Wednesday, 16 August 2017

Andrew Bolt's Blog,16/8/17; A ten year tally tells us why we are in Crisis; Informed comment- Coalition ducking for cover on smething more serious than Birth Certificates;

Unless that happens, the very loud conservative minority in our parliament will continue to hold the country back in the last century.They have already wasted 10 years. How long will it take them to come up with a policy that works?

 The Coalition have had ten years to come up with a policy that works - » The Australian Independent Media Network


Yet again this government has been caught with its pants down. It legislates laws in the full knowledge that they wont pass a challenge in the High Court and then reneges when challenged.They really couldn’t give a stuff about the suffering they have caused to these poor people.My thought for the day“Politicians who change their minds aren’t necessarily seeing the light. They might just be feeling the heat.”John Lord

: Day to Day Politics: The politics of dirty Dutton. - » The Australian 

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A complete farce. Check the media reaction to the Turnbull Government's hysterical tactics yesterday to distract attention from the embarrassment of having a New Zealander as Deputy Prime Minister.

 The real disaster was the quick and silent back down of the secrecy Abbott put in place that held a threat over anybody who spoke up about the conditions of asylum seeker in detention. The high court case took over two years to be heard and  that lag allowed the torture force transparancy to be silent. Bolt calls this moral disaster a triviality compared to confusion over politicians birth certificates. The pain it has caused politicians far more newsworthy. It's a cover up happily put on the front pages of our papers compared with the disgrace that Abbott put this nation through. He trashed our reputation worldwide and he continues to do it today. War is Abbott's language invasion from the outside and from within his threat. Today he was on radio and we were at war 65% of Australians declared they had no religion or religions other than Christianity. For those who can remember there wasn't any Chicken Little attitude under Labor It was Abbott who threw the gasoline on the fire of fear he started fear that in no way was justified by the facts and the same fear  he continues to use for personal political gain and revenge today sponsored by Rupert Murdoch and publicly broadcast by puppets like Bolt.


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Brendan O'Neill: "It's becoming so clear now why the war of words between [social justice warriors] and the new white nationalists is so intense. It isn't because they have huge ideological differences - it's because they have so much in common... It's the narcissism of small differences."  
 Taking the Trump line of  of abstracting violence instead of dealing with the specifics excuses the actions of A white nationalist fuckwit who killed a girl and injured 19 others. Remember when Bolt  kept pointing out the apologists for Muslim terror. Now he's an apologist for White Nationalist terror. There is a major difference between the right to demonstrate and justifying the right to kill. Which is what Bolt and his Nazi loving friens are doing. Bolt is following the Sean Hannity song book there is nothing original about him whatsoever. Imagine if Fields the the Republican was a Muslim what Bolt would have to say then.
The major difference Bolt doesn't account for is that the history of Charlotteville is one of slavery you won't find many coloureds Muslims or gays demonstrating for the Alt-Right or being members of the KKKVanguard America or the American Nazis. The very notion Bolt and and Trumpsters hang their defense on is that Reverse Racism exists jus as Bolt keeps saying it exits here and he and his privileges are threatened by it so on that basis if one of their members like Bolt lashes out and kills someone witha sucker punch he's justified.  What a crock of shit is Bolt's and Trump's argument in the defense of Alex Fields. In what world called America are Whites sytemically persecuted and treated as second class citizens and particularly in Virginia. Who are the blacks Mulims and Asians Bolt calls friends that regularly cross his ?threshhold




Hear it direct from Senator Nick Xenophon, the Leftist populist and an ABC favorite. He wants the ABC to be unfair and unbalanced, just like it is now: "I support the current (ABC) Charter which reflects to accurate and impartial broadcasting, I cannot see the need for the so-called fair and balanced test."
 No Xenaphon demands the ABC be diverse interesting and ask questions. rather than deliver monologues on a single ideological theme which Bolt and crew do. The ABC remains the most trusted News source in the country and one entirely independant of government. News Corp is hemorraghing money because it no longer provides reliable news and wants to concentrate media even more today. It's produced the opposite of news and gone for  celebrity culture in all aspects which is proving tobe a total waste of money. Why does Bolt plump himself up so much whe he's a waste of space and no ratings. Why does he have to say his ratings are great OFF A LOW BASE he has to disguise the truth. News Corp lost $800 mill largely due to it's Australian print investments and Sky News.



