Why do we think poor people are poor because of their own bad choices? | US news | The Guardian
“We often think it is structure or circumstance that constrains our choices, but it’s the behavior of others that alters theirs.”The system failed Bolt according to Andrew Bolt. However the Aboriginal character is what has failed them their Culture makes them ungrateful assholes. As are South Sudanese , Arabs, Muslims, those wanting Safe Schools, the unemployed and 80% of Australians. Our Immigration Policies rewards people of bad character. according to Andrew Bolt and Tony Abbott. Who live by the God-given values.
Elon Musk's Tesla to build world's biggest lithium ion battery to secure power for South Australia - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
South Australia will be home to the world's largest lithium ion battery thanks to a historic agreement between Tesla and the State Government, with Tesla boss Elon Musk promising to build it in 100 days, or it's free.
Kicked from pillar to post by Conservatives S.A. is fighting back. Arium sold and jobs in tact an Indian has bought Arium. Now Tesla has rode in to not only create jobs but build the worlds largest battery to store wind power
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