Thursday, 24 August 2017

Andrew Bolt's Blog, 24/8/17; Bolt's warning to Stan Grant "Back Off"; Repeat and Repeat;


With too many on the Left it's not the principle that counts but the side. Here are three examples: on violence, sexism vs the burka, and quack Aboriginal "cures". My editorial from The Bolt Report.

  Quack Aboriginal cures so Bolt doesn't believe in science he's said it so many times before it's  a religion because he doesn't believe in in man made planet  warming  because he believes  the 97% agreement of climate  scientists is quackery. So it just must be not for any principle but the side.  However here we have Bolt telling us that science stands above culture particularly Aboriginal Culture that kept people in good stead for 65,000 years and that the two can't teach each other anything. Who is the idiot here Bolt who says one thing one day and the opposite the next or an Aboriginal Midwife that's studied both. The principle here proves Bolt to be what Australians in the main think he is an intolerant mindless wanker. However we are freindly enough to allow him to play the fool which he does constantly.
 As for the Burqa it's an item culturally significant to some very minority of people in Australia a diverse an multicultural nation. Like miniskirts once shocked and offended the sisters and brothers of perpetual intolerance like Bolt the Burqa shock them today. Somehow Bolt believes the women in Burqas are imprisoned and want jobs unlike like ultra Orthodox Jewish women who don't. It never occurs to Bolt that they don't yet he's eager to save one and not the other
 It's not unexpected of Bolt because culturally he's like a Catholic in heaven he thinks he's the only one here. Anyone else in Australia must be a clone of Bolt or they can't be Australian. There is no principle involved in that cultural solipsism with it's antipathy to the Burqua  and the need to save the woman in one that doesn't want to be saved,  Australia is diverse culturally but not according to Bolt so there is a lot of antipathy from Bolt and surprise and offense taken by others who feel they belong here as much as he does. 
Aborigines regard themselves as the first Australians Bolt however has publicly declared he's first among those born after him. There's no principle involved in this because there is no history before the birth of Bolt. However did anyone here Bolt tell Stan Grant to "back off" because Captain Cook is part of Bolt's History is there something skewed a Bolt loose in the top paddock. I do believe Australians think so.  He failed Uni and it's pretty obvious why because he alone thinks he's right while everyone else thinks he's a dickhead. His fails to communicate, empathize, listen or debate which indicates he's a man who shames himself and his side if he really has one. The LNP certainly don't look to him for help.
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Niki Savva finally all but concedes what I've said for nearly a year: her hero Malcolm Turnbull is finished. But she blames Tony Abbott: "Shorten and Abbott played tag team to destroy Turnbull. While Abbott softened him up, Shorten held back ...  then jumped in to deliver a few uppercuts. Shorten’s reward could be the prime ministership."
The fact is does Abbott want the poison chalice now? He poisoned it out of revenge which has left him a loser yet again. This time there is no Labor Government that's shot itself in the leg. This time there's only Turnbull and Abbott needs him there for another year or find a stop gap to fill the time  until he's called. A time I doubt will ever happen. 
Anyway you can't comment to a PAYWALL 


  Image result for Image of Australian veiled women and gloves in the 50s


"Mind you, I suspect West is also trying to promote the concept of a modern Islam that is compatible with a pluralist, essentially Western society, but I wish him only success in that." Bolt is an idiot and he shows it here.
The Burqua is fundamentally a cultural item found in Afghanistan generally Blue and in Saudi Arabia black. It is not a requirement of the Koran or demanded of some other 100+ Muslim Cultures. However Andrew Bolt has in the past portrayed it as an essential part of Islam which he's attempting to deny. Pauline Hanson is doing much the same. She's not bannining the miniskirt as was done in the 60s it's her rationale however for banning Muslim immigration into Australia. Bolt is trying to pretend he's not doing the same. He's calling it a dehumanising fashion
Dehumanising fashion, well Bolt certainly doesn't argue that of  Orthodox Jewish women who wear wigs and don't touch the hands of males other than family.
 In Australia women in the 50s and early 60s never went out without gloves on and often wore veiled hat's in public. There was back then a religious push to ban miniskirts and even ban Jean Shrimpton from public events and places. So what is actually bein said here that we culturally don't dehumanize women but Muslims do? Of 500,000 Muslims in Australia less than 1% would  wear a a full Burqa however the degree of  negative attention and fuss Bolt gives it and over a cultural difference is to make out how different Muslims are from him making it a difference from all of us and consequently the voice of the ultra right wing racists who demand Muslim Immigration be banned. Bolt in the meantime sitting on BS mountain probably had the Hots for Barbra Eden as veiled woman in Genie. Of course Hanson is wrong as were all those godbothers  and wowsers that wanted women banned if they wore minis
Image result for Image of Australian push to ban the mini skirt