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Suppressing one culture to promote another, more dysfunctional: "The City of Yarra will no longer acknowledge January 26 as Australia Day, ... [and] will also stop holding citizenship ceremonies and other community awards on January 26, with these events replaced by a small smoking ceremony acknowledging the Aboriginal community."
 Bolt's Australia pictured above does not exist.What is the "one culture" the monoculture being suppressed? Bolt it's not a Multicultural Australia it is indigenous Australian Culture and History that has been suppressed if any. Bolt and his conservative mob  have some mistaken belief that Australia is a White Western Christian Culture. 65% of Australians said they weren't Christians and had no religion in the last Census. That's a fact Bolt keeps to himself Australian Culture isn't Bolt's personal want besides  he's even admitted he feels more Dutch than he does Australian. That Australia Day tells we respect that and he's allowed to feel Dutch on Australia Day, Australia Day isn't being attacked at all it's being realized and celebrated for what it is Multicultural Day.  It's definitely not exclusive to Bolt's small mob alone. We aren't cabbages.
What was significant was Tony Abbott declaring this a WAR ON OUR  WAY OF LIFE. That's typical of language used by the most extreme right wing groups around the world an pugilistic clarion call that suggest there on time left for any discussion. Proud of our institutions that have benefited us all? Indigenous people had no concept of private property nor have their collective ownership been recognized until the Mabo decision. Is private property the institution we all celebrate or just some of us? What benefits  and justice has British Law provided First Nation people other than Intervention and manipulation that ensured the poverty  we see today?



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The most astonishing comment you will read in a long time, from an Age journalist beaten senseless by identity politics: "The commentator also suggests children are better off being raised by a mother and father, which is incorrect."

This has absolutely nothing to do with marriage equality and is nevertheless a lie about research. But that's Bolt.
  "So for thousands of years of human civilisation we have raised children wrong, by forcing them to live with mum and dad." Bolt 
That's totally wrong for a start. Andrew Bolt admires Israel so much yet he doesn't know a thing about the place. The center of child raising in the Israeli Kibbutz was not mum and dad nor was it the  extended family. So much for Bolt's Anthropological buul. Variations in child rearing have been fully documented and the roles adults played in the lives of children varied in differing cultures.
"The overwhelming body of scientific research suggests children raised by same-sex couples do at least as well as those raised in heterosexual families. I doubt facts actually matter to Carmody, but this claim is false. It is not only inherently implausible, but demonstrably untrue: Bolt Yet another lie by Bolt.  Colmbia University's study of 79 research papers spreading over 3 decades proves Bolt's talking out of his cake hole. The consensus among these studies proved there was no difference and some suggest better child rearing was found among same sex couples simply because they were wealthier and both parents participated in child rearing more enthusiastically as household activities were better shared.Bolt is talking rubbish as usual.
Note Bolt asks to consider "a selection" of studies and not all studies done. Yes of the 79 studies looked at 5 or 4% had some level of agreement with Bolt which was explained. However 96% didn't didn't agree with him whatsoever Bolt's. squeezing marshmallows into his money box  his box being the conclusion he wants proved which in this case is 4% of studies are more convincing than the  96% consensus. Isn't that what he does with Climate Change that 3% are more convincing than 97% consensus among 14,000 studies reviewed.


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Give credit to Tom Tilley, who is not a racist but simply a journalist wanting both sides of a debate: "Triple J's Hack program and its host Tom Tilley have come under fire for giving airtime to ... one of the organisers of the deadly Charlottesville protests." Tilley did not give a soft interview. His crime is refusing to silence people.
How many times has Bolt slammed people for interviewing a Muslim or those he calls apologists one and all Waleed Aly,  Yassmin etc all get labelled and identified with some negative stigma or streeotype rather than any focus on what is being said or in what context. When Murder and mayhem are committed by right wing fascists what has Bolt to say he reads and watches Fox News and reproduces the message. He takes and looks to the right wing media for his cues. In this case, what has Trump done he's blamed the victims. What has Bolt done the same.  Some have gone to the extent of saying James Alex Fields was the victim justified in his actions goaded by demonstrators. The man's parents have accused Feilds  of being a prick far from innocent but a card carrying Republican  a Nazi, White Nationalist intent on murder and mayhem far from the innocent frightened boy Bolt's alt-right claim. Bolt doesn't mention the parents what would they know he's written them off because they no longer fit the apologist line that Fields ought to be excused. That he was only a little bit violent the rest was a terrible accident. He had every reason to defend himself in the circumstance because those fighting for equality in America were persecuting him and his rights to hate. All one has to ask imagine what Bolt and Trump would be saying if Fields had been converted to Islam.


How does the Yarra Council ban Australia Day ceremonies on January 26? With fake polls, fake history and a contempt for the public. Oh, and with no care for the fury they've unleashed. My editorial from The Bolt Report.
Bolt's video"could not be played" why? Would  it be a case of loose facts? There isn't a word on the Yarra Council in Bolt's Post. We heard Bolt referring to an International Incident of huge consequence we have initiated with NZ. He made this "incident" as large as if we'd sent a missile over Nth Korea. If any thing was blown up it's Bolt's distraction and using a piece of trivia as we'd started WW3. Why is he doing it?
 Well it distracts from the government pulling back from the High Court declaring Abbott's lack of transparency and threat to jail and arrest whistle-blowers distributing any information about Australia's Guantanamo imprisonment and torture of Asylum seekers illegal.  That decision to drop Abbott's law was rescinded to avoid an embarrassing High Court decision they certainly didn't want that on the front pages either domestically or internationally. 
As for the Council rigging polls this post promised has also been withdrawn.

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