TeleSur | - - Marchers, on Saturday, displayed signs and banners with various slogans. Some read, “No to Islamophobia,” “The …
Andrew Bolt's cowards march in Barcelona and he stays silent. Whose the Coward? Andrew bolt the voice behind the media curtain.
Barcelona: Nearly 500K march for Peace, against Islamophobia
NSW Police investigate after cast, audience of gay play in Lane Cove have tyres slashed – ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Bolt will do anything to avoid focusing on the Main Event EQUALITY
Bolt's a 30 year professioal writer we hear :-
"The bullying of the same-sex marriage lobby exposed. How Channel 10 faked a poster. Plus Lyle Shelton, who Channel 10's Waleed Aly falsely suggested had followers who'd put up the poster. And Peta Credlin returns. I wouldn't want to be Nick Greiner. "
1) Yes advocates of same-sex marriage have been bullied. However that's not what Bolt means.
2) The Bolt Team: Bolt alt-right calls Australians cowards, Lyle Shelton ACL Peta Credlin Cambell Newman Nick Greiner and Bolt's motto " No Foul No Favor". Imagine if Murdoch's got Ch10 and not CBS TEN Eyewitness News - Network Ten
Again Bolt is silent
US Network CBS to purchase Network Ten American broadcast giant CBS has entered into an agreement to buy Network Ten. School forced to payback millionsPOSTER STUNT SHOWS GAY MARRIAGE ACTIVISTS CAN'T BE TRUSTED
Sydney police launch an investigation after the cast and audience of a play about a gay love story have their tyres slashed. Andrew Bolt's maybe right on media and vandalism but Stan Grant isn't responsible for this anti-Marriage Equality attack. I suppose Bolt will tell us they did it themselves.
"the only thing that could lose them the postal vote is their bullying — the lies, abuse, threats, violence, and misuse of power that’s marked their “yes” campaign."Bolt
The issue is about Marriage Equality Andrew Bolt. "Equality" is the word you either believe in or don't and it's clear you don't. However, you also claim we are all " equal" under our Constitution no matter color creed race or sexual preference. That's Bolt's big con he's for a side and not any principle he claims to believe in.

Australians think doctors, scientists and farmers contribute the most to society and believe almost equally that priests, politicians and journalists are a detriment to our wellbeing.But it’s farmers, factory workers and tradies who do the most for us and get the least recognition for their work. We value productive participation and Andrew Bolt is among the least productive member of society
Under the microscope: The professions Australians most value
Being made Liberal president has gone to Nick Greiner's head. He's again lecturing elected MPs on policy and making clear the party is ruled by the Left: "Greiner has been named the patron of the Coalition’s Yes campaign for the same-sex marriage survey and has criticised tactics from the No camp in trying to make it a debate about other issues."
I said the questioning by ABC presenter Joe 'O'Brien was bat-crazy. Now: "A complaint of bias has been made against the ABC after a news presenter appeared to suggest gay marriage opponents had no right to cheer gay athletes, such as Ian Thorpe. The Australian Christian Lobby last night said [it] had complained to the federal government."
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