Victoria Police investigating AFL diversity manager Ali Fahour punch
Victoria Police have confirmed they are investigating former AFL executive Ali Fahour over a onfield punch that earned him a life-ban from football.Let's talk bias Pell, Colombaris, Bolt, Fahour Bolt says the police are biased because the have charged Pell. However he had no complaints that Colombaris was charged and Fahour investigated. In the case of Fahour he's no doubt delighted. However I believe Bolt should have been charged for affray after being glittered. He not only did what Fahour has done but he even encouraged others to do the same. That is to try and sucker punch a left-wing socialist or prankster and if possible kick them in the balls. An ex AFL footballer has been charged for threatening to kill isn't that what a sucker punch is? Bolt was encouraging GBH surely that's an offence? I believe police bias has been shown for not charging Andrew Bolt for trying to physically harm a prankster it too is on tape.
Bolt stole this concept about Tomic being the symptom of and not the problem of an alienating globalized Tennis and Sports Industry. It's not new. How strange though Bolt who is such a believer in the Freemarket Capitalist System should be found criticizing it. He feels it too when he asks "why am I doing this too"
The amusing thing while he and Tomic operate in different Industries Bolt is under the misguided belief that he's brighter than Tomic. Tomic in 15 years has developed motor neurone skills and brain plasticity that Bolt could only dream of while just a cog Tomic has climbed and earned his position and while bored and confused feels the alienation of the system he's in. Unfortunately he believes he cam escape it if he chases the carrot for another few years. Bolt on the other hand has learn't very little skills he's merely climbed the ladder in News Corp as it seems everything he's done inein his life not by merit bu by association by who he knows rather than what. He's developed a template of values and justification which he calls debate but if fact are little more than tricks to justify his beloved illusion of a free market enterprise system of relationships based on genuine competition and merit.
The left has been explaining it ad nauseum that our personal economic relationships are unfair not equal and definitely alienating Tomic in the rarerified air of a sports pro in the sporting industry feels it but hasn't the insight to understand why. Bolt feels it but ignores it by absorbing himself in buying things and associating himself with those in power. Unlike Tomic he's more than just alienated as result he's paranoid and really doesn't feel safe in Australia like Australians generally do. Tomic has a possible future with the getting of wisdom. Bolt hasn't when he says "I'm the only bread winner I have to work for them" "I have to take them to Bali for Xmas " there is no "we" in his relationships no enthusiasm his life sounds such a product and not of his own making and his job is blaming others for how he feels and not the fundamental economic system of relationships we live under. Bolt's been a News Corp marionette for over half his life any wonder he tries to find joy in things, lacks gratitude and is fearful of others.
In another post I pointed out the gulf between the Leftist commentators telling Abbott to shut up and the Liberal members telling him to speak up. That gulf is made even clearer when you read the comments underneath Niki Savva's latest savaging of Tony Abbott.
Bolt's banner says it all a conservative says speak up. Bolt isn't convinced when the word crafter has to say it in the singular and not the plural. A conservative does say speak up Abbott and it's Andrew Bolt delivering the message for Rupert. This whole post is like that photo at Sukkor's that looked like a meeting in a tent the camera man shot the whole crowd of which the majority were present for Sukkor but Bolt tried to steal the crowd for Abbott. When Abbott addresses a crowd you do hear a few belated cheers but one thing is noticeable it the crowd presumably a very small group of conservatives is never videoed or photographed the faced un revealed and Bolt is going "wow did you see and hear that."
What's notable in Bolt's list is the absence of Miranda Devine, Paul Kelly, Amanda Vanstone etc etc all Liberals and all who actually sound like the majority of us. Never the less I guess he's right you will always find a Conservative who says speak up but is reluctant to be photographed. Bolt's one.
Neither was Malcolm Fraser Andrew Bolt neither was Malcolm Fraser. Is this suggesting we are back in the world og reviving the Domino Theory and tat we need to find another war to participate in. A war the Bolt will throw his sons into for the sake of politics. Will Trump shirt front Putin at the G20 or just promise to like Abbott. I guess Abbott trying to join NATO was dry enough he made us look fools as a Nation and laughing stock to the rest of the world. What we see is Murdoch's struggle nobody elses. It was Murdoch and Abbott at the Alfalfa Club trying to boost little Tony. It's Murdoch boosting him now why? Well he seems to have Donald and Theresa May and he needs Abbott why?
1) He wants the BBC dismantled, BBC Sky , Ch 10, and the ABC dismantled.
2) Trump News is Fox News in the US, Theresa May and the Conservatives can deliver him BBC Sky and only Abbott can give him the wrcckage of the ABC and Ch 10
3) He then would be the most powerful voice in the Anglosphere and the cheapest to run. Unfortunately the Chinese threw him out and the EU are far to socialist. However his will be the greatest influence in the Western World.
Caroline Overington on the Turnbull supporters blaming Tony Abbott for wrecking their chances of re-election: "Okay ... but if a lone and lonely parliamentarian, a wounded former prime minister on the backbench, can bring down the Coalition, then it’s not governing." Indeed.
Acting Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce “has sympathy” for the US threat to cut off trade with China if it doesn't do more to help stop North Korea's nuclear weapons program: “North Korea [is] creating an incredible threat. Now, if people want to aid and abet that threat of the North Korean leadership, we can’t be supporting them.”
The Mocker is in brilliant form: "Are there cetaceans in Ceduna?... For years, debate about the whales’ existence was based only on sketchy information... Could the ruins of an old whaling station set up in 1843 on that island be proof that whales lurked in the surrounding ocean? No-one knew for sure. " But then came Sarah Hanson-Young. Read on.
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