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 When Andrew Bolt turns to phrases like the Taliban Left and the Green Totalitarians he's not debating but waving a white flag or more so a White Storm Trooper Nazi one and the threat that goes with it because he's admitting he's thin on argument. You can't get much thinner than declaring yourself an Indigenous Australian which Bolt invariably does and that he has the history to prove it. Anybody born after Andrew Bolt can't claim to be First Australians so "back off Stan Grant" you're not one. Back off Stan sounds like a threat coming from a Charlottesville Nazi who still believes Captain Cook actually discovered Australia and any qualifications of that white history are treasonous.
Councils and our Democratic system of voting have been labeled treasonous by Andrew Bolt for opting to change the date of Australia Day.
 According to Bolt, a plebiscite needs to be held among 140,000 Darebin residents and those of Yarra and Fremantle. It seems elected Councils should all be sacked and plebiscites held instead. Any attempt to for Councillors to put forward a motion on which they should vote is a "rigged" system according to Bolt. Democracy as we know it is dead scammed kaput for Andrew Bolt a totally rigged system  It will become Ground Hog Day for Andrew Bolt as the dominoes fall and he has to gather his storm troopers  to surround the statues of James Cook everywhere around Australia and tell that black mob and  the Totalitarian Greens to "back off". What will we do without Bolt's Democratic Nazis?
Column 24 Aug



The Taliban Left — now destroying monuments and Australia Day — seems strangely selective in its targets. Why attack the "racist" Captain Cook and not Labor hero John Curtin, supporter of the White Australia policy. And why is statue-critic Stan Grant peddling his own historical untruths?

Bolt logic when you have no argument repeat yourself and he does and he does
"Melbourne University has already stripped the name of famous anatomist Richard Berry from its maths building.
Originally, Berry’s sin was to collect and research remains of long-dead Aborigines, now a tribal taboo. He’s now also despised as a eugenicist, saying in 1930 a “lethal chamber” was the “wisest and best thing” for the extinction of “the grosser types of our mental defectives”. Ugly.
Melbourne University has already stripped the name of famous anatomist Richard Berry from its maths building." Bolt

And repeat yourself again and again and again




  Rest assured if Trump tweeted that then his figure is an overestimate that's less of a turn out that marched in Boston against him 15-20k. So what's that about fake news? Trumps ratings hae fallen 10 pts to the mid 30s any wonder people are trying to shine a light on why? Bolt ignores that.
Apparently, Trump's argument of equivalency of groups at Charlottesville doesn't ring like a smokes screen to Andrew Bolt or Donald Trump that marching with Swastikas and Nazi symbols armed to the hilt yelling that Jews won't rule is ok. As is the "alleged act of terror" As Trump said not all the people were Nazis and some really good people agreed with them. All of these things Trump had said were in fact left out at his rally in Phoenix. Good people were in Boston 15-20k marched. They Marched in Barcelona too but don't people find it strange that Bolt finds that fact off topic. As he does Trump waffling on about the philosophical idealism of America and avoiding the references to the specific presence of Nazis, KKK and Vanguard America and what it was they were in Charlottesville for. They too were there to tell Stan Grant to "Back Off"  or else good people protecting statues of slave owners. Bolt actually doesn't seem to have much to say about why there aren't any statues of Adolf in Germany and Austria and why Saddam isn't standing tall in Iraq anymore. Nobody is trying to wipe out history they don't see the need to honor a false one.


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Malcolm Turnbull attacks Bill Shorten in February: "We have just heard from that great sycophant of billionaires... He was a regular dinner guest at Raheen, always there with Dick Pratt." Turnbull yesterday: "It’s great to be here with Anthony Pratt... Anthony, the commitment of you and your family to manufacturing in Australia..."
What's Bolt's gripe here is it with Shorten or Turnbull? Or is it 5000 jobs? No it's no light can shine on anyone but Tony. Bolt certainly a party spoiler when it comes to good news isn't he! Politics of envy.




Finance Minister Mathias Cormann attacks:  "Cormann accused Mr Shorten of ... attempting to take Labor back to the era of socialism by committing to more than $150 billion worth of new taxes... 'He has made the deliberate and cynical political judgment that enough Australians have forgotten the historical failure of socialism'"
 Corman shows his age doesn't he reviving sayings like the politics of envy when we see CEO's taking home 93x times the average wage. The CEO of Dominoes took home $21 Mill and Bolt and Corman believe he's over taxed and there are two other CEOs ahead of him. 86% of CEOs take home pay is $5 million . How can there be a politics of envy when the take home pay of CEO's are off the planet 99.99% of Australians are Australia the CEO with that take home pay are aliens. There is no politics of envy in Australia there is an increasing income and wealth gap at a time when Business profits are booming wages have been standing still. At a time od increasing government and private debt how can anybody be accused of living high off the hog on welfare. How can anyone be accused of being bludgers when there are insufficient jobs. Bolt however laughs at Turnbull for Pratt's 5000 jobs which still remain a drop on the ocean.

