical church goers. Bolt avoids even mentioning the Drum which is the so opposite to what he does on The Bolt Report. On the Drum Baird invited two Australian religious experts who both agreed with her finding. One a Bishop acknowledged and publicly apologized for the fact that the church hadn't done it's best for women in domestically violent situations. The church focused on keeping violent relationships together rather then separate them. Let me repeat Bolt who has been over Baird like a rash ignored that singular event on the Drum where an Anglican Bishop admitted to supporting and maintaining relationships of domestic violence. Bolt buried that.

Bolt hysteria even blinds himself because his easiest get out of trouble card has always been looking at the Aborigines they are Australia's leading perpetrators of domestic violence hoping that in their blackness and Aboriginality we wouldn't notice they were Christians too and often only sporadically involved in their faith. A faith which has fundamentally celebrated God's gift of alcohol and has seen women and children as property in a paternalistic  social unit called the family in a male dominated society. Bolt prefers to blame all the dysfunctions among Aboriginals on their Aboriginality and not the racist colonial system with it's Christian values that have helped bring about some of the worst social conditions of any people on the planet we see today. It's Australia's major shame.

No Bolt is a manipulator of data and people desperately running arguments to confuse to distort data for the purpose of hiding the truth and not revealing it. What he's trying to say and convince us of is that Julia Baird is like him a topic he only knows too well but she's not.  His desperation and seeming panic are brought about not by good faith but by the fact that she's diametrically the opposite of him. She is attempting to make sense of research data in order to reveal a truth while Andrew Bolt merely manipulates it to run his value based, alt right, conservative preformed conclusions that Christianity is the most civilizing of faiths.



On Media Watch saying I was right about Julia Baird's false claim that evangelical Christians who went to church occasionally were the worst wife beaters. That's one reason so many Muslims in Melbourne are converting to Christianity, says an Anglican priest.

What a load of fiction by Bolt and Markson Julia Baird clearly specified the Christian cohort the study was referring to was sporadic evangelicals Christians. Bolt disregards that group to say she was wrong because the study didn't find this or because other Christians weren't violent ? The fact is Bolt attributes the actions of ISIS a minority Muslim group and claims they represent Islam. Well if Bolt is entitled to do that he must acknowledge Baird can do the same even though she doesn't.  Shari Markson distorts what was said as well. It's typical of Bolt who sets up ssupport  whereas Baird sets up a discussion with room to debate on the Drum she doesn't just bring in her backup.  You can treble the guarantee that these two Bolt and Markson will never say sorry or admit their error. 
Bolt won't ever mention that Aborigines he smears are Christians because that would totally destroy anything he has ever said. 
Note Bolt's hatred of Gillard has been corrected in Tips for today when he showed he didn't even know who he was talking about. I have his error on recordImage result for Image of Julia Baird
As for Markson she was arrested in Israel a witness to the Israeli support of Sunnis declared  terrorists by us. Markson was released and this reporter never said a word about what she saw or was arrested for. Don't we arrest people colluding with the enemy in this country? Bolt suggests throwing away the key or out of the country.

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Liberal MP Craig Kelly warned that renewable energy would kill Australians this winter  by making electricity for their heating too expensive. Ignorant colleagues and journalists laughed at him without bother to check his facts. Now the Salvation Army's winter appeal  confirms he is right.
. The price of electricity and it's structure as nothing to do with renewables  one only has to look to Germany California Netherlands and Denmark to realize that.It has more to do with the structure of the " of which Bolt is a great advocator.   Bolt is crying for what seems to be Socialist regulation. He wants the banks and energy producers be driven back to coal by market regulation  and not just supply and demand. We have in fact had the mildest and driest winter with only 5 weeks to go  Bolt's emergency hasn't any particularly when he's using advertising from a Charity appeal as evidence. That manipulating the truth for the sake of advertising.  Australia has an aging pop with decreasing immunity.  Warm houses won't save the aged from colds, influenza and pneumonia when your immunity is on the wane. Besides half the country isn't cold.
" Calculations from The Daily Telegraph can reveal there are roughly 68,400 homes across NSW at risk of having their power cut because they cannot afford their rocketing bills."  Bolt  Let's face it this might as well be Bolt saying " By my calculations"  and be expected to be believed.

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An idiotic idea which treats self-destructive criminals as hero-victims: "Yarra City Council is planning to install a monument to acknowledge the lives of those who overdosed in a popular druggie hotspot in Richmond." Some will again say addiction is a "health issue". But no one became addicted without breaking the law and taking that first hit.

 Above is Bolt's idea of the WAR ON DRUGS
Bolt defies the new global recognition that systematically criminalizing drug users is what prevents addiction. Portugal, The Netherlands, Switzerland have all come to prove  decriminalization and education are the springboards to reduced addiction deaths criminal activity and the cost of prisons. Access to drugs in the medical profession is living proof that drug addicted doctors, pharmacists paramedics don't all overdose or die they are just less likely to be caught in their criminal activities. Bolt's favored big stick approach to drugs is strange given his soft stick approach to to hate speech. There seems to be little or no rationality to either of his positions only his personal  interest at stake. Imagine revenue and the Billions saved not only lives by decriminalizing drugs.

