Friday, 25 August 2017

Andrew Bolt's Blog, 25/8/17; Bolt bullies "yes" voter of Marriage Equality;


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Sorry, one man Andrew Barr didn't make the decision Andrew Bolt's referring to and hinting at the fact that he's Gay and consequently not a professional able to abide by rules. The ACT also plans to be 100% Green by 2040  and neither Bolt nor the government ever mention that. Freedom of state powers and territory powers aren't to be over -ruled by the Federal Government let alone whinging media bullies like Bolt. It is the ACT's democratic entitlement. 
Notice Bolt says nothing of the Catholic Church bullying it's members who put money on the donation plate and don't necessarily agree  that Marriage Inequality is in fact just? Bolt certainly works for an organization whose individuals have varying opinions yet Bolt speaks for all of them and certainly doesn't share his platform. That is bullying. He certainly doesn't acknowledge that does he? " Many same-sex marriage activists seem tyrants at heart. ""The shamelessness of such bullies is astonishing."Bolt 
 Who here is practicing active bullying other than Andrew Bolt.
Bullying isn't always physical Bolt and Dean find it easier to bully by omission. "‘Great silence’? The greatest silence in our public discourse is, of course, the silence of the ABC and the Left when it comes to the feral conditions, violence and sexual abuse in indigenous outback towns."Dean
These two media maggots find it easy to attack the ABC and tell us of their heretical attacks on Christianity as if on a highre moral plane. What they fail to mention is that the majority of Aboriginals are Christians. Bolt spent an inordinate time feigning insult on behalf of Christianity while bullying Julia Baird and raising Cain against the ABC. There is as Bolt says no principle here just a side. The ABC on the other hand addresses issues from all perspectives and formats shows in such a way as to open debate. The Bolt Report on the other hand is structured for single minded editorial propaganda. When and if Murdoch & Gordon gain control of Ch10 we just might find Bolt back on free to air TV where the reality of his ratings will be seen for now they remain a closely guarded secret.Fox News guest on military transgender ban: "We shouldn't recruit people with any kind of physical or mental illness"

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