As the official start time of the contentious “Free Speech Rally” in Boston approached, the winner in the battle of words between organisers and counter-demonstrators had already been determined. If hateful speech aimed at Jewish people or minorities was chanted at Boston Common park, it was not audible at one of the largest rallies being held just one week after the deadly demonstrations in Charleston, Virginia, where neo-Nazis marched bearing torches, and where one woman was killed.
The ABC helps Islamists. A presenter interviews a former top Muslim leader who agrees with Pauline Hanson that the burqa should be banned. But that comment is left out of subsequent ABC roundups of opinion, which have Muslims criticising Hanson. The ABC also hosts a "debate" defending the burqa and publishes a hardliner savaging Hanson as a racist.
Here we have Andrew Bolt attacking the ABC for what it "didn't" say. Bolt the king of omittance come out of his glass house naked to throw rocks. Bolt never mentions that indigenous Australians are the most prevalent of males committing domestic violence. He jumps on the Sudanese and Pacific Island youth for being violent but never for a moment mentions they are Christians. Bolt hates and literally would drive the Lebanese out of Australia if he could but does he mention that they are allies in the battle against ISIS not for a moment. Bolt maintains the Burka is a religious requirement and mocks any one who like Sali points out it's not. How hard and often did Bolt attack Yassmin Abdel Mageid for saying that and the number of other cultural customs that are not associated with the Koran such as vaginal mutilation, child marriage all of which Bolt never acknowledges are practiced by Christians too. It's not just what Bolt does say that makes him an alt-Right extremist and racist bigot but what it is he leaves out that takes him out of his glass house naked when throwing rocks at the ABC. As for ABC digital being different from TV, they are as different as Bolt's blogs a paid for News Corp production and news.com.au News Corps digital channel which Bolt occasionally disparages in order that they seem competition. Above is what you can expect from Andrew Bolt.
Bolt is spoonfeeding Murdoch's American ultra right formula to Australia for the reinstatement of Abbott. He's Murdoch's puppet to help control the Anglosphere globally. Basically it's all about division it has little to do with problem solving for Australians it's all to do with consolidating an alliance with the corporates 1% and government over and above Australians. The strategy is to push fear and unite recruit the most primative racists me thinkers in Australia.
- Frustration with both major political parties.
- Fear that immigrants are criminals.
- Fear that immigrants are responsible for lack of jobs and low pay.
- Fear that white Americans have become the primary victims of discrimination today.

It's happened again after last week’s terrorist attacks in Spain. We’re again accusing jihadists of being “cowardly” and "godless". In fact, five willingly died fighting for their God. Aren't the godless cowards actually us?
Bolt's cowards in Barcelona and Boston
If you listen to Andrew Bolt you can hear the voice of the American alt-Right egging Australians to war. All 9% of us that are extremists and which like Bolt aren't even practicing Christians. If he had his way we'd be whipped into shape barking one and all for a fight for his imaginary Christian caliphate. How ISIS is that of preacher Bolt. What a hypocrite even the most radical of Christian church goers would have Bolt's head for not being a true believer. Why is he like ISIS? Because like Bolt the Christian they are Muslim in name only generally going through rituals they don't understand and going through a misguided ideological and political battle among themselves. It's why Bolt spends such effort abusing rather than praising us.
Bolt's Western Christians got involved in the battle years ago when they joined Israel and help stop the secular politicization of The Middle East and Nth Africa and the possibility of forming a Pan Arabic union. Along with and for Israel the US planned to topple the governments of the secular Arab states long ago in Afghanistan Iraq Libya Egypt etc, Andrew Bolt's Christians supported the Muslim Brotherhood they were allies of Osama of those they once called rebels and freedom fighters who evolved into those they call terrorists today.Sectarian Islamisation was a method to create political chaos and division we see today.
These born again Christians have killed millions created the world largest displacement of peoples not for religion's sake but for politics and a grab for oil and they are actively blaming religion for the political hornet's nest they have created. Their belief in victory and themselves is reflected in the current-day Israeli government turning on its own citizens why because they can and don't need to openly involve themselves it what the West is doing for them so successfully.
Bolt's not really saying much about Trumpland is he that 10s of thousands marched in Boston two days ago. Thousands of Americans that don't agree with anything that Hannity, Fox or Trump was saying. Bolt's simply in step down under and disappointed. Unfortunately, the 1% and their media PR wanted Barcelona to happen in America and Bolt wants it to happen here but it's not necessary if News Corp is your resource. It all goes to hell in a hand basket however when Anders Brevik turns up The Christian mad man who kills and wounds 200 of their own. Calling politicians and Norwegians like Bolt cowards. When McVeigh turns up and shows America what Bolt's bravery means. There are 250 armed militias in America and the alt-Right like Bolt dreams of them able to be united if only someone could goad them enough to unite and fight. Luckily we don't have American gun laws. However, it back fired so Bolt has turned to Europe. However, 10s of thousands came out to march in Boston and Barcelona to keep the Bolts at bay behind their media curtains with nothing more than megaphones. How long will it be before Bolt calls for citizens to be armed?
Yet more evidence of a catastrophic mistake in our refugee intake: "Dandenong Criminal Investigation Unit detectives are investigating a series of robberies that occurred in the vicinity of Dandenong and Noble Park Railway Stations overnight.... All the alleged offenders were perceived to be of African appearance." Read on.
"The crime rate among Sudanese refugees and their children is off the chart. Who let them in? Why did police for years falsely claim there was no trouble "Bolt
Notice Bolt has failed to mention that these "immigrants" are Christians, He doesn't do for Islanders who were once slaves in Australia and were welcome for some 100 years. They worked our sugar plantations and were known as Kanakas until the White Australia Policy came in. No Bolt even refuses to call Aboriginal Australians Christians but he will readily tell you they are the most violent peoples in Australia and in the same breath tell Christianity contains violence.
The Mocker has been in hot form: "It appears Melbourne’s Yarra City Council is suffering from a nomenclature crisis, with its inability to distinguish between the titles of councillor and commissar. On Tuesday the council unanimously resolved to stop referring to January 26 as Australia Day."
When Bolt raises an issue it becomes wise to ask what it is he leaves out. What he leaves out is three other Councils have joined Yarra in voting the same way. No doubt, even more, will and they don't have Aborigines or Australian Chinese to mock. Bolt has found another woman to kick.
February: "Police are searching for the culprits behind the repeated fire-bombing of an Islamic community centre in Melbourne's north... Mosques have been targets of repeated attacks by far-right groups." Today: "Ahmed Mohamed and Abdullah Chaarani ... were [allegedly] responsible for Islamic-State inspired arson attacks ... in Melbourne’s north."
So Bolt agrees that Muslims aren't a united force as he's been declaring all along. Who is it we are for who is it we are against. We seem to be against what was once Shiia Iraq, Syria and of course Iran but we are for Saudi Arabia or is Bolt against them too when the Israeli's aren't. How is it the two most extremist religious right-wing nations are in fact political allies? the Wahhabi and Salafist Sauds and the leaders of the would be apartheid Jewish State of Israel. Guess what Bolt is trying to say here is Sunnis aren't as bad either? What is he trying to say?

Lucky Malcolm Turnbull. His government’s grip on power is now so shaky it may be too dangerous to sack him. Sack the Prime Minister and the Liberals risk losing power within months. But keep him and they’ll have at least another year-and-a-half before they lose the election. That’s now the best the demoralised Liberals can hope for.
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