Rowan Dean: "First, a declaration. I have long supported the idea that gay couples should be allowed to be joined for life with all the equal rights, recognition, and dignity that any heterosexual couple or de facto couple enjoy under the law.... But then a strange thing happened... Next came the bullying... Then came the outright hatred."
Bolt's banner says it all he remembers Adelaide and the Saturday night s poofter bashing "bullying is exactly what they love"Bolt I'm sure Dean an ad man by profession a copywriter would have sacked Bolt on the spot for his English incompetence. But it's typical of Bolt to project unwittingly his and Deans true positions on Gays. Hey, guys, your sexual preferences are on display.
Rowan Dean once a Christian who walked and bathed in light says there was a time when butter wouldn't melt in his mouth is voting "No" because he feels personally persecuted by the new aggressive gay police. He says "he long supported the idea of equality" until he experienced their hatred. Flipping from aggressor to victim Dean even quotes Bertrand Russell "Much that passes as idealism is disguised hatred or disguised love of power." who is referring to the disguised love of power. Power historically and systemically homosexuals never felt when being arrested in their bedrooms, bashed, killed and forced to find their own economy to survive when nobody else would allow them to. Roger Dean says he feels and is suffering the hatred more than them today.
Again gays couldn't give a fuck about Roger Dean or his feelings because Dean is the symptom of the oppressive past and still denies the recognition that's being fought for here. Dean's feelings are not what this survey is about. It's the institutional systemic inequality heaped on gays for years that they want changed and want changed now. What Dean feels will be adjusted over time and he is of no consequence as he's now odd and not in step with the rest of Australia. He's the one on BS Mountain saying 'Yes' is just the first domino that will collapse his world as he knows it today. 'Yes' would be fine if it didn't have such horrific consequences for his cats and dogs. He'd no longer have reason to smirk. Does anyone for a Moment believe this copywriter for Eric Abetz, Kevin Andrews, and Tony Abbott? In saying "No" will he have lessened the hatred he feels coming from people who have felt his foot on their necks since Christ played ruck for Jerusalem?
Bolt and Dean's Boy. Great White Leader
Most of the millions of Americans who watched the total solar eclipse did so wearing safety glasses. US President Donald Trump did the opposite.
The Trump administration and its figurehead already have the ignominious reputation of being the most anti-scientific federal government in living memory, but this may be a new record. Honestly: how can anyone get a solar eclipse wrong – on multiple occasions? He's so much like Tony Abbott without eating the raw onion.
Source: Donald Trump looked directly at the eclipse, ignoring his own government's safety advice - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
Now Darebin Council has banned Australia Day to placate locals who identify as Aboriginal. The pictures of the meeting suggest white colonization actually brought over many of their own relatives. I am not legally free to speculate why they assert their Aboriginality so vehemently by deploring Australia Day when Aborigines in, say, Darwin don't.
News to put our own minor irritations in context: "Hannah Rye, the terminally-ill teen who last month captured hearts across Australia when she attended her school formal with NRL star Trent Hodkinson, has died." My heart goes out to her family.
Identity politics gives professional victims no end of things to take offence over. Professor Alice Ristroph in The Atlantic on the racist eclipse: "It has been dubbed the Great American Eclipse, and along most of its path, there live almost no black people... From Kansas, the eclipse goes to Missouri, still mostly bypassing black people."
Anti- Muslim, Indigenous, African,Pacific Islander and now back to Hanson's anti-Asian too
Raising Cain and declaring Chinese Australians a security risk. Bolt certainly knows how to charm people. While saying he's not playing the Identity Politics card adding another dark storm cloud over our huge sky.
One could ask how is it that India has had conflict on all it's borders since Independence since and if so when is he going to fall out with the Indian community? After all, Mrs Ghandi was up close and personal with the Russians, not the Americans. She banned Coca-Cola from the country.
If all Chinese expected Australians to be like them Bolt might have a point however the only person to have those expectations is Andrew Bolt who is definitely not on "our side" only "his" and expects all Australians to be like him.
Bolt complains 24/7 about us and is the least productive of Australian citizens. He has helped ensure a loss for News Corp a company which pays no tax and is subsidized to the tune of $30 mill by us. Money gave them without explanation and he's calling the Chinese dangerous. Without the Chinese, he along with the rest of us would be broke. They say nobody laughs at god in a hospital it seems Bolt does.
The jihadists aren't "cowards". Many risk death for their cause. The cowards are on our side, telling us to shut up to be safe. Refusing to criticise Islam. Attacking Pauline Hanson for wearing a burka. My editorial from The Bolt Report, letting loose on Sarah Hanson Young, Waleed Aly, and Attorney-General George Brandis.
Ideological thugs at another Melbourne council have scammed a survey to scrap Australia Day. What good can possibly come from this bullying, this division and this hatred of our national day?
You can't get more Goebblesque than Bolt's editorial tonight a banner promising one thing and an editorial made as if Bolt was Goebbels speaking to the German nation about how cowardly they were and how brave the Jewish vermin were not fearing death in resisting the reality of the great German Fatherland. If you didn't resist these vermin and rid Germany of them you aren't real patriots standing up for the greater good you are cowards.NOW SUDMALIS'S CITIZENSHIP IN DOUBT
Yet more doubts: "Fresh questions have been raised about the eligibility of federal Liberal MP Ann Sudmalis, following the discovery of an incoming passenger card from 1966, which she filled out when returning to Australia as a 10-year-old, listing her nationality as British... Her mother, Valerie Pybus, was a British immigrant." Uh oh.
But Labor could end those protections with a simple vote in Parliament: "Liberal MP Tim Wilson says the best way to protect religious freedom when legalising gay marriage is to vote Yes in the postal survey and put the Coalition in charge of drafting the laws... A Bill Shorten-led government would not give proper respect to religious exemptions."
Bolt's, "my mate Tim from the IPA has become Mr. Wilson the gay crusader telling us to vote yes now while the Liberals are in power, While Turnbull is PM. Never while Bolt breathing. He stands with Eric Abetz and says this vote is not about equality at all it's about the persecution of Christians and the freedoms lost. The consequences of socializing and training the next generation to be bigots.
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