Hundreds of thousands of people have rallied in Spain. Andrew Bolt's coward's rally in Barcelona
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PNG’s attorney general reportedly tells high commissioner Australia can’t close the camp and leave ‘international fugitives’ behind. Australian Asylum Policies are unraveling
PNG tells Australia it can't leave Manus Island asylum seekers behind – report | Australia news | The Guardian
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Andrew Bolt and the Left wing Fascists. History exposes Andrew Bolt for what he is a fool. The very notion of politics in 2017 has made a major shift to the right.
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After standing for 138 years in Sydney’s Hyde Park, Captain Cook has finally discovered something else. He’s discovered a breed of savages running riot in Australia — people who aren’t just stupid, but bullies. These thick thugs are our great new menace, not just bullying opponents of same-sex marriage.
The essence of this post is that Stan Grant has a public voice that has publicly revealed what we all already know. It's no longer the history that we are taught at school or are even examined on. If Andrew Bolt was to sit an exam on the fundamentals of Australian historical facts and answered Capitan Cook discovered Australia he would have failed. 3% of Australians are certain because they know they were here for some 65,000 years before him. Matthew Flinders was the first noted to navigate the country. Andrew Bolt has been heard to say it was Cook when in fact Cook even realized it was New Holland referred to by Van Diemand who discovered Tasmania. So basically it became anybody's story and in fact, James Cook's discovery is just a myth that Bolt seems to believe is of national value.
That myth has no value to anybody today that unifies us as a nation. Ned Kelly has more value along with Eureka Stockade and the Ballot Box along with compulsory voting unionism and the 40 hour week which are grounded in reality. Along with slavery not just of the first nations but Melanesian Islanders brought here to work the sugar cane. In all of this aknowledged history, why is Stan Grant being blamed by Andrew Bolt with a much bigger media presence for the texta on a Hyde Park statue of Cook?
If Stan can radicalize a texta raid for his destruction of Bolt's Myth then logic dictates that Bolt has a major input in radicalizing Muslim youth to acts and threats of terror and encouraging alt-right Australian Nazis to create mayhem. Wasn't it Bolt that has recently encouraged and called for the right to physically attack those that want to destroy his great Australian myths as he did prankster in Carlton. He was calling for more than textas to be used. Stan Grant has done nothing compared to Andrew Bolt in radicalizing people in this country particularly the kids he constantly disparages. The Sudanese, the Aborigines, the Lebanese the Muslims, the gays, the left, women, scientists, migrants etc etc etc. Who has the broader platform Bolt or Grant who today is closer to the truth of our untold history but the one we already know. Bolt's mistake in denying Grant's truth is more likely the reason Cook was texted
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