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Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull was a fool to ring Labor's Bill Shorten on Sunday and offer to discuss four-year terms for Parliament. A: It's a distraction. B: It helps Labor. C: Voters won't wear it. D: It robs voters of control over their politicians. E: It won't give us better government at all.
When Government stops and the game is just rhetoric when electioneering is more important than passing Bills. Bolt prefers Governments that do nothing and leaders that ensure nothing is done. It's why he favors Tony Abbott the permanent Mr. Nope. Why is he so for a PM who like Trump made promises he couldn't or wouldn't ever be fulfilled. Having a longer term might just stop the routine of doing nothing.  It certainly would be a money saver.

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Terry McCrann: "Of course the Renewable Energy Target should be abolished... Tony Abbott is absolutely right. The RET is the fundamental reason that power prices across the nation have more than doubled to now be among the highest in the world in a country awash with the coal that used to give us the cheapest and most reliable power in the world."
 We have electricity Prices highest in the world it is very strange, isn't it? Why is it that countries not awash with coal who have turned to renewables are so much cheaper? Germany, the Netherlands Denmark, and California are far far more advanced in heavy industry and have larger populations and have reached RET target so in advance of us yet are far cheaper than we are when it comes to power why?  McCrann and Bolt never really give a simple reason for places that don't invest in coal but have focused on clean power are cheaper. The Dutch run their trains on it.



NSW Labor shows our decline: "The left is pushing for ... Labor’s tough border-protection policy to be dumped. It supports abolishing scripture classes during school time. A motion that backs Palestinian statehood ... is expected to be adopted... Some in the left want a “universal basic income”, paid regardless of whether you work."  
What you have here is an information free zone and just barracking for a team but not even the whole team. Labor has picked up on the fact of increasing homelessness, underemployment, debt burden of citizens etc etc etc all of which the LNP deny  that   labour offers a solution to the decline LNP offer promises to win elections and the break them. The LNP produces Myths rather than deal with facts. History isn't the history of heroes it's the history of all of us and a future the younger generation of today have to suffer and not enjoy. When work becomes a gig and not a certainty where borrowing to live is not an investment but a debt and that's what Bolt and his kind want to see the more of.


Very troubling, even if only remotely true: "By 2018 Swedish authorities believe that 60 percent of all the migrants in Sweden will be unemployed... In June of 2016, Sweden’s state-owned broadcaster SVT revealed that only 494 migrants of the 163,000 who had recently arrived had found meaningful work."  
You needn't say anything more about Bolt's link it's Breitbart. So much for Bolt's facts and figures he employs one of the notorious fake news ezines  on the web. Steve Bannon was it's CEO. He turned Trump into his personal sock puppet during the 2016 elections.
So why is Sweden and Breitbart's focus?
1) They love to generalize from extremes and Sweden is an extreme case. Sweden on a per capita  rate in 2015 is more than 6 times the EU average.
2)The percentage of young people extremely high. What is strange however Bolt and Breitbart have always declared these are 'economic' refugees but in the same breath they are now saying the majority don't want to work. That is the standard of logic you can expect from alt conservatives like Bolt. 
3) As many as 50% of the refugees could be expelled for the fact they don't fulfill the requirements  of refugee status. 20% were children in 2015 who were alone. Most refugees entering the country started businesses. Information left out by Bolt and friends
4) Problems may exist but not to the extent as presented here by Breitbart and they are peculiar to Sweden and not to the EU. Many are system generated and can be addressed they aren't problems specific to any refugee.  Refugees in SwedenSeeking asylum—and jobs - The Economist
5) It's easy to focus on the glass empty  and Bolt always does.

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Mark Latham says the Liberals are dominated by the inner city elites: "Only 31 per cent of Liberal MPs come from inner-metropolitan seats [but]  they occupy 76 per cent of Liberal Cabinet spots. Outer-suburban and regional Liberals (62 per cent of the party room) are hopelessly under-represented... The result is a left-leaning administration." 
  Bolt is trying to make out that this is a recent event. Just watch The Bolt Report and check the Liberals he has on it. Kroger for a start will give you an indication of who is Liberal an who isn't.  Who are the members the IPA ? I'm sure they aren't part of the boiler suit brigade. Of course, the elites run the Liberal Party? However they own it less than they once did. Turnbull not elite he married up just as Bolt did at best they just happen to be the "New Rich".

The Conservatives  are Catholics hardly a new Elite but not as despised as they once were in the 50's and 60s reduced in the hierarchy to Judges Lawyers and Public Servants. They certainly weren't considered the elite as they didn't have the generational background of say Malcolm Fraser. It doesn't take Mark  Latham to open Bolt's eyes because he's been licking their  ass  all his life. He didn't gain social mobility through merit he wasn't educated and in fact flunked Uni to become an apprentice in journalism. Bolt gained stripes by marrying up and he's been a  a social climber ever since. The amusing thing is when push comes to shove his chums the real elite will drop him in a flash. It's why he says he hasn't a great number of real friends because he arrived unannounced and through the back door. He's an old boy without a tie.
Bolt's desires and ambitions don't have anything to do with relationships really. He says he doesn't have many friends and isn't part of a community indications that he knows he's not a real elite.  So he believes in retail therapy and gluttony of sorts. He always wants more but more delivers only short highs and so he dreams of more paintings ,more opera, more Europe. He's just a Pelican if you like whose beak holds more than his belly can.

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