The Bolt Report is structured not to do this unlike the TAB
Their reaction seems a tad hysterical, after all they can white wash their statues just as they’ve attempted to white wash the history behind them. For example, this statement from Macquarie is never seen on or around statues raised in his honour:
Statues of Lachlan Macquarie and Captain James Cook were graffitied by protesters last week, in an action the most cowardly prime minister in Australian history described as “cowardly.” Angry criticism erupted from the most unexpected of quarters, confirming that the privileged mind governs both the left and the right when it comes to challenging the…
Tuesday 29 August 2017 1 A Government that deserts its duty of care for humans in its charge is one that is devoid of a moral compass that includes basic decency. That an Australian Government could possibly do what it now proposes is really beyond any acceptable standard of Australian governance. Shame, Turnbull shame. Shame,…
Is Bolt for real? The minute you hear Bolt attack a person personally then you know he's on the back foot defending a side and not a principle. Destroy a peoples language steal their children and in as little as 4 generations you will have obliterated their history and shredded their culture. The only history available is the history of the literate when the only people with pen and paper are said to be the historians and they are the invaders.. Any historian worth his salt is aware that history of Australia can be told from any number of perspectives and in any number of ways not just written. However the wholesale destruction of language ,culture and families destroyed as Bolt says is recorded with good intent no matter how you put it you obliterate their history. Bolt could well take his single minded fascist, Reclaim Australian and UPF attitude and apply it to the Aztecs, the Incas and even the Mayans. He could run the same argument tell us that the history of Mexico is only Spanish because it's the only written record.
In the same way as Bolt history is being defended in the American South by who? None other than American Nazis, American KKK and American Ultra right racist whites with the backing of Fox News. When Afro Americans stand up and feel offended by that white man's tale and record of the South , they do so because Andrew Bolt's here in Australia what Fox is doing there slapping the American Dan Sultans down in just the same way as Bolt has done here. Bolt may not drive his luxury vehichle into a crowd of protestors but he calls them cowards for not being on his side of the symbolic barricade.
As for genocide language isn't fixed it too changes over time Hitler didn't kill all Jews and neither did the Spanish kill all the Aztecs or Incas to simply say that therefore genocide wasn't committed is a farce. Bolt is calling for cultural genocide daily of Aborigines ,Muslims and South Sudanese Australians he simply doesn't want them here they all offend him. Bolt simply plays with language and words in order to escape reality maybe it's murder but it's not genocide he says. What a load of crap taking the motive out of Macquarrie's land grab. Bolt reduces and make Aboriginal death as watered down and meaningless so it could be argued that there is no historic record of genocide just as there is no historic record of a stolen generation nor any record of any massacres where there was no mention of it in pen and ink.Governor George Arthur's biggest regret was as colonizers there was never any official attempt at making a treaty with any of the indigenous tribes here like other British colonies and today Australia remains the only colonized nation without one. So bolt goes on his merry way saying the history of Australia was neither genocidal or brutal no laws were broken look it up. Well Governor George Arthur disagrees strongly Andrew Bolt Bolt's posturing is much the same posturing the Dutch did after the war to tell the world what heroes they were in their efforts to save Jews. With closer examination over time it became obvious in the 1980s the truth was being covered up and a suitable myth was being created and that the Dutch in fact killed a greater percentage of Dutch Jews than even Germany did and the number one most notorious town was Aalsmeer the very town Bolt's parents came and where his family still live. Myth is no stranger to Andrew Bolt and it's not strange he never talks about it.Bolt's posturing here is much the same historically covering up guilt with myth in order to avoid the shameful truth. Already we've seen history change the Captain Cook generations of kids were told "discovered Australia" Well he may have not discovered it or may not have been the first to discover it. But he was the first to discover the East coast says Bolt. Maybe that's even too generous. Well he discovered Botany Bay then and lied . He said nobody lived here. Bolt allows false facts he doesn't see them as a slippery slope in avoiding a more knowledgeable version of our history at all. Knowledge isn't what what matters to Bolt it's the continuous bullshit of a fable that justifies the history of Australia from the top down. Isn't that what What Andrew Bogut said to Bolt's face and Dan Sultan said on Q&A? Why didn't Bogut offend Bolt like Dan did? Because Bolt is a two faced C--- That is also the sign of a man on his back foot struggling to grapple with the truth . Whether he likes it or not the next generation will continue to rewrite history and make it a more understandable reality for all Australians. What the intent was not to have a treaty and the 200 years of consequences it had later needs examining rather than protecting those who regard themselves as mythical and deluded patriots of our misconceived past. Dan Sultan is just another stepping stone along the way to change. By the way Dan has Aboriginal,Afghan and Anglo heritage that alone makes him more typically Australian than Andrew Bolt by a country mile.
