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Donald Trump gives a speech. The Left goes violently angry outside. And the media Left's heads explode because Trump criticised journalists. ABC 24 devoted 35 minutes straight to three journalists ranting against Trump. Watch and weep as I round up the nuttiness.

It seems Bolt is up for spending $$$ plebescite rule and mania is to do away with elected members on any and every decision to be made no matter the cost because if your not Liberal Commisars rule. 140,000 people in Darabein elected their Councilers as they did in Yarra, as they did in the State Parliament and also the Federal but that System is no longer working and Andrew Bolt wants an end to it. By the way Bolt fails to mention Fremantle Council also intends to vote on the the issue as well.
Is this a fake editorial? Last night Bolt's banner advertized the Council ban of the Australia day issue. However the editorial that was attached and run was a battle cry that spat in our face. Today it's gone? Bolt was like the AFL coach telling us we ,his team of head bangers, are losing the game because we are a bunch of cowards and haven't the guts to fight. It's the same thing Tony Abbott said so it shouldn't surprise, remember Team Australia? This Goebellian message took us back to Cronulla but it could well have taken us back to Germany in WW2. That it's once again revived ,that call to stand up and fight Muslims in the street, their apologists, supporters and any peacenik Australians is of no surprise given it's from Andrew Bolt and News Corp. That we are the cowards while those brave misguided Islamists ready to die for their cause and so should we. Bolt sits on TV with his firebrand preacher's persona calling for war by goading Australia and spitting in our face.
There are 250 armed militias in America and more ultra right wing groups and it's people like Bolt and Fox that are only too happy to try and light the fire to unite them and set them loose in a civil war. Here it's the UPF Reclaim Australia and others. Bolt is parroting the Goebellian Fox and ultra right media method in the US. The shame is we are allowing it. It's time to tell people like Bolt that firebrand extremists haven't earned the right to tell us to attack each other like Cronulla. Melbourne and 5 other Australian cities are the most livable and not the darkest places in the world as Bolt tries to make out.
We invited them here as refugees, offer them nothing to survive and publicly abuse them in the media. We have allowed Bolt to spend years telling them what low life they are. In fact, we promise all our youth the world and leave them in debt and jobless, without opportunity or hope to feel excluded. We call them bludgers and unwelcome and it's those that Bolt wants to see rise up and fight any spark will do as long as a battle ensues another Cronulla occurs. It's his version of the Hunger Games live in Australia. Whats pathetic is a Corporation is allowed to provide him with space and resources to do it.
What else won't the ABC report? In four nights of TV news reports on the Islamic terror attacks in Spain, the ABC does not once mention "Muslim" or "Islam". It only once mentions the "Islamic State". Watch.
Bolt claims all other media that by the way rates so much higher than he does is putting out false news. Firstly Australia isn't the most livable place because we are at war with Islam according to Bolt. If that were the case and Waleed Aly was Australia's Osama bin Laden as Bolt seems to make out he is and 500,000 Australian Muslims even want to go to war they'd firstly be arguing among themselves. That would set off Christians also fighting among themselves and the end result is Australians 90% would have Bolt fleeing to find his fascist dream elsewhere. One can only say Bolt should be careful what it is he wishes for after all Iceland, UK, France and Germany certainly aren't in step with the Bolt's of this world What would a plebicite to conscript our kids and go to war look like in Bolt's coward Australia? SHOW US YOUR PAPERS
Hold an audit now: "Eleven federal politicians eligible for dual citizenship have refused to release documents proving they renounced any foreign allegiance... Labor pollies who have held dual citizenship include Justine Keay, Susan Lamb, Maria Vamvakinou, Tony Zappia, David Feeney and Penny Wong."
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