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Finland's turn to pay the price for open borders: "A teenage Moroccan asylum seeker has admitted killing two people and wounding eight in a knife attack in the Finnish city of Turku, his lawyer says... Four other Moroccan nationals, aged 18 to 28, were to face separate hearings Tuesday on suspicion of involvement in the crimes."
Here we go Bolt who while praising Trump goes on his worldwide vigilante campaign to prove Muslims are terrorists. Bolt hates being Sterotyped always telling us what an individual he is. An art, opera, food and wine lover. How he can't help feeding birds and that he once also had an Aboriginal friend. He has a back story that helps explain why he is as he is. However does he or has he ever taken the time or interest to try and find out why young Muslims get so aggressive they feel the need for violence that 1.6 billion don't. Is Bolt interested in any back story of any individiual not in the least. All he's interested in is clubbing acts together not in the Middle East because that would  mean trying to analyse the West and that's not Bolt's focus his focus is to blame and shame the Muslim world and blame them one and all for the criminality of some without even asking why of any one individual all that's necessary their Muslim guilty and end of story.

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Was this a false-flag stunt by same-sex marriage activists? The media and politicians have raged over a nasty "Stop the Fags" poster found in Melbourne's Heffernan Place, using it to demonise supporters of traditional marriage and attack the Turnbull Government's plebiscite. But something doesn't fit: why was only one poster put up? 
  Apologist for the "no" brigade who aren't demonizing homosexuality in their argument against Marriage Equality. Fags aren't against free speech then. They raise kids better than hetro families because they have a greater committment for marriages to succeed tend to be richer than than the average families and more often than not are more educated. None of this is accepted by Bolt's crowd who preach the very opposite when statistics prove they are wrong. No Bolt's into poofter bashing as he is into the Nazi defence of James Cook and Australian myths after the invasion. When the media reveal the tactics being employed and Bolts warnings of "back off" or else we know the person behind the curtain reall does have a uniform and jackboots on.
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ABC Media Watch host Paul Barry explodes the myth of ABC balance: "Reports out of Canberra last week suggested One Nation had won ...  a change to the ABC Act to include a requirement that it be ‘fair and balanced’... It is a ridiculous notion, and it’s remarkable that the government should encourage One Nation to believe it could happen."
 Bolt has no principles just a team and that's Murdoch media. Losing by the way in the UK, No ratings or profit in Australia. Sliding in the USA with the Murdoch family beginning to fight with dad. It's a race to the bottom it seems. Describing and questioning reality is fair balanced and TRUSTED something Bolt can't say of himself.


More post



Climate scientist Roy Spencer is tackling Al Gore's latest bull: "An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power ... [is] chock-full of bad science, bad policy, and factual errors. So, I was inspired to do something about it. I’d like to announce my new e-book, entitled An Inconvenient Deception: How Al Gore Distorts Climate Science and Energy Policy."
  It's now 2017and Bolt turns yet again to old Roy Spencer whose given up trying to prove the planet is cooling.
The darlings of the denialist community are two researchers out of Alabama (John Christy and Roy Spencer). They rose to public attention in the mid-1990s when they reportedly showed that the atmosphere was not warming and was actually cooling. It turns out they had made some pretty significant errors and when other researchers identified those errors, the new results showed a warming. To provide perspective, we know the Earth is warming because we can measure it. Most of the heat (93%) goes into the oceans and we have sensors measuring ocean temperatures that show this. We also know about warming because we have thermometers and other sensors all over the planet measuring the temperature at the surface or in the first few meters of air at the surface. Those temperatures are rising too. We are also seeing ice melting and sea level rising around the planet.
So, the evidence is clear. What Christy and Spencer focus on is the temperatures measured far above the Earth’s surface in the troposphere and the stratosphere. Generally, over the past few decades these two scientists have claimed the troposphere temperatures are not rising very rapidly. This argument has been picked up to deny the reality of human caused climate change – but it has been found to be wrong. It seems even Spencers revied data shows that the planet's warming and not as Bolt would have us believe cooling OOPS!!
 University of Alabama at Huntsville estimates of the atmospheric temperature trend before and after correcting for various errors.



The ABC promotes a dangerous new Aboriginal mysticism, interviewing Aboriginal-identifying midwife Marni Tuala: "The old women [at Utopia], the traditional birth attendants, ... have never in 50 years had a breech birth... because they tell the babies to come down head first... It warms my heart that they know more than we will ever know." 
"Sadly, this unscientific nonsense was not challenged on the program. Aboriginal culture is put above the safety of Aboriginal children, in my opinion, and not for the first time."Bolt
Climate Warming denier Science Sceptic Andrew Bolt  Bolt has declared Science to be a more informed "religion" than Aboriginal Culture that has kept indigenous people here for over 65,000 years. Don't get me wrong But Marni-Tula has also studied the scientific procedures Bolt now seems to hol so dear and she's not making an either or comment as Bolt seems to suggest. But then Bolt twists things to suit himself so much he's hardly got a following of trusted believers. It's yet another opportunity to attack a woman and what would they know about childbirth.
Another woman deserving of Bolt's attention it seems is Hilary Clinton. One can only surmise that Trump is such a loser at the moment that Bolt has to dial back to Trump's glory days pre- election. The fact is Trumps ratings have dropped from 45% to 35% and it seems he's on the nose like Abbott. Above are the figures published by News Corp that you will never hear from Andrew Bolt.

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