The Lost Generation Scammed. Where is their promised opportunity?
The universities that are the hardest to get into may not be delivering the best experience or employment outcomes for their students, new research shows. Conservatives Meritocratic Scam. The myth that the cream floats to the top. Creation of a lost generation. Andrew Bolt was a university dropout who floated in and out of journalism and made it to the top without merit or debt just connections. To even suggest to kids they can do it today is selling them a myth. Opportunity comes with who you know not what you know. It's no coincidence Bolt's son works for the IPA.
The Australian universities with the worst employment outcomes

My goodness. Journalist Sarah Martin, national political editor of The West Australian, tells a panel at the National Press Club that she's encountered little sexism in her career. Watch the Guardian's Katherine Murphy damn her to "a special place in hell" for betraying the sisterhood of victims.
Bolt fails the simplest of comprehension tests Katherine Murphy didn't tell her colleague Sarah Martin that there was a "place for her in hell" at all. She in fact agreed with Martin that she too had been in the press gallery herself. However she quoted Madelaine Albright who said there was a special place in hell for women who didn't help other women as a principle and not directed at Martin at all. Bolt's either dumb which I believe he is or a misogynist just stirring the pot for laughs which I also think he's doing. The combination of the two makes him a dork.
However I should point out the Feminist movement in the 60's and 70's was much more allied to the the Marxist concept of radical change brought on by a much more primitive form of Capitalism of the day and a drive for a more socialist equality for all. It however has been usurped by upper class women fighting over the the spoils and privileges held white males in a Capitalist society. It's reflected when Bolt has the habit of saying how he has to take his family on holiday how he has to bring home the bacon while putting his family under threat by working from home. How is it there is never a we in his me conversation?
The media went insane with rage when Donald Trump pointed at both sides at the deadly Charlottesville protests had been violent. How dare Trump criticise the violence of the Left! But now Antifa thugs run amok in Berkeley again, this time assaulting a father and son, among others. Watch, and see if the media condemns it.
A Bolt seems to think 100s rioting on Berkley's campus is significant and worth writing about when 500,000 people marched in Barcelona on the weekend in unity against those Bolt called brave men. Half a million marched for unity and not the division Bolt entertains himself with.
Like Trump he extracts the values involved to suggest there is an equivalency between Nazis the KKK and groups like Vanguard America when there is no eqivalency whatsoever Bolt does the same when he claims terrorists are brave men prepared to lay down their lives and the 500,000 marching for unity are cowards. There truly are psychopathic signs in Bolt's opinions.

Fairfax alarmist Peter Hannan stoops to a new low as Houston floods. He treats weather as climate and blames the victims: "Yes, Houston, you do have a problem … and some of it is your own making… As the self-styled "world capital of the oil and gas industry", there's a connection between rising global greenhouse gas levels and the extreme weather."
" This week, our hearts are heavy and our thoughts are with everyone affected by Hurricane Harvey. As climate scientist Dr. Michael Mann wrote, “[W]e can’t say that Hurricane Harvey was caused by climate change. But it was certainly worsened by it.”
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