Wednesday, 23 August 2017

Andrew Bolt's Blog,23/8/17; Bolt tells Stan Grant to "back off"; Commisar Bolt is finguring something the doesn't exist; A War Cry from Bolt under a false banner and we lgive him the space Shame Australia Shame; The ABC is hiding Bolt's Truth; Bolt's Truth can be found in Breitbart;

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Donald Trump gives a speech. The Left goes violently angry outside. And the media Left's heads explode because Trump criticised journalists. ABC 24 devoted 35 minutes straight to three journalists ranting against Trump. Watch and weep as I round up the nuttiness.
23  Andrew Bolt thinks butter wouldn't melt in his mouth he's that honest. Donald Trump was being Fake. and in that Fakeness, he directed his criticisms directly at Andrew Bolt.Trump said he loved respected and was there for all Americans no matter their race, color, religion or ethnic heritage and he was against all those that weren't. Well for a start he threw a load of accusations against what he called the divisive media and Andrew Bolt in Australia leads that divisiveness and hate for Muslims, Africans, Lebanese and a wide number of people he simply describes in stereotypical form. Yet here we have Bolt praising Trump as if he wasn't referring to him.
Trump was saying every individual had to be respected for their individual stories if American and loved. Yesterday Bolt declared Australians were cowards because they weren't ready to fight and stand up against those in this country that don't belong. The idiocy of all of this Trump shouldn't have declared Hannity and Fox heroes of fairness and the ideal media America ought to respect. That in it's self was his most ridiculous statement drifting from idealism in the abstract to a specific media Corporation News Corp that actually practices the very opposite of what Trump was saying.
Apart from that false Trump was referring to what it was he said about Charlottesville and he lied and he lied 3 times because in his first response to Charlotteville he ducked the issue of blame when he referred to the equivalency of the violence that occurred on "both sides". Television footage clearly showed the opposite and even Bolt has run from that debate. No, he didn't and hasn't mentioned the 15-20k people marched in Boston against what Trump said and according to Bolt it didn't happen. 
There is a saying when you start calling your opposition names you no longer have an argument. It's obvious Bolt hasn't an argument  "Stan Grant should back off" That alone sounds more a threat than an argument. Bolt seems to believe the historical fact that Captain Cook discovered Australia is the truth and all those statues paying homage to a myth need to be retained or Stan Grant better be careful in what he's saying. Bolt sounds exactly like Vanguard America, the KKK, in their threats. I have no doubt Andrew Bolt is ready to blow the bugle of war. What surprises me he's indulging in hate speech his hero Donald Trump claims is not unifying in any way shape or form.
Again he says why pay attention to trivia when Aborigines have far more things they need to pay attention to domestic violence. Did anybody hear Bolt say they were in the main Christians? He's made such an issue of the ABC attacking Christianity and Julia Baird's raising of the research findings on Christianity and domestic violence. How dare she when Bolt has always pointed out Christian were the biggest perpetrators of domestic violence but hid the fact they were Christian but focused on their Aboriginality why? Because Bolt was in full steam telling us how Muslims were wife beaters it's all ridiculous isn't it? There is no such thing as the Taliban  Left if there is it's a term made up by  Right wing Communists like Bolt. After all Commisar Bolt wants Australia to be made a Christian State and block the statements of Climate change science research being available to the public. He wants stricter regulation of whats taught at schools in every aspect from religion to science and more so history. Now we all know what that means to freedom of speech.

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 It seems Bolt is up for spending $$$ plebescite rule and mania is to do away with elected members  on any and every decision to be made no matter the cost because if your not Liberal Commisars rule. 140,000 people in Darabein elected their Councilers as they did in Yarra, as they did in the State Parliament and also the Federal but that System is no longer working and Andrew Bolt wants an end to it. By the way Bolt fails to mention Fremantle Council also intends to vote on the the issue as well.

 Is this a fake editorial? Last night Bolt's banner advertized the Council ban of the Australia day issue. However the editorial that was attached and run was a battle cry that spat in our face. Today it's gone?  Bolt was like the AFL coach telling us we ,his team of head bangers, are losing the game because we are a bunch of cowards and haven't the guts to fight. It's the same thing Tony Abbott said so it shouldn't surprise, remember Team Australia? This Goebellian message took us back to Cronulla but it could well have taken us back to Germany in WW2. That it's once again revived ,that call  to stand up and fight Muslims in the street, their  apologists, supporters and any peacenik Australians is of no surprise given it's from Andrew Bolt and News Corp. That we are the cowards while those brave misguided Islamists ready to die for their cause and so should we. Bolt sits on TV with his firebrand preacher's persona calling for war by goading Australia and spitting in our face.

The reality is 15-20,000 people marched in America and thousand marched in Barcelona both Christians and Muslims, different but united, telling people like Bolt war mongers to get rooted.
There are 250 armed militias in America and more ultra right wing groups and it's people like Bolt and Fox that are only too happy to try and light the fire to unite them and set them loose in a civil war. Here it's the UPF Reclaim Australia and others. Bolt is parroting the Goebellian Fox and ultra right media method in the US. The shame is we are allowing it.  It's time to tell people like Bolt that firebrand extremists haven't earned the right to tell us to attack each other like Cronulla. Melbourne and 5 other Australian cities are the most livable and not the darkest places in the world as Bolt tries to make out.
 He more than anyone represents what Australia is not.  That we allow him space to tell us that we have to fight, become violent because of what happened in Barcelona is beyond the pale. Does Bolt lead by example no! Does he send his kids to fight no! His war cry is looking for the anonymous and disenfranchised to do battle for him while he talks of the bravery of action.  That's neither debate nor free speech it's goading for action and looking for psychopaths. Bolt while gutless is calling for another Anders Brevik, Timothy McVeigh, while in the same breathe apologizing excusing the poor "alleged" James Alex Fields and the failure of Charlottesville to do what he won't and can't war. If that's not inciting violence what is? What's more, this battle cry is hidden behind a false banner why? Did his lawyers advise him of it?
However on the same page Bolt nevertheless condemns Africans South Sudanese of a crime wave not letting Australia know they are Christians. On any other day, it's the Lebanese not letting Australia know they are fighting ISIS.
 We invited them here as refugees, offer them nothing to survive and publicly abuse them in the media. We have allowed Bolt to spend years telling them what low life they are. In fact, we promise all our youth the world and leave them in debt and jobless, without opportunity or hope to feel excluded. We call them bludgers and unwelcome and it's those that Bolt wants to see rise up and fight any spark will do as long as a battle ensues another Cronulla occurs. It's his version of the Hunger Games live in Australia. Whats pathetic is a Corporation is allowed to provide him with space and resources to do it.  
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What else won't the ABC report? In four nights of TV news reports on the Islamic terror attacks in Spain, the ABC does not once mention "Muslim" or "Islam". It only once mentions the "Islamic State".  Watch.
Bolt claims all other media that by the way rates so much higher than he does is putting out false news. Firstly Australia isn't the most livable place because we are at war with Islam according to Bolt. If that were the case and Waleed Aly was Australia's Osama bin Laden as Bolt seems to make out he is and 500,000  Australian Muslims even want to go to war they'd firstly be arguing among themselves. That would set off Christians also fighting among themselves and the end result is Australians 90% would have Bolt fleeing to find his fascist dream elsewhere. One can only say Bolt should be careful what it is he wishes for after all Iceland, UK, France and Germany certainly aren't in step with the Bolt's of this world What would a plebicite to conscript our kids and go to war look like in Bolt's coward Australia?

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Hold an audit now: "Eleven federal politicians eligible for dual citizenship have refused to release documents proving they ­renounced any foreign allegiance... Labor pollies who have held dual citizenship include Justine Keay, Susan Lamb, Maria Vamvakinou, Tony Zappia, David Feeney and Penny Wong."
  Wait Bolt is declaring politics in Australia is dead again is this the beginning of his cry to bring Ceasar back. Raise Lazarus from his grave afterall we need the return of a straight faced brazen liar, buffoon and our Trumpster Tony Abbott back? Remember he was the one that launced the ABF and it was to go around and check our papers. Instead it's become a corrupt dug enabling force. Imagine if there were an election now the drovers dog would win. So what's to be done Bolt declaring all sides of politics dead for another year at least? After all Turnbull still has the numbers and  is still seen as the preferred PM over Bill and Tony the Aussie Muscleini. Guess it's not the time for Bolt to speak up yet. He has had a number of false starts though.
If Bolt sees dual citizenship as a problem how is it he's not declaring Catholics in Parliament as suspect given the dysfunction of their church and just how much Bolt dislikes their leader and that's not Tony either? Would he be happy to see as many MPs being Scientologists or worse scientists? We know just how much Bolt appreciates the input of their expertise. They are the natural enemy of Conservatives like Bolt.

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Activists - even Attorney-General George Brandis - claim the same-sex marriage plebiscite has nothing to do with freedom of speech and religion. Really? Check what happened in Ireland the minute gay marriage was made legal. Let these same activists swear they will oppose such intolerance here. Don't believe their airy assurances.
Bolt's source the most rightwing diseminaters of false news Breitbart is Andrew Bolt's source for this post. One need only ask has civil war broken out in Ireland. Have increasingly more people been imprisoned? Has their gay PM been assasinated? Has the slippery slide into depravity occurred?
In a secular state all peoples rights are protected because as we hear Bolt say when speaking to Indigenous they are equal. If Bolt can use the word equal for the minority he must equally use it for the majority Marriage Equality means Equalty for all. After all that's Bolt's ideal. However it's not Breitbarts and it never has been. Steve Bannon is back to captian the vessel of bigotry and we'll see Bolt referring or arguing it's principles more vociferously.

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