There are 24 million people in Australia and as such Bolt, the individualist has in the past declared there are 24million individual histories that ought to be listened to be understood. Particularly his because as far as he's concerned he his is the only authentic one. It's clear that there aren't 24 mill histories because he and Gerard Henderson agree that Peter Fitzsimons isn't entitled to his. But then these two self-righteous failures don't seem to grasp the difference between the seamless exchange between micro (the very personal ) and Macro ( the very abstract and social ) explanations of events. More often than not Bolt who believes he's more indigenous than Stan Grant posits that his view of the world is immutable. It's quite understandable when one considers his position in the macro social structure or 'society' from which he comes and the shared view he has largely determined by his position in the social forest or society from which we all come. It's not surprising that he and Henderson have a shared social construction of reality as seen by us and that they alone haven't the capacity to see just how relative their view is. Their personal views are so set in concrete they are unable to see any other perspective like Simmon's might have validity. Stan Grant's Yassmin Abdel -Magied's or Petr Simmons "the historian" are all wrong as far as they are concerned. In this case, they have put Simmons into their fixed, small minded, little category in an attempt to smear and laugh at him like two pompous fat arsed little school boys from the same class and social milieu that they are. However, that in itself defines them into easily understood caricatures and decisively sad jokes. These two morons couldn't hit a barn wall with a cannon if locked inside simply because they can't envisage a difference between macro and micro explanations and that theirs is only relative as is what was being said by Simmons the loving 'husband' and not ' historian' It wasn't wrong at all just up close and personal as far as his wife's concerned. Oh dear, you can clearly feel the cold lack of endearment Bolt and Henderson have with their spouses.
Shootings in Melbourne, crime in our city ,stabbing in the ACT are ignored but Bolt feels that there is more impact to be gained in by making Buckingham Palace not regarded as a terrost attack and Brussels feel so close, almost suburbs of Melbourne. Melbourne is to Bolt no longer a city but just a suburb of the EU and that the sound of Islamic voices can be heard in Toorak. Muslim sights and sounds are everywhere according to Andrew Bolt's image of Australia and his reporting might just frighten little children of the Islamic boogie man and have positive consequences.
Australians are however adults and aren't children and we are safe and living well. Bolt never paints a picture that 5 of our cities have been declared the most livable in the world and that Andrew Bolt lives in the most livable, voted the best 7 times in a row Melbourne makes Bolt look more than just stupid. Yes, Bolt lives here and in fear and trepidation behind the safety of his press curtain wishing he was somewhere else. We have heard this message clearly and repeatedly and all wish he'd leave too for Raqqa or beyond to where he believes the heroes live unlike the Christian cowards of Melbourne.
Shootings in Melbourne, crime in our city ,stabbing in the ACT are ignored but Bolt feels that there is more impact to be gained in by making Buckingham Palace not regarded as a terrost attack and Brussels feel so close, almost suburbs of Melbourne. Melbourne is to Bolt no longer a city but just a suburb of the EU and that the sound of Islamic voices can be heard in Toorak. Muslim sights and sounds are everywhere according to Andrew Bolt's image of Australia and his reporting might just frighten little children of the Islamic boogie man and have positive consequences.
Australians are however adults and aren't children and we are safe and living well. Bolt never paints a picture that 5 of our cities have been declared the most livable in the world and that Andrew Bolt lives in the most livable, voted the best 7 times in a row Melbourne makes Bolt look more than just stupid. Yes, Bolt lives here and in fear and trepidation behind the safety of his press curtain wishing he was somewhere else. We have heard this message clearly and repeatedly and all wish he'd leave too for Raqqa or beyond to where he believes the heroes live unlike the Christian cowards of Melbourne.

An Institute of Pubic Affairs-sponsored journal article has been seized on by conservative media outlets. But there are a few problems
Why the IPA's claim global warming is natural is 'junk science' | Graham Readfearn | Environment | The Guardian

Already, 22% of California’s electricity comes from renewable sources, and lawmakers are considering legislation requiring the state to be 100% green in its power by 2045.It isn’t just California that is swinging into action as the president retreats from our responsibility to avoid climate disaster. Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Rhode Island, and Vermont will jointly cut power plant emissions by 30% between 2020 and 2030.
Take that, Trump! 5% of California New Car Sales now Electric | Informed Comment
Some of my best friends are Jews and Gays is a comment you might expect from Bolt along with I'll put it in a little bit if it hursts I'll take it out. That's the sort comments you can expect from Bolt. However the truth is that in some one or the other way if you are against Marriage Equality you are against Gays and if you are against gays you are a homophobe . Yes Andrew Bolt you are.
You have to laugh at Bolt's ignorance as abigot you'd expect him to have some knowledge of his victims. For example he says womenin full burqas here in Australa want jobs and want the freedom we have but don't understand why they can't have one. The idiot puts the cart before the horse because if they wnted jobs they wouldn't be in burqas. But then I guess he's a critic of arranged marriages as well and India has got it all wrong.
You have to laugh at Bolt's ignorance as abigot you'd expect him to have some knowledge of his victims. For example he says womenin full burqas here in Australa want jobs and want the freedom we have but don't understand why they can't have one. The idiot puts the cart before the horse because if they wnted jobs they wouldn't be in burqas. But then I guess he's a critic of arranged marriages as well and India has got it all wrong.
They can't persuade so they destroy. Leftists strike: "The fierce debate over whether to change the date of Australia Day has turned even nastier with vandals defacing three iconic statues in Sydney’s Hyde Park... The words “change the date” and “no pride in genocide” were spray-painted variously on all four sides the iconic Captain Cook statue."
"Hope Stan Grant is proud of what his absurd offence-taking at that statue has incited. Ditto with the Greens, with their contempt both for Australia's national day and for the democratic will."Bolt
So Andrew Bolt blames Stan Grant for the defacing of statues by an unknown public. He should therefore turn his accusations of media presance having a negative effect on himself . Bolt's in print ,radio and TV far far more often than Grant and he is a regular accusing Sudanese of criminal violence Lebanese for just being Lebanese attacking Lebanese. He rages against women the left and Aborigines are never from his vitriol. Bolt says it's just free speech that does no harm except in Stan Grant's case. Again Bolt is left naked casting stones from his already shattered glass house. How is it such an Australian moron is given oxygen by News Corp there must be more intelligent conservatives to choose from.
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