What you won't hear from Andrew Bolt
What does Andrew Bolt, Tony Abbott, Donald Trump, Isil, and Netanyahu have in common? They all are singing from the same extreme right wing supremacist songbook. They might hide their violence and those things that amplify that they clash in the most extreme ways with the majority of people. But if it walks and quacks like a duck it is a duck.
Charlottesville and Barcelona are examples of the same radicalized insanity in action. It shows Bolt paid little attention to Charlottesville but applies his attention to Barcelona and any thing Muslim. Here's the "Bolt No Debate Report" from Israel it's amazing that it allows White Supremacist Trumpster and anti- Israel Nationalist American Richard Spencer to tell the Israelis how alike they are. He could be the spokesman for Isil, Tony Abbott or Andrew Bolt declaring that they are all at war with the godless left who are destroying our country while we speak. It's strange isn't it the godless left have just voted Melbourne the worlds most livable city and 5 other Australian cities are in the top 20. Not from however the voice of Bolt and Abbott.

The prominent white supremacist is given a platform on Israel's top-rated news show, and the host doesn't once challenge his anti-Semitism or hateful views. By +972 Magazine Staff Israel’s most popular prime-time television news show gave white supremacist Richard Spencer a platform to try and convince Jewish Israelis that White Nationalism is analogous to Zionism, adding that Israelis should relate to him and his ilk. [If the video below doesn’t play, watch here or here] “As an Israeli citizen, as someone who understands your identity, who has a sense of nationhood and peoplehood, and history and the experience of the…
Richard Spencer tells Israelis ‘White Nationalism’ is akin to Zionism | +972 Magazine
Bolt and News Corp gave so little time to Charlottesville why? Was it the Anti- Semitism that was so revealing. Was it the violence and weaponry of the Nationalists? Was it that Christianities brutality was on display. Or is it that Bolt is so desperate not to show that he and ISIS Tony Abbott and Donald Trump are all on the same Fascist page. They are all demanding that individuals the majority must follow them and integrate or suffer the consequences. It's a significantly different song for what the Left is singing. That diversity and equality allow individual freedom you don't have to be force fed change.Why is Bolt like ISIS Watch this Video
Vice film lays bare horror of neo-Nazis in America
The ABC is shocked by someone in Parliament wearing a burka to criticise Islam: "Pauline Hanson slammed for 'appalling and offensive' burka stunt." The ABC promotes people at Parliament wearing nun's habits to mock Christianity: "The Northern Territory Parliament's May sittings ... [had] politicians ... bailed up by five nuns in pink habits."
Maurice Newman is right. Why must richer states subisidise poorer ones through the GST collection when some, like South Australia, are making themselves poorer through insane green ideology? Why are we subsidising stupidity? Let me list some of SA's dumbest calls, which we then must pay for.
Another dud scare. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 2001: "Acute water shortage conditions combined with thermal stress should adversely affect wheat and, more severely, rice productivity in India." Now: "India’s foodgrain production for the 2016-17 crop year is estimated at record 275.68 million tonnes."He will point out that it's snowning in the dandenongs and that food production in India is at a record high.
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