Thursday, 17 August 2017

Andrew Bolt's Blog ;17/8/17; Bolt's Fake Editorial about Australia Day and a rigged Council vote; Real News Nero in America; Obama Tops twitter Bolt calls it a sewer;

"No one is born hating another person because of the colour of his skin or his background or his religion … People must learn to hate, and, if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love … For love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite," Obama said, quoting the late South African president Nelson Mandela in tweets.
The first tweet, which shows a picture of Obama smiling at four children, had been retweeted more than 1.1 million times and liked 2.8 million times as of Wednesday afternoon.



Yarra council has showed how easy it is to ban Australia Day and create exactly the racial division our mad Left claims to be fighting. You rig some polls, ignore your voters, liken the day to "Hitler's birthday" and smugly watch the anger you've provoked. Let me explain the council's tricks.


How does the Yarra Council ban Australia Day ceremonies on January 26? With fake polls, fake history and a contempt for the public. Oh, and with no care for the fury they've unleashed. My editorial from The Bolt Report.

 More councils eye changing the date of Australia Day after Yarra Council push 

Repetition by an expert Churnalist doesn't make it fact Andrew Bolt

At least three other councils are debating whether to follow the lead of Yarra Council, which voted unanimously to longer recognize Australia Day or hold citizenship ceremonies on January 26.
 So apparently Andrew Bolt is calling this "theft" "rigged" and Abbott's on the radio calling it a "war" against Australia's Culture turning it into their  Charlottesville. They seem to feel they have been glittered and have called for right wingers to come out and fight with fists clenched to protect their great Australian Myth. A Myth that denies an inclusive Australia and substitutes it for their mono cultural image of Australia. They see opportunity in creating Charlotteville down under and setting the Nation on fire.

In a rage-filled press conference, Donald Trump has confirmed two bleak facts about his character and presidency. Firstly, that he does not signal to the so-called alt-right with his incendiary statements and his regurgitation of online conspiracy theories, he is, in fact, an alt-right president. Secondly, that he is utterly uncontrollable by the senior staff who rapidly cycle through his increasingly chaotic White House.


Donald Trump after Charlottesville is the ‘alt-right’ president

 Trump forced to shut down business councils as CEOs flee 

Baltimore tears down Confederate statues overnight

Obama reply to US violence becomes Twitter’s most popular

Fox News' Shep Smith couldn't get any Republicans to come on Fox to defend Trump's racist comments

Angelo Carusone on The Bill Press Show: Trump's defense of white supremacists in Charlottesville "sounded exactly like Fox News"

 Angelo Carusone on The Bill Press Show: Trump's defense of white supremacists in Charlottesville "sounded exactly like Fox News"

 White nationalist demonstrators clash with counter demonstrators at the entrance to Emancipation Park in Charlottesville, Virginia on Saturday 12 August.

 Bolt/Abbott supports the Alt-Right and their slogans. They too are the defenders of Australian Culture

 'Jews will not replace us': Vice film lays bare horror of neo-Nazis in America | US news | The Guardian


The retailer has been blasted on social media for appearing to placate a fan who posted a controversial rant on Facebook. 480,000 Australians complain and say no to  DJ's kowtowing to racism and white prejudice.

 David Jones under fire for apologising to fan who posted controversial Facebook post


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So Donald Trump's threats - mocked by the media - have worked: "Last week, Mr Trump warned North Korea it would face "fire and fury" if it threatened the US, prompting North Korea to say it was considering test-firing missiles towards the Pacific island of Guam... But on Tuesday, North Korean media reported Mr Kim had delayed the decision." 
 A Bolt finding it extremely difficult to say anything to support President Trump deflects from the news of the day posted above to declare Kim Jong -un has listened to him. China has put more pressure on Nth Korea and they didn't use Twitter. Bolt there is a war going on in the USA one which you and Abbott want to import here. Listen to the extreme right in the video above and tell me that it's not what Abbott means when he says on public media  "we are at war with those that want to destroy our way of life."


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The Liberals' Left shares the broader Left's contempt for democracy: "Despite an overwhelming party vote just last month to support [Tony Abbott]’s historic “Warringah ­motion” - that would give rank-and-file members the power to choose all election candidates - the powerful moderate [sic] faction [is] poised to ... block the plan." 
  "The moderates’ [sic] preference ... will only allow members to vote if they have been in the party for three consecutive years." Peter from BH
It appears Bolt, Abbott and the Conservative Right want a process that will enable branch stacking to the extent that they complained was a characteristic of the NSW Labor Party.
New Arrivals in Australia have to wait  4 years before being able to apply for citizenship and vote. They have to pass rigorous tests to prove their worthiness before they can vote all at the behest of the Conservatives in the party like Peter Dutton. But if you want to join the Liberal Party they want you to be able to vote tomorrow. Branch stacking has always been their cry demonizing Labor denying the Democratic process. Here's their 180-degree turn and yes it's "Abbott's Democracy" not the  Liberal Party's and sure looks like Labor's


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Pauline Hanson made a deal with the Turnbull Government: she’d back its media reforms if it changed the ABC Act to require the ABC to be “fair” and “balanced”. And previous ABC managing director Mark Scott boasted, “we have strong editorial standards that demand fairness, balance and impartiality". So why is Senator Nick Xenophon scared?  
 Bolt's repeating himself yet again. It shows just how little diversity you can expect from overpaid celebrity media people that cost News Corp so much money that they lost $800 mill largely because of their business model in Australia. News Corp wants to globally concentrate and do away with investigative journalism. They prefer Churnalism and Celebrity opinionators to deliver a message. However, Sky News has no ratings and their print media is bleeding. In order to concentrate they need to rid themselves of the ABC the only media in the country that delivers diversity and real news at 10% of the cost of News Corp and is the most trusted media in the country. 
We still don't know why Sky was given a $30mill subsidy by the government. Was it to pay for the Bolt Report below?

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How disgusting. This is not just teachers treating children as political paws, but preaching fake history and vilifying nuns who helped Aboriginal children as brutes: "Parents were horrified after a primary school presented a play featuring students dressed as nuns to abuse 'Aboriginal' children." 
Fake History,  or alternative perspectives on history. Bolt is culture bashing those that want to tear down the statues of all those nuns who sat in silence for years while priests molested their children and they disciplined them in ways that today would have them jailed. Bolt is trying to keep the statues of history soundly in the hearts of Australians like the Alt- Right is doing in America beating up and killing those who are demanding statues be removed. He's raising the flag of Abbott's war against anyone who wants to reveal the uglier truths and the more democratic history of this country. Critical theory is a re- examination of a past once held as the standard of a moral and civilized culture that has turned out to be not what we were once told. It's  the realizations that the nuns were merely the agents for a church that used slavery of children to profit and all the harshness necessary to do that was for their own good. It was really a burden on these godly women to beat the kids. 
Yes, Bolt is at war with other cultures to protect his and Abbott's History and hunt out those lefties that say otherwise. He believes that if nuns believed they were doing good that's enough. It's very much like ISIS




John Ruddick first suggested this on my show. It has merit if all MPs' citizenship is audited: "Malcolm Turnbull is being called on to stop parliament from sitting until Barnaby Joyce’s High Court case has been dealt with. Australian Conservatives leader ... Cory Bernardi ... called on the Prime Minister to prorogue this session of Parliament." 
 Stop the world I want to get off. For how long..."it doesn't matter to conservatives because they are the minority after all greater opportunity for them.

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I never believed police claims that the ACL headquarters weren't targeted. Now: "The man accused of driving a burning van laden with gas ­bottles into the Australian ­Christian Lobby headquarters was a gay activist who disliked the group because of its 'position on sexuality'." Suspiciously, those details are missing from the ABC's report.  
 "Australian Federal Police Commissioner Andrew Colvin told a Senate estimates hearing earlier this year ... he thought Mr. Duong’s main motivation had been to commit suicide and not to target the Christian group." Police Commissioner Colvin
Is Bolt posting this to tell us his freedom of speech is being denied? Is he telling us Duong wasn't suicidal that he knows better? Bolt usually knows better that's the natural position he takes. Does he think that no psychiatric reports were done that the prosecution took into account? Bolt also tends to believe our Institutions are run by incompetents or taken over by the left. However one thing is for certain  Bolt is hinting that it might just have you thinking that Duong was a politically active anti- Christian left wing terrorist rather than a very confused individual trying to give meaning to his attempt at suicide. Bolt makes all sorts of promises that don't turn out to be anything but false promises none rarely provide us with a better understanding of the facts that our professional investigations provide. Bolt generally makes wild meaningless generalizations for single events like this.



 It's certainly an improvement. Can Pauline Hanson tell us in which parliament  the world she has seen this fashion? She is unique and nobody seems surprised.



Now Facebook silences an opponent of same-sex marriage just for asking people to enroll to vote in the postal plebiscite. But let me first mention without comment other news - about the alleged arson attack on the headquarters of the Australian Christian Lobby. My editorial from The Bolt Report.

  What has any of this case to do with Marriage Equality in the eyes of Australian Law.. nothing! What we see here is Bolt distorting, deflecting and distracting from the issue of "human rights" and that this is a vote  for "equality" 
As usual Andrew Bolt prefers to generalize from and discuss the correlation the act of a single individual has on the nature of the whole nation. It's a bit like chaos theory an individual flapped his wings and gave the nation reason to vote "no" and effect the lives of many Australians. Australians that not that long ago people Bolt supports went out and killed had jailed and had placed in therapy.
  Bolt he is using his platform to demean and vrebally bash one man who the prosecution the experts in law said acted alone.
 Bolt for one is a University dropout who has little or no expertise other than having been charged and convicted in the eyes of the law for lying. Bolt uses his privileged space to spread the ultra conservative line that doesn't believe in equality but believes that the powerful  minority voice is representative of Australian Culture. Abbott's culture ultra conservative culture which Bolt and he deem to be the culture of white western Christian god botherers and is representative or ought to be representative of the Australian majority which the census showed is in fact only a 25% minority and going down. Abbott has decreed publically that he is at war with the majority of Australians in the same way the white  racist supremist nationalists were in Charlottesville America.
Bolt is adopting the same Alt - Right  tactics as adopted from the Fox News handbook used by Trump the difference being however White Male Christian Heterosexuals are not being persecuted in America or Australia and never have been. They are not second class citizens in the face of our marriage laws.
If a little old polite granny stands by and watches the brutish behaviour depicted by the extreme right in the video above which justifies James Alex Fields murderous rampage and maiming of Americans and she fails to mention it like Trump did and Bolt and Abbott  then you know that little granny is a faking mother of a bitch who supports  the values of the Alt-Right fascists who are anti Jews,Muslims blacks and anybody who doesn't agree with their version of America or Australia in which the fundamental principles of equality Australians believe in don't exist.  Here's Bolt  not yelling Jews, Faggotts Blacks Muslims Latinos and Asians get out but he does say the commies   have taken over our Institutions and like the ultra right he sells  the conspiracy.  He  questions, the Police ,the ABC, the Social Media, just like those conspiracy theorists of the very extreme right we call crackpots. Bolt doesn't  go ito the historical context of how gays have been persecuted for years and in 2004 were locked out by John Howard's Bill defining marriage not by a plebiscite or a postal vote but by the normal processes of our parliamentary democracy and a vote by MPs. How strange is it Bolt doesn't mention that we go to war using that same process and conscript our kids not by a peoples postal vote. But we are spending $122 mill on a matter of a private relationship between two people in the eyes of the law. Obviously Bolt sees this relationship as a blight on  his Australian Culture.
I'd like to add as an aside George Columbaris pleaded guilty today  for common assault he was charged for pushing not hitting a younger man who verbally abused him in public. Andrew Bolt attempted to committ GBH on two pranksters for thrwing glitter at him. Bolt's retaliation was that of a crazed killer trying to inflict the most damage he could. He wasn't charged and he celebrated the event and called for other conservatives to do the same. They must have heard him in Charlottesville.
Bolt questions the evidence police gather to prosecute I guess he's right in his case one should be able to ask why charges were laid against George but not Bolt what if he'd killed or maimed a glitter thrower